
Douluo: The Blind One

Hun Yu was reincarnated in the Soul Land, but he had a waste-grade talent. When he was 6 years old, he lost his eyesight after awakening his martial spirit, the Holy Bow. He lived his life relying on his heightened senses that he obtained after he lost his eyesight. One day, he was walking to the village from his house when he found an injured woman. He carried her to his house and took care of her for a few days. She had lost her memories and didn't remember anything. ......... Avoid this fanfic if you're a fan of Tang San or his group, as it follows the Spirit Hall's side. If you dislike seeing them meet a grisly end, it's not for you.

Godfather_Gambler · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter 75 FIGHT!!

On the other hand, Bo Saixi, whose face had a subtle blush, also noticed Hun Tian's shyness. Suddenly, she felt an urge to tease him, but she suppressed the urge, focusing on their current situation.

Since they were invisible thanks to the robe of invisibility, Bo Saixi had to hold onto Hun Yu at all times. If he accidentally got out of the robe, it would put them in danger. Additionally, she couldn't ignore the fact that during these months, although she didn't want to accept it, there seemed to be some feelings in her heart towards him. She couldn't pinpoint the reason behind her feelings—perhaps it was because he had saved her without expecting anything in return, or maybe it was because he treated her differently from everyone else, like a normal girl.

Deep down, she yearned to be treated as a normal person, to have a family, and live somewhere away from the weight of her title as the High Priestess of Sea God Island. However, nothing could be done; her fate was decided.

With the weight of her responsibilities heavy on her heart, she let out a soft sigh. Without overthinking, she grabbed Hun Yu by the waist and flew deeper into the ocean. As they descended deeper, they arrived at the previous location where they had sensed the presence of the mysterious guardian of the temple.

"We should proceed slowly from here. Even though our presence is hidden, our movements in the water create ripples that could be noticed," he whispered in Bo Saixi's ear in a hushed tone, just loud enough for her to hear.

Bo Saixi nodded in agreement, and they began to move towards the direction of the temple slowly, cautiously. As they made their way, the scenario around them changed dramatically. The previously dark ocean transformed into an illuminated world, with countless glowing fish, jellyfish, and plants scattered around. Strange-looking statues dotted the landscape, adding to the surreal atmosphere.

But the most prominent feature was a humongous crab-like creature standing in front of a temple-like structure, its body even larger than the temple itself. Hun Yu gave Bo Saixi a nod, and they proceeded towards the temple, avoiding the crab. Though it appeared to be just a colossal crab, Bo Saixi, a 99-level limit Douluo, could sense the terrifying power contained within it.

With utmost care to avoid any noise or disturbance, they successfully entered the temple. To their surprise, there was no water inside the temple, as if the water was unable to penetrate its boundaries. The interior was vast and serene, with an eerie silence that contrasted sharply with the vibrant ocean outside.

"HUMMM..." A low, resonant hum filled the air, reverberating through the temple walls.

"The entrance for the hidden realm should be somewhere in this temple; we just need to find it," said the turtle, breaking the silence with its deep, rumbling voice.

Slowly, she approached the stone. "Hmm, interesting. The carvings are old, but I can read it," the voice of the turtle sounded. Hun Yu took the turtle out and placed it in front of the stone.

The turtle looked at the stone for quite some time, and then it began to open its mouth.

"This says, 'Thou one who wants to enter the Netherveil must be strong, and thou one should go in front of the mirror that bridges to Netherveil,'" as soon as the turtle finished talking, Bo Saixi spoke up.

"So, Netherveil is the hidden realm where the dagger is, right? And to enter it, we need to find a mirror?" she said, and the turtle nodded in approval. Hun Yu suddenly walked as Bo Saixi finally noticed that he was holding something. Upon close inspection, she saw he was holding a mirror and was walking out of a chamber.

"Is this the mirror?" he asked.

He placed the mirror on the ground as he moved in front of it. The mirror was covering both Bo Saixi and Hun Yu.

To their surprise, the mirror shone with a soft light, and soon the scene blurred. The next thing they knew, they found themselves falling from the sky.

Suddenly, Hun Yu felt a hand grabbing him gently just as he was about to crash into the ground. He found himself floating in mid-air, a soft hand holding him tightly.

Slowly, he landed on the ground, and there was no mistake—it was Bo Saixi.

Hun Yu, not wanting to be mean, thanked Bo Saixi, and Bo Saixi just nodded without replying.

She looked at the sky, her eyes widening in shock. There was no sky; it looked as if they were no longer on the planet.

As her gaze wandered, she noticed many big flying boulders, big enough to be a house, and they seemed to be standing on a large piece of rock floating.

She looked at the ancient-looking statues and buildings in front of her—simply astonishing. The scenario was so beautiful that it couldn't be described in words.

"Is this where the dagger is?" she asked.

"Seems so," Hun Yu replied.

"But I cannot detect any presence of life here; it looks abandoned," he continued his speech.

They walked towards the huge gate.

Hun Yu moved his hand to open the door. First, he applied a little force, but there was no movement of the door opening.

He increased his strength, but still, no movement. In embarrassment, he backed up.

"Hmm, this door seems to be blocked by something," he said, just as he heard a punch.

Bo Saixi had stepped forward, her hand glowing with a faint blue light. With a single, powerful punch, she struck the door. The door shook violently, and then, with a loud creak, it began to open slowly.

"You just have to know where to hit," she said with a faint smile.

They entered the temple, their footsteps echoing in the vast, empty space. The inside was just as breathtaking as the outside. The walls were adorned with intricate carvings and glowing symbols, illuminating the path ahead.

Since the gate was opened, he and Bo Saixi walked inside, greeted by what seemed like a majestic city.

"Bo Saixi, what is your height?" he asked suddenly, curious about his own height. He had never measured it, so he didn't know. Bo Saixi seemed to be just a little shorter than himself, so if he knew her height, his own should be clear.

Bo Saixi was stunned by the sudden question. She realized she hadn't measured her height in 40 years, and there didn't seem to have been any change.

"180 cm," she said, but then she realized she was taller than most women, who were only around 165 cm tall.

"Hmm," Hun Yu hummed thoughtfully. If Bo Saixi was 180 cm, then he should be about 194 cm, and Renxue should also be around 180 cm.

As they walked deeper into the city, they encountered no obstacles.

Now they stood before a majestic building, seemingly the main building in the city. Bo Saixi walked up the stairs and opened the door to the entrance.

Hun Yu silently followed behind her. They entered the building, but before Hun Yu could react, he suddenly felt a sense of extreme danger.

Before he could react, a scythe moved towards his neck at a speed he couldn't dodge or react to.

Just as the blow was about to chop his head off, suddenly a woman appeared in front of him.

"Sea God's Embrace!" A black spirit ring shined behind her. The attack that was about to hit her bounced back, and the attacker also jumped back, maintaining distance.

Bo Saixi carefully looked at the person who had attacked them. It looked like some humanoid creature, with pale skin and eyes that resembled stars, with shapes of stars on its body. It was wearing tattered clothes, filthy and dirty.

Bo Saixi stood carefully in front of Hun Yu. The humanoid creature in front of them was obviously much stronger than Hun Yu, perhaps on par or even stronger than Bo Saixi.

The creature showed a ferocious expression and rushed towards Bo Saixi without a single thought. With its incredible speed, it quickly arrived in front of Bo Saixi and swung the scythe at her.

However, she was able to dodge it. As the creature continued to attack, she was pushed back, hindered by the lack of sea around and her limited usage of spirit rings.

"Sea God Form!" she finally unleashed her 7th spirit ring. The true body of her Martial Soul, a silhouette of the Sea God, appeared behind her, and soon the fight escalated to the next level, with buildings getting destroyed.

Hun Yu could do nothing about this; he was too weak to interfere in the fight. But a thought crossed his mind—why not look for that dagger and help Bo Saixi as much as possible?

With this thought, he rushed deeper inside. Sure enough, there was a large stone box engraved with ancient carvings in the middle of the room. Without hesitation, Hun Yu moved the upper section of the box aside, revealing a dagger inside. As he extended his hand to pick it up, a sudden surge of power emanated from the dagger, sending a chilling shockwave through the room.

The moment he grasped the dagger, an intense, dark energy pulsed through him, making him feel as if his very soul was being scrutinized. Hun Yu gritted his teeth, determined not to let go. He could sense the immense power contained within the dagger.

On the side, Bo Saixi noticed that the creature did not continue its attack but instead rushed towards where Hun Yu was. In a hurry, she followed the creature at top speed, but it was faster than her.

As Hun Yu picked up the dagger, he sensed a presence heading towards him at a very high speed.

Suddenly, the whole roof broke, and the creature was coated in a bluish energy. Some kind of blue energy appeared around Hun Yu, making him unable to move.

As the creature approached Hun Yu at a very high speed, with just its speed capable of killing him in a single blow, to his surprise, Bo Saixi suddenly appeared in front of him.

His eyes widened; he wanted to open his mouth to ask her to get away, but it did not open.

The creature clashed with Bo Saixi, who was using her spirit power to resist, but she noticed cracks forming in the shield.

Suddenly, there was a sound of shattering—the shield shattered. Both Bo Saixi and Hun Yu were blown away by it. Finally, after crashing into two or three walls, the dust cleared, revealing the scene of Bo Saixi and Hun Yu.

Bo Saixi's face was pale, her hands covered in blood, as she lay in the arms of Hun Yu.

And soon, that creature was also revealed. Hun Yu noticed the extremely injured Bo Saixi in his arms. He was deeply moved when she appeared in front of him to protect him without thinking about her own life.

Realizing he was not strong enough to fight this creature, he remembered the dagger he was holding. Without hesitation, he raised his hand. Seeing the dagger in his hand, the creature rushed towards them, but it was too late.

As Hun Yu waved the dagger, there was a visible cut in the space. He picked up the injured Bo Saixi and entered the cut, and the cut healed on its own. The creature, which was rushing towards them, could do nothing.

Inside the spatial rift, Hun Yu found himself in a realm unlike any he had seen before. The environment was surreal, with floating islands and a sky that shimmered with iridescent hues.