
Douluo: The Blind One

Hun Yu was reincarnated in the Soul Land, but he had a waste-grade talent. When he was 6 years old, he lost his eyesight after awakening his martial spirit, the Holy Bow. He lived his life relying on his heightened senses that he obtained after he lost his eyesight. One day, he was walking to the village from his house when he found an injured woman. He carried her to his house and took care of her for a few days. She had lost her memories and didn't remember anything. ......... Avoid this fanfic if you're a fan of Tang San or his group, as it follows the Spirit Hall's side. If you dislike seeing them meet a grisly end, it's not for you.

Godfather_Gambler · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
76 Chs

Chapter 35 Not Him

The knights cleared the stones on the road, and Dugu Yan breathed a sigh of relief. "Finally!" he said. Everyone got into the cart, and soon they were on their way to Spirit City.

The journey was long and boring, and Hu Tainheng was the first to break the silence. "Hey, guys," he said, "this is getting boring. Why don't we do something to liven things up?"

"What should we do?" Osler asked.

"Why don't we sing?" Yu Feng suggested.

Everyone agreed, and one by one they took turns singing songs. When it was Hun Yu's turn, he stood up and cleared his throat. He was a good singer, and he knew the perfect song to lift everyone's spirits.

"For whom I waited for," he sang, "I cried for centuries. For whom I waited for,

I cried for centuries. I found my love, but my love belongs to someone else.

I found my love, but my love belongs to someone else."

The others stopped singing and looked at Hun Yu in concern.

"What's wrong?" Dugu Yan asked.

Hun Yu shook his head. "It's nothing," he said. "Just a song."

But it was more than just a song. It was a story of lost love and unrequited passion. It was a story that everyone could relate to, even if they didn't know it.

As Hun Yu sang, the others listened in silence. When he was finished, they all sat in stunned silence.

"That was beautiful," Dugu Yan said finally.

"Thank you," Hun Yu said. "I'm glad you liked it."

So he took a deep breath and smiled. "Now," he said, "who's next?"


The carts reached the Spirit City, and Hun Yu and his teammates came out of the cart. Hun Yu looked at the magnificent city, but he couldn't see it. He could only sense it through his heightened senses. He stretched out his hands and felt the energy of the city flowing through him.

The team made their way to their hotel, and as they arrived and took their rooms.

Hun Yu was resting in his room when he heard a knock on the door. He knew from his heightened senses that it was Hu Tainheng. He opened the door and invited Hu Tainheng inside.

"What brings you here?" Hun Yu asked as they sat down.

"The tournament starts tomorrow," Hu Tainheng said. "I came to tell you that you need to be ready. We need to make a strategy."

Hun Yu nodded. "I know," he said. "I've been training hard."

"Good," Hu Tainheng said. "We need to be at our best. The competition is going to be fierce."

They spent the next few hours discussing their strategy. They talked about the different opponents they were likely to face and how they would best them.

"So, who do you think is the strongest team in the contest?" Hun Yu asked.

Hu Tianheng thought for a moment. "It's hard to say," he said. "There are a lot of strong teams this year. Spirit Hall Academy is always a contender, and Shreak Academy has been training hard. But there are also a few new teams that could be a surprise."

"Well, it doesn't matter who the strongest team is," Hun Yu said. "I'm going to be the strongest."

He lay back on the bed and closed his eyes. He could already see himself winning the tournament. He could see himself standing on the podium, holding the trophy above his head. He could hear the crowd cheering for him.

Hu Tainheng sighed as he heard Hun Yu's arrogant words. "Being too arrogant is not a good thing," he said.

Hun Yu rolled his eyes. "It's not arrogance, it's confidence," he said. "And by the way, do you have any spirit coins? I don't have many on me."

Hu Tainheng gave a pout and left the room.Hun Yu watched Hu Tainheng leave, then smiled to himself.

Hun Yu got up and made his way out of the hotel. He was eager to explore the Spirit City. He had heard stories about the this city, and he couldn't wait to see them for himself.

He was so engrossed in his surroundings that he didn't notice the three women approaching him. They were all beautiful, with long flowing hair and delicate features. They were dressed in fine dress.

"Hey, look who is this handsome guy," said the first woman.

"He's from Heaven Dou Imperial Academy," said the second woman looking at Hun Yu academy dress.

"He's out of our reach," said the third woman. "Let's go."

The three women turned and walked away, leaving Hun Yu standing there, confused. He had no idea why they had left so quickly.

He shrugged and continued on his way. He didn't have time to worry about three women. He had a city to explore.

After some time of exploring the city Hun Yu made his way towards his hotel where he was staying as he was walking

In a room, a woman is sitting.

"Uncle Snake Lance, what do you think of this Tang San?" Qian Renxue asked as she sat on a chair, her hand on his cheek.

"Tang San's talent is very good. It is best to kill him to eliminate any future threats," said Snake Lance Douluo.


"Anything else to report?" Qian Renxue asked.

"Yes, there is a new person in the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy's Emperor Team," said Snake Lance.

"Interesting," she said, clasping her hands together.

"Who is it?"

"According to the information, the person is named Hun Yu."

Hearing the name, Qian Renxue's eyes widened. She thought, "Is it him?" She then told Snake Lance to continue.

"From our sources, we found that his spirit is a top-level spirit," he said.

Hearing this, Qian Renxue was very disappointed. She had been hoping that it was him, but it was someone with the same name, becouse the hun yu she knew had Low level martial spirit and his spirit level was 9 she can't believe he reached level 40 in just a year.

And There was no way he could have joined the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.

She interrupted Snake Lance and told him to keep an eye on Shrek Academy.


The Spirit City Spirit Arena was a magnificent sight, with a large angel statue towering over the arena. The spectators' area was packed with teams, all eager to see who would be crowned the champion.

[ Image ]

Hun Yu and his team were among the spectators. They were curious to know who would be their first opponent in the finals.

"Which two teams will be fighting in the first match?" Hun Yu asked Hu Tainheng.

"We'll find out soon enough," Hu Tainheng replied.

The referee stepped out onto the arena and announced that the first match would be between the God Wind Academy and the Long Kui Academy.

As the teams emerged from their respective areas, the spectators were shocked to see that the God Wind Academy was not only made up of its own students, but also students from the Blazing Academy.

"Why are there students from the Blazing Academy on the God Wind Academy team?" Dugo Yan asked.

"It looks like they've merged their teams," Hu Tianheng replied.

"Is that even allowed?" Dugo Yan asked.

"I don't know," Hu Tianheng said. "Maybe they merged their teams before they came to Spirit City."

The match was about to begin. The spectators were on the edge of their seats, eager to see who would come out on top.