
Douluo Spirit Bead Sword

The Young Tianlin, Carrying the Holy Spirit Bead and Suppressing Demon Sword Martial Soul, traversed to the Douluo Continent and Join Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect As a Disciple Of Sword Douluo. PS: Don't join the group of Tang San, don't worship the Grandmaster, but don't hostile to Tang San either..... Original Author: The Beginning of the Fantasy Pig

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Chapter 63: Actions At the Grand Title Ceremony of the Wuhun Palace

"Lordiala, why are you so panicked?" Facing a Contra, Yueguan regained the majesty of a Titled Douluo.

Being watched by the two titled Douluo and the Pope, Lordiala was a little nervous. He knew that if he had nothing important to disturb today, he would be angered by these big bosses who seemed to be in a bad mood.

But there is no way, the news he has received is too important, and it is impossible not to report it.

"To the Pope and the two imperial lords, I just received the news that I have placed a spy in the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, Yin Mingyang, the third elder of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect , broke through the shackles of level eighty-nine, and advanced to the realm of Title Douluo. Now Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong have taken him to the Star Dou Forest to hunt soul beasts. A month later, they plan to hold a title ceremony"

"What did you say?" Bibi Dong and the others were astonished, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, but their archenemy, now unexpectedly had another Titled Douluo.

In this way, they have become a family of three Douluo, and their aura is bound to increase greatly.

The current Title Douluo is not as worthless as ten years later. Ten years later in the original book, Tang San holds the Sea God Trident, which is a Title Douluo child with one halberd.

But now, there are only about a dozen Title Douluo on the mainland, and a big empire like the Heaven Dou Empire doesn't even have a single Title Douluo. Only Dugu Bo is barely on their side, and this is just for the sake of Back then, Prince Xuexing's kindness in saving him.

If it wasn't for the support of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and the interference of the Spirit Hall these years, the Heaven Dou Empire would have been taken down by the Star Luo Empire long ago.

But now, a small sect actually has three Titled Douluo.

The matter of Dugu Bo before has not been resolved, and now the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is so strong, this really gives Bibi Dong a headache.

"You don't need to be angry under the Pope's crown. Although Yin Mingyang broke through the Title Douluo abruptly, it is not too surprising. After all, he has been in the peak Contra of the eighty-ninth level for almost fifteen years. He has accumulated a lot of money and suddenly realized , it's not impossible, didn't we already take measures to deal with it?" Ghost said.

The measures he mentioned are actually future soul hunting operations, such a huge operation, of course it would not be Bibi Dong's whim, in fact, as early as a few years ago, Spirit Hall began preparations, and there were even more than one plan.

The situation of Yin Mingyang breakthrough is in their other plan. Compared with the first plan, this second plan will cost a little more, but in order to ensure victory, they will never be stingy with sacrifices.

Bibidong calmed down when she heard the words, "You're right, but our Spirit Hall absolutely has to go to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect's Title Ceremony. Elder Gui and Elder Ju, who do you think is appropriate to send?"

Based on the current

mainland As far as the situation is concerned, the promotion of Title Douluo is definitely not a trivial matter, and they must not be absent from the Spirit Hall.

In order to demonstrate the power of Wuhundian to control the soul masters of the whole continent, even if Ning Fengzhi didn't invite them this time, they would definitely come uninvited. The majesty of the Soul Palace that even the Titled Douluo can control.

"Your Majesty, the prestige of the Spirit Hall is the most important thing. As the Pope, naturally you can't go there in person, but the people we send to watch the ceremony should not be too low-status. My subordinates suggest that a title Douluo, Just add Lordiala." Yue Guan said.

Bibi Dong nodded, "That's right, Yueguan, you've been injured too badly, you should take a good rest this time, Elder Ghost, how about you go for a walk?"

Ghost just consumed too much soul power, and it can

recover after a few days of rest. But the person who engraved his martial soul on the Heaven Dou Six Emperor Cards is definitely qualified.

"I would like to obey the order of the crown." Ghost agreed.

"By the way, take Xie Yue, Yan, and Nana together. You will learn a lot. The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is destined to be our future enemy. It is always good to know more about the enemy. Also, I heard that Ning Fengzhi's daughter and Sword Douluo's apprentice are all top geniuses, this time, I insist on letting them take a good look, in front of the golden generation of my Spirit Hall, anyone is mediocre." At the title ceremony of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, the level of the younger generation of the Wuhundian was displayed.

Both Guimei and Yueguan agreed that the younger generation is the future of a great power. If the Spirit Hall can suppress the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, then it will be able to show the world that even though the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect is very strong now, in terms of background, it is still ours.

Wuhundian is even deeper.

After making up his mind, the ghost set off with Lordiala and the golden generation. As for whether the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect sent invitations to them, it didn't matter at all.

Soul masters are all under the control of the Spirit Hall, even if there is a titled Douluo who wants to confirm the title, they still need to be recognized by the Spirit Hall. This is the dominance and power of the Spirit Hall.

On the other hand, since the title ceremony is one month later, taking advantage of this free time, Tianlin went back to Tiandou Royal Academy. His purpose was naturally to distribute the elixir and herbs to his partners, and also to send them An invitation card.

"Finally back, I don't know how everyone is doing?" Tianlin looked at the gate of the academy with nostalgia.

Because he was wearing a school uniform and carrying a student ID card, the guard did not stop him, and he easily entered the academy.

The ethos of this academy is still the same as before, the nobles live incomparably extravagant lives, the small nobles please the big nobles, and the big nobles please the royal family.

If it weren't for the Huangdou team here, he really didn't want to study here, no matter how good the learning environment is, he would feel uncomfortable. Maybe this is the so-called "dragon does not live with snakes".

Although Tianlin has been away for half a year, his appearance has long been firmly remembered by the students and teachers of the academy. Although these nobles are arrogant, they all know one thing, that is, they should not provoke those who cannot be provoked, otherwise they will not only hurt themselves, it also caused trouble for the family.

So those who recognized Tianlin gave way one after another.

"That monster is back. I don't know where he has been in the past six months. Why do I feel that his strength is even more difficult to see through."

"I know that

my sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend is Dugu Yan's classmate. I heard that he went out to practice with Duguyan's grandfather Poison Douluo."

"Damn, he's master is Sword Douluo, and now Poison Douluo is here to teach him again, no wonder he's so powerful, he was trained by two titled Douluo, that is A pig can become a strong man."

Hearing the whispers in the crowd, Tianlin showed a disdainful smile, and it is impossible for a pig to win the favor of the two Title Douluo.

They are talking about themselves, except for the Royal Fighting Team, the other students of this academy, especially the students who are over fifteen years old but still at the Tianwei level, are indeed no different from a pig.

my phone just rebooted and i lost some chapters i wrote

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