
Douluo: sun divinity

Alucardio · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


Hola soy dora, anyways thats besides the point, im here to say im starting this new series but you already know since thats what im going to talk about.

Im going to start off by saying my first languege is english and my second is spanish, and you might be wondering whys that so important, well because everything if not most of the information im getting on douluo is either from translated books, subtitles of the tv series, or the douluo wiki so please bear with me if i get anything wrong.

Next im going to talk about is the update schedule of this series, if you seen any of my old series then you might know how bad it gets, but im going to try my best to actually update this one so once again bear with me.

third im going to add a bunch of random things that might or might not make sense, so bear with me once again.

Last thing, if i do get anything wrong please tell me.

Dabate: who do you think will win shrek with a 100 onions or mega mind with prep time. :)