
Douluo Spirit Bead Sword

The Young Tianlin, Carrying the Holy Spirit Bead and Suppressing Demon Sword Martial Soul, traversed to the Douluo Continent and Join Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect As a Disciple Of Sword Douluo. PS: Don't join the group of Tang San, don't worship the Grandmaster, but don't hostile to Tang San either..... Original Author: The Beginning of the Fantasy Pig

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Chapter 51: The 3rd Soul Ring, Gale Wind, Golden Winged Eagle

  In a steep canyon, the wind is howling, I didn't expect that there is such a place in the Sunset Forest.

  Tian Lin and Dugu Bo walked into the canyon under the strong wind. Dugu Bo, as a titled Douluo, was naturally not afraid of this wind, but Tian Lin also seemed to be completely harmless, all because of his current physique, far from Normal Soul Venerable can be compared.

  "Yes, little monster, your physique is stronger than I thought. Now I believe that you can absorb more than five thousand years of spirit rings. You must know that it is very difficult for even ordinary spirit kings to travel here. Can walk on the ground." Dugu Bo praised.

  "Old monster, don't compliment me, where is the soul beast you said that suits me?" Tian Lin asked anxiously, soul respect is a watershed in many people's lives, how could he not be in a hurry.

  "Haha, you little monster also has such an anxious day, don't worry, you wait for me for a while!" Dugu Bo said, jumping to the top of the cliff, and then opened his wishful treasure bag, inside There is actually a rabbit, or the soul beast Soft Bone Rabbit.

  Of course, it was definitely not Xiao Wu, just an ordinary soft-bone rabbit. Judging from the age, it was only ten years old.

  When Dugu Bo returned to Tianlin, Tianlin immediately asked, "Old monster, what's the matter with your soft-bone rabbit?"

  "Of course I caught it for you on a special trip. The soul beast I'm looking for is called Gale Wind. The golden-winged eagle is a kind of soul beast with strong attack power and fast speed, and it usually likes to fly high in the sky, so it is extremely difficult to catch, so we can only find a way to lure it out." Dugu Bo replied.

  "It just so happens that the eagle's favorite food is the soft-bone rabbit, so I quietly caught one on the way here."

  No wonder, Tian Lin understood Xiao Wu's stunt, how that trick is to kick the eagle. It must have been created to deal with this galloping golden-winged eagle, lest it become their food.

  At this moment, the sound of an eagle chirping came from the sky. Dugu Bo hurriedly took Tianlin to hide behind the stone wall. Eagle's eyes were very keen.

  In the sky, a huge eagle descended from the sky. Its body was khaki yellow, but its wings were brilliant golden. Gold and yellow, the two colors that seemed similar, were actually quite different, one noble and the other ordinary.

  Anyone can see that the source of all the power of this eagle is the pair of wings.

  "Old monster, is this the Golden Winged Eagle?" Tian Lin asked.

  "That's right, there is only one kind of eagle soul beast that likes to live in this canyon. Their two strongest points are their keen eagle eyes and their wings that can turn up a gust of wind when they move."

  "Look at this gust of wind. The length of the two wings of the golden-winged eagle adds up to about five and a half meters, which means that the age of this guy is about 5,500 years, and the little monster is just right for you."

  Dugu Bo has already made preparations, only Wait for the galloping eagle to approach.

  Although the Golden Winged Eagle is not as intelligent as the Purple Fire Golden-Eyed Beast, it is more cautious. Even if it finds its favorite soft-bone rabbit, it does not immediately go to catch it, but uses its eagle eyes to go around. glanced around.

  It is a pity that it is only a thousand-year-old soul beast. If Titled Douluo decides to hide, it will not have the ability to discover it.

  In the end, it scanned around and found nothing before diving down towards the soft bone rabbit.

  "Very good, it's right now, the third spirit ability, Bilin Fascinating Array!"

  Dugu Bo's third spirit ability, Bilin Fascinating Array, uses the poisonous array arranged by Bilin snake venom, which can not only control and confuse the enemy, but also make the enemy in the array. The enemies inside are gradually poisoned.

  The Golden Winged Eagle was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the poisonous formation, and immediately flapped its wings to disperse the poisonous mist, but no matter how violent it blew, it could not shake the poisonous formation.

  After all, this is not an ordinary poison formation, but a spirit ability from Titled Douluo.

  In the poison array, the expression of the Golden Winged Eagle became more and more uncomfortable. It had already begun to be poisoned. Although the poison of this green scale fascination array was not fatal, it could greatly weaken its power.

  "Good opportunity, the first soul skill, the power of the giant python!" Dugu Bo transformed into a giant python and rushed out. His first soul skill had nothing to do with poison, but a state-type soul skill, which seemed to strengthen the body. This spirit ring should have come from a non-poisonous boa constrictor.

  Dugu Bo used his blue-scaled snake emperor to slap the head of the Gale-winged Golden-winged eagle fiercely, and immediately slammed its eyes out of gold stars and fell down, and then shouted, "Quick, little monster, do it right away, The key is its eagle eye."

  "No problem, the second soul skill, the God of Ice and Fire!" Tian Lin still needed him to remind him that the second soul skill was already ready to go.

  The two sword qi of extreme ice and extreme fire directly pierced into the eyes of the swift golden-winged eagle, killing it completely.

  Dugu Bo jumped off the cliff with the soft-bone rabbit in his arms, "Okay, little guy, you are lucky, you didn't become the eagle's food, go back to your forest."

  The old poison still remembers to let go This soft-bone rabbit, it seems that he is the same type as Chen Xin, except for the necessary training, he does not like killing soul beasts.

  It really fits the purpose of their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

  "Little monster, what are you waiting for, you still haven't absorbed the spirit ring?" Seeing Tianlin staring at him still, Dugu Bo urged.

  Tian Lin smiled, "I just didn't expect that the Poison Douluo, who is known as the world's most poisonous, would actually have such a kind side. It seems that since your poison was lifted, your character has become better."

  After speaking, He sat down with his knees crossed and began to absorb his third spirit ring.

  Dugu Bo looked at Tian Lin with a smile on the corner of his mouth. The reason why he became what he is now is because of you little monster.

  In the past, he was tortured by illness every day, and he was worried that his granddaughter would die under the severe poison one day. He felt that the world was unfair, so his character became more and more violent and ruthless.

  But now, after getting along with Tianlin day and night, not only has the poison been gradually relieved, but he has also felt a family like a grandfather and a grandson, and a friendship like a year-long friendship. became softer.

  "Little monster, you save my life and give me the elixir, then this old man will be your protector and help you reach the peak of this world."

  At this time, Tian Lin, in order to absorb the spirit ring, was united with his heart and spirit, and he wanted to defend martial arts. Soul, can't hear Dugu Bo's words, but he knows that there is a powerful old man who is guarding him, so that he can absorb the soul ring with confidence.

  The spirit ring of more than 5,000 years is really domineering. Tian Lin felt that his whole body was impacted, but he did not feel any pain. This impact had no effect on him. Obviously, he still underestimated himself. Five or six thousand Nian is far from reaching his current limit, and his choice is still too conservative.

First Bonus For 100 Power Stone

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