
Douluo: The Blind One

Hun Yu was reincarnated in the Soul Land, but he had a waste-grade talent. When he was 6 years old, he lost his eyesight after awakening his martial spirit, the Holy Bow. He lived his life relying on his heightened senses that he obtained after he lost his eyesight. One day, he was walking to the village from his house when he found an injured woman. He carried her to his house and took care of her for a few days. She had lost her memories and didn't remember anything. ......... Avoid this fanfic if you're a fan of Tang San or his group, as it follows the Spirit Hall's side. If you dislike seeing them meet a grisly end, it's not for you.

Trinity189 · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Chapter 72 Bo Saixi Limit douluo


Qian Renxue folded her hands as she looked at Yunfeng, a stick in her hand.

"Start speaking," she said, and Yunfeng avoided eye contact with her.

"Okay, so who were you speaking to?" she asked.

She was just walking towards Yunfeng's room, but as she was about to enter the room, she heard that Yun'er was talking to someone. Upon entering the room, however, there was no one there.

Who could come and go unnoticed in the Elder Hall?

She looked at Yunfeng, who remained silent. Observing this.

she pondered, before she could take any action, Yunfeng started to speak, "Mom..."

"It was Ghost Grandpa," Yunfeng explained, his voice tinged with a mixture of awe and familiarity. "he said it was my father who asked him to stay with me," he added.

Qian Renxue's expression underwent a complex transformation upon hearing the mention of 'Father.' Intrigued, she closed her eyes and inquired, "So where is your Ghost Grandpa?"

Before Yunfeng could respond, an ethereal figure floated out of his body. The old man, stroking his beard, addressed Renxue, "Little Girl, it seems you are asking about me."

Renxue eyes widened, her hand gripping the hilt of her sword, "You! Who are you, and what are you doing with my son?"

The old man reassured her quickly, "I mean no ill intention. I asked Hun Yu for permission to stay with this little baby."

Mention of Hun Yu's name seemed to pacify Renxue a bit. "Who are you?" she asked, fixing her gaze on the old man. "And how do you know Hun Yu?"

The old man met her gaze, stating, "Hmmm, little girl, descendant of the Angel God, I am the remnant soul of the God of Archery."

Renxue was visibly shocked at the revelation. The old man went on to explain his reasons, and Renxue scrutinized him with a mix of disbelief and understanding.

"So," she said, looking at him, "he asked you to stay with Yun'er and protect him until Yun'er can decides whether or not to take your divine examination?"

The old man nodded, keeping the details That he was the one who asked Hun Yu to let him stay with This little baby.

"Did you tell Yun'er about his father?" Renxue inquired, her plans to reveal the truth after her and and that bad guy marriage suddenly thrown into uncertainty.

"No, I just told him his father sent me to him," the old man responded.

Renxue, despite feeling it was rude, asked him to leave. As the old man disappeared, Renxue summoned Yunfeng to her side.

As Yun'er approached, he placed his little hands on Renxue's lap and asked with innocence, "Mom..."

"Where is papa?" Yunfeng inquired, a hint of envy in his voice as he had observed other children with their fathers.

She looked at his cute face and replied gently, "He is on some task."

"Don't worry. If he doesn't come to Yun'er, then I will drag him to Yun'er, okay?" she reassured him.

Yunfeng beamed at his mother, his eyes lighting up. "Really! Wow! Mom is the strongest!" he exclaimed with a happy smile.

A/n - He doesn't even know who Papa is; Papa is just Papa 


"You better not play dumb with us, Turtle, and lure us into some trap," Bo Saixi warned as she walked behind the turtle, offering caution intermittently.

Even the Turtle appeared annoyed by Bo Saixi's constant warnings.

Meanwhile, Hun Yu strolled casually behind Bo Saixi, his curiosity was piqued by the gods Turtle spoke of. He extended his senses further into the cave, delving deeper with each passing moment.

A dormant presence seemed to linger, yet he sensed a potent energy contained within the beast's body, despite its appearance of death. Perhaps this was the energy source Turtle mentioned. But why refer to it as unknown when it seemed quite apparent?

As they neared the creature's body, Bo Saixi observed the beast emitting a golden-red energy blend. Despite lacking her Douluo powers, she could still sense its tremendous energy.

"What is this, Turtle?" she inquired, but Hun Yu interjected before the Turtle could respond.

"Hmm, regardless of what and why this is, let's discuss how we can utilize this energy to return to our original world," he proposed, causing Bo Saixi to feel offended. She huffed and turned away, but Hun Yu paid no heed.

The Thunderbird's size was massive, comparable to that of three or four elephants combined. 

"Alright, alright, let's not rush," turtle conceded.

"This dead creature is known as a Thunderbird. It's perplexing to find one of such colossal size within a cave, and they certainly don't possess this level of peculiar energy within them!"

The Turtle appeared both confused and frightened, never having encountered such a massive Thunderbird before. The mere thought of what could have caused its demise made the turtle wish to hide for the next thousand years.

However, Hun Yu remained indifferent to the creature's origins, focusing solely on the fact that they now possessed an energy battery.

"So, that's why you referred to it as an unknown energy source? You were unaware of how a Thunderbird could harbor such energy," he deduced.

"And you suspected it might have been influenced by an external factor, of which you're unaware," he continued, earning the Turtle's approval for his interpretation.

"Hmm, so how do we proceed now? We have the energy, what's next?" Bo Saixi inquired, now able to participate freely in the conversation, as Hun Yu had seemingly exhausted his thoughts.

Before the Turtle could respond, Hun Yu interjected once more, addressing Bo Zhi directly, "Bo Zhi, are you merely a normal person or a Spirit Master?"

Bo Zhi's expression betrayed a hint of panic at the question. If she revealed she was a Limit Douluo, over a hundred years old, Hun Tian might view her differently, perhaps even with disdain, for her age.

"I am a Spirit Master, but I cannot utilize my martial soul and soul power for some unknown reason," she admitted tentatively.

"Turtle, do you have a solution?" Hun Yu inquired, hoping that if Bo Zhi could harness her powers, she might be able to aid him somehow.

The turtle glanced at Bo Saixi and spoke, "There's a possibility that an external force is suppressing your abilities. This world might operate under specific rules or energies that differ from those of other dimensions. 

"Alternatively, your connection to your original power source might be severed. We might need to find a way to reestablish that connection, potentially through specific rituals."

"But since Mr. Hun Tian can use his powers without any problem, I don't think some force is suppressing your abilities. Or Mr. Hun might be special; those are the only two possibilities I can think of," the turtle reasoned, offering its perspective.

Hun Yu pondered for a moment before asking, "How do we perform a ritual?"

The turtle provided instructions promptly.

"Well, I don't think we'll need anything since we have this enormous energy battery," the turtle remarked, turning its head towards the deceased Thunderbird.

"Here's how it works, Mr. Hun. You'll need to create a blood formation using the blood of this bird. Then, Miss Bo Zhi will sit in the center, and you'll position yourself in front of her. You'll utilize your energy, as both of you hail from the same world and possess similar energy types, to establish the connection. Mr. Hun, you'll then inject some of your energy into Miss Bo Zhi's."

"I can't guarantee if this will work, so don't blame me if it doesn't," the turtle explained succinctly.

With focused determination, Hun Yu crafted the blood formation under the turtle's guidance. He called Bo Zhi to take her place in the center of the formation, while he positioned himself in front of her.

"Let's begin," he declared. As they commenced, the blood on the ground began to glow red, emitting the same golden-red energy blend as the deceased Thunderbird.

Without delay, Hun Yu instructed Bo Zhi to extend her hand towards him. As they faced each other, their hands intertwined, and he adeptly channeled his Soul power into her body.

Simultaneously, the golden and red energy was drawn towards Bo Zhi, merging with her own. Her facial expressions underwent a profound transformation.

Noticing that the energies were not harmful but rather attempting to connect, Hun Yu continued to infuse her with more of his soul power. As the energy coursed through her, he sensed changes occurring within her body, particularly towards her abdomen.

Finally, just as he sensed her martial spirit, an unexpected shockwave emanated from Bo Zhi, sending Hun Yu staggering backward.

As he slowly regained his footing, Hun Yu exclaimed in astonishment, "..."


A/N -

Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that my exams have been keeping me busy lately, which is why I haven't been able to update. But now that they're done, no worries! I'm back on track.

If you've managed to stick with this fanfic all the way to this chapter, I salute you. I know the beginning scenes were cringy and overly dramatic – I was just a new writer with no writing experience back then. Thanks for bearing with me!