
Douluo Spirit Bead Sword

The Young Tianlin, Carrying the Holy Spirit Bead and Suppressing Demon Sword Martial Soul, traversed to the Douluo Continent and Join Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect As a Disciple Of Sword Douluo. PS: Don't join the group of Tang San, don't worship the Grandmaster, but don't hostile to Tang San either..... Original Author: The Beginning of the Fantasy Pig

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63 Chs

Chapter 48: Extreme Fire and Extreme Ice

  "Old monster, next, I'm going to show my greatest harvest, you can taste it." After speaking, Tian Lin's second spirit ring shone, "Second spirit ability, God of Ice and Fire!" .

  "Oh, is the second spirit ring a thousand years, you little monster really lives up to its name!" Although Dugu Bo was a little surprised, he was not moved. After all, how could a little big spirit master attack him? so.

  But at the next moment, as the Tianlin long sword was split out, he felt a strong threat from the sword energy.

  Instinct drove him to defend immediately, "The fifth soul skill, Snake and Python Tiangang Shield!" The

  Bi-scale Snake Emperor curled up into a ball and turned into a shield. This is Dugu Bo's only defensive soul skill, and it can be used against Tianlin. The attack used this trick, which shows Dugu Bo's attention.

  The extreme cold and extreme heat hit the shield. With Tian Lin's current second ring strength, of course he couldn't break Dugu Bo's fifth soul skill. However, Dugu Bo discovered that on his shield, The erosive power of the two attributes of ice and fire did not end with the dissipation of sword energy. If he took back the Tiangang Shield at this time, I am afraid that he would still be injured by the power of ice and fire.

  ' This, the attack power just now is comparable to that of the Soul Sect, but this is not the most important thing. What is this attribute power that makes me, a Title Douluo, feel the danger, and I have to use my soul skills to defend. ' Dugu Bo thought of a possibility, and then asked in horror, "Little monster, your power of ice and fire has evolved into extreme ice and extreme fire?"

  Only extreme attributes can erupt such a powerful power.

  Tianlin admitted directly, "That's right, from now on, no fire-type or ice-type soul master can be my enemy."

  ' This little monster is really scary, a soul master with extreme attributes. The combat power is much stronger than other spirit masters of the same level. It is already extremely difficult for ordinary people to have an extreme attribute, but he can use the two completely opposite or even opposite attributes, the extreme fire and the extreme ice, like an arm. Shishi, when he gets the title, I am afraid that he will be invincible in the world, even enough to break the pattern of the mainland. ' Dugu Bo thought to himself.

  "Old monster, don't be distracted, my attack is not over yet, the golden flame burns the soul!" Tian Lin used his external soul bone, and even his soul fire attribute was promoted to the extreme fire. At one point, Dugu Bo was completely caught off guard.

  His snake python Tiangang shield can only defend against physical attacks, but it has nothing to do with soul attacks.

  "Hmm!" Dugu Bo held his head and stepped back. Just now, his soul seemed to be in a raging fire, suffering unbearably. Fortunately, he was a titled Douluo, and the power of his soul was far stronger than Tianlin, so he was only in pain. After a while, he recovered quickly.

  "Little monster, you... do your eyes have a spirit bone attached to it?"

  "Yes, old monster, thanks to those two immortal grasses that strengthened my body, I finally fully fused with this attached spirit bone. Oh, and the fire of the soul in my spirit bone is also the extreme attribute, how about it, the soul attack just now is very good!" Tian Lin said with a smile.

  Dugu Bo didn't want to say anything anymore. Tian Lin surprised him too much. Twin martial spirits, extreme attributes, and attached spirit bones were all things that were elusive and unattainable on the soul master's dream list, but now they appeared in On the same person, Dugu Bo can only sigh, Tian Lin is too blessed compared to others.

  "It's not bad, but little monster, don't be complacent. The extreme attribute is a double-edged sword. Although it is infinitely powerful, its cultivation speed will slow down. The cultivation speed of the ultimate martial spirit is average before level 30. Cultivating Turtle Speed ​​between level 70 will not reach speed until level 70, so your biggest difficulty is level 70. Breaking through that level, Title Douluo is just as easy for you as you can find things." Dugu Bo reminded .

  Tianlin is about to reach level 30, which means that he is about to enter the slow period of cultivation, and this period is the biggest test for him.

  "Old monster, you don't have to worry about this, although it is said that because of this extreme attribute, I will lose my cultivation speed that is far beyond ordinary people, but at least I will not be slower than others, because I have this, the Holy Spirit Orb, and the Holy Breath barrier is opened. ." Tian Lin opened his holy breath barrier again and said, "Old monster, try to meditate under my barrier."

  "God babbling." Although Dugu Bo didn't know what he meant, he still sat down according to the words. This meditation suddenly startled him, and his meditation speed was much faster than before, "Little monster, you The innate barrier of this second martial spirit actually has the ability to increase the speed of cultivation!"

  "Yes, with this, I can completely make up for the lack of the extreme martial spirit, even if it is not as scary as before, but I am at the thirtieth level. The speed of cultivation in the future should not be inferior to that of an ordinary innate full of soul power spirit master!" Tian Lin walked in front of Dugu Bo, "How about an old monster, my ability is very good, do you want to join my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School? , with my help, at least you can be guaranteed to become a super Douluo above level 95."

  Tian Lin revealed so many secrets to Dugu Bo, except because of the relationship between the original work, knowing that as long as he got his approval, he would In addition to trusting him completely, there is another point that wants to recruit him.

  Dugu Bo's ability to fight alone may not be strong, but in group battles, his ability is comparable to a nightmare for low-level spirit masters. effect.

  To be honest, Dugu Bo was moved. First, it was because of Tian Lin's sincerity, trusting him so much, and telling him the secrets of the twin spirits without reservation. Second, it was the temptation of level 95 and above. He knew his age. Big, the potential has basically come to an end, and even if he does not detoxify, he will not have a good life for a few years, but now there is hope to step into a stronger realm, how can he be indifferent.

  And if Tianlin removes his poison, for him, it will be a life-saving grace. Although he Dugubo has revenge, he will also repay his kindness.

  "Little monster, let me think about it." Dugu Bo said after being silent for a while.

  Although he aspires to be stronger, he also yearns for freedom and does not want to be burdened by the sect.

  Tian Lin knew that his heart was already loosened, and it was not easy to push too hard at this moment, so he nodded and said, "Okay, old monster, anyway, I want to stay here for the first half of the year, you have enough time to think about it, but please remember, the door of Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect will always be open to you, this is the guarantee from my future Sect Protector Douluo."

  "Thank you!" Dugu Bo showed a smile. In his life, there are only a few times when he said these two words, but today, he sincerely expressed his gratitude to Tianlin.

So this all for daily chapter, bonus chapter will be soon

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