
Douluo: sun divinity

Alucardio · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Martial soul awakening

3 years later

in front of a large boar stood a handsome young man about 13 or 14 years old, with the body of a greek god statue, short golden hair slightly below his neck, bright blue eyes like the clear blue sky.

the handsome young man stood holding a large metal axe, staring at the boar the size of a large hippo, with a board expression.

"you know, you are by far one of the ugliest beasts I've seen in my life" Sol said staring at the boar.


"jesus, and you damn breath stinks, do you even brush your teeth." said Sol with an anger expression.

after Sol finished speaking he started to charge while also swinging his axe downwards.

Swoosh, Boom!.


back at the holy spirit village

Sol Is carrying the boar, walked infront of a house, Sol dropped the boar and was about to open the door but it Swung open, Revealing an old man.

"old jake, how has your day been" said Sol with a slighty smile.

"very good, seems you caught a big one this time." said old jack in Surprise looking at the size of the boar.

"yeah, to be honest i was expecting a smaller one but, life is life you know" said sol as he picked it up.

some time passes, Sol stood looking at the newly skined and chopped boar, Sol turned and started walking Towards the house.

"old jack, i finished skining and chopping the boar, tell me when the foods ready ill be Meditating" Sol said, walking towards the door again.

"ok Sol, wait Sol arent you six this year" Asked old jack.

"huh, oh yeah im six this year, why you asking " asked Sol.

"good, so you can participate in this years martial soul awakening" Answered old jack.

"oh yeah, i almost fergot about that, when is it anyways" asked Sol.

"the awakening Ceremony is Three days from now" answered old jack.

a couple of hours have past, and Sol was sitting on his bed legs crossed Meditating.

'open status' thought Sol.

[ Host: Sol

Age: 6

Physique: six eyes,

Martial soul: Divine axe rhitta(unawakend)

Techniques: Hercules method, Nine suns divine art, Rokushiki, Observation haki, Armament haki, Conqueror haki,

Item: axe, ]

over the years Sol has been training, not only rokushiki, the hercules method, and the nine suns divine art, but also observation, armament, and conquerors haki which he learned from his memories.


3 days later

Infront of the village martial soul hall.

stood a large number of kids, an old man, and a young man standing in the very front.

the young man started to open the martial soul halls doors, after finishing he led the kids in, after he led everyone in he told them to stand in a row.

"im su yuntao, a level 26 great spirit master, and ill be your guide now, im going to your martial souls one by one remember, dont be afraid no matter what happens." said su yuntao.

after su yuntao finished speaking, he started to awaken everyones martial soul, until it was Sol turn.

finally awakening Sol's martial soul, which was a large golden axe with a blade like a crescent moon, two golden protrusions with the white tips of a spear, the handle is dark blue and it features a golden semicircular guard with four golden spikes on it.

while awakening his martial soul released a extreme amount of heat, a holy aura, and a lion mark appeared on his back.

after Sol finished his martial soul awakening, he checked his innate soul power level, which turned out to be innate full soul power level, after Sol was asked if he would join the spirit hall, but he refused.


outside the village martial soul hall

"master, is there any kids in our village who can be a spirit master?" asked old jack.

"there is two, both born with full soul power, unluckily ones martial soul is blue silver grass, and the other is an unknown martial soul." Answered su yuntao.

sometime later old jack and su yuntao, finished speaking to each other.


the capter ends here, hope you enjoy. and ill be doing a lot of time skips.

also while writing this book i might make some others at the same time so updates are going to be pretty slow. also mid chapter to be honest