
Douluo: The Blind One

Hun Yu was reincarnated in the Soul Land, but he had a waste-grade talent. When he was 6 years old, he lost his eyesight after awakening his martial spirit, the Holy Bow. He lived his life relying on his heightened senses that he obtained after he lost his eyesight. One day, he was walking to the village from his house when he found an injured woman. He carried her to his house and took care of her for a few days. She had lost her memories and didn't remember anything. ......... Avoid this fanfic if you're a fan of Tang San or his group, as it follows the Spirit Hall's side. If you dislike seeing them meet a grisly end, it's not for you.

Trinity189 · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Chapter-14 2nd Spirit Ring, Special Mark

As I made my way to the home, I could feel a sense of excitement building within me, despite my blindness. It was not an easy journey, as I had to navigate the rugged terrain of the mountainous region on my own. But I had done it many times before, and I had learned to rely on my other senses to guide me.

I could hear the sound of the wind as it whipped around me, and I could smell the scent of the trees as I walked past them. I could feel the roughness of the ground beneath my feet, and I knew that I was getting closer to my destination.

When I finally arrived at the home, I could feel the holy energy emanating from within. It was a feeling that I had grown familiar with over time, and I knew that it was exactly what I needed to continue to increase my soul power.

My master had taught me to absorb the energy rather than eating it directly, and I began to do so immediately. It was a slow process, as I had to focus all of my attention on the energy and channel it into my body. But I was patient, and I knew that it would be worth it.

As I absorbed the holy energy, I could feel my soul power slowly rising. It went from level 14 to 15 and then, as I continued to absorb the energy, it finally reached level 20. It was a significant milestone, and I knew that I would need a soul ring to continue increasing my levels beyond this point.

After absorbing the holy energy, I noticed that my martial soul had changed. It had been a full silver soul bow before, but now it had a golden color on the corner of the bow. It looked magnificent and powerful, and I knew that my own soul quality had improved as well.

Despite my blindness, I was able to sense the changes within me. My martial soul felt stronger, and my soul power was at its highest level yet. I knew that I was ready to take on any challenge that came my way.

As I was lost in thought, I felt a vibration in the air, and a light shone from the corner of the room. The light entered my forehead, and I felt a strange sensation. It was a mark, a vertical golden line that adorned my forehead, and I had no idea what it meant.


I tried to touch it, but my hand met with only smooth skin. I was confused and a little frightened. What did this mark mean? Was it a blessing or a curse?.

Well, I don't know what this mark means, cures or blessings. I can make as it was already morning," I muttered to myself as I made my way towards Master Yun's house. As he came out of his house, we made our way towards the training site, and he asked me about my spirit level. I proudly replied that it was 20, and that I could absorb another martial spirit.

Master Yun then asked about the mark on my forehead, and I had no answer for him. It had appeared out of nowhere while I was absorbing a martial spirit the previous night. Master Yun suggested that it might be something related to the immortal herb.

Curious about my new mark, I released my martial soul, and my master was amazed by its quality and power. He even suggested that it might be greater than Clear Sky Hammer, the number one weapon spirit on the Douluo continent. I was in disbelief as I realized that my martial soul might be the first weapon spirit on the Douluo continent.

Master Yun asked me where we should go to hunt for a spirit ring, and I suggested the Star Dou Great Forest. With my condition, I could absorb a spirit ring higher than 1000 to 2000 years old. Master Yun remained silent, knowing that my recent absorption of the immortal herb had made my physique powerful enough to absorb such a spirit ring.

As we parted ways, I found myself thinking about a certain someone. Eventually, I sighed and left the chair to get some rest. The next day, we departed for the Great Dou Forest to hunt down a suitable spirit beast.

We arrived near the Great Dou Forest and started searching for a spirit beast suitable for me. In the outskirts of the forest, we found many beasts, but their age was too low for my ring. Master Yun asked me what type of spirit beast I wanted to be my spirit ring, and I told him that I wanted a soul beast with a fire attribute. There might be a chance to get a fire attribute in my martial soul.

After some time, we finally found a spirit beast named Holy Flame Eagle. It had both fire and holy attributes, and its age was near 1500 years, which was suitable for my ring.

My master then asked me to fight it, and I nodded in agreement. I approached the soul beast directly, as Master Yun said that sneak attacks were used by those who didn't have confidence in their strength and were also used by cowards. The Holy Flame Eagle was on high alert as I released my martial soul and my spirit ring, Peacock Precision.

As I activated my spirit ring, I took out my bow and shot an arrow towards the Holy Flame Eagle. It dodged the first arrow with incredible speed, but it didn't see the second arrow coming. Focused on dodging the first arrow, it ignored the second arrow that was slowly approaching.

As the Holy Flame Eagle tried to evade the second arrow, it suddenly realized the arrow was moving too slowly. It was too late for the beast to dodge it, and the arrow struck it on the right wing. The beast let out a deafening screech and crashed into the ground.

My master and I approached the Holy Flame Eagle, ready to absorb its spirit ring. As we drew closer, we saw the Holy Flame Eagle slowly stand up, a fierce look in its eyes. It had survived the attack, and now it was angry.

The beast let out another screech and lunged towards us, its beak and talons ready to strike. I quickly activated Peacock's Precision and released a barrage of arrows towards the beast, aiming for its vital points.

The Holy Flame Eagle was fast, but my arrows were faster. It tried to dodge them, but it was overwhelmed by the sheer number of arrows that were raining down on it. The beast screeched in agony as it was hit by several arrows, and finally fell to the ground, its body lifeless.

My master and I approached the beast once more, ready to absorb its spirit ring. I took out my dagger and cut open the beast's forehead, revealing its spirit ring. I closed my eyes and focused on absorbing its power.

As I absorbed the spirit ring, I felt an immense surge of power coursing through my body. It was a feeling unlike any other. I opened my eyes, and saw that my martial soul had grown stronger.

My master looked at me and smiled. "You're a true prodigy," he said. "With your talent and your spirit, you have the potential to become the greatest spirit master on the Douluo Continent."

I smiled back at my master. I knew that my journey had only just begun, and that there were many more challenges and battles to come. But I was ready for them. I was ready to face whatever lay ahead, and become the best spirit master that I could be.