
Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire (I)  

"Damn it, Dugu Bo knocked me out as soon as he got to Sunset Forest, and he was afraid that I would remember the route to Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire!"

  After regaining consciousness, Li Xuanji did not open his eyes, but continued to pretend to be unconscious, feeling the surging soul power in his body, and directly turned over and jumped up. After the martial spirit possessed him, his two pairs of wings fluttered wildly.

  "Fourth soul skill, Swift Wind Sky Wings.

  Third soul skill, energy control.

  Second soul skill, light energy aggregation."

  With a sudden burst, Li Xuanji quickly flew into the air, and his escape speed even exceeded that of a soul saint.

  "I knew you were awake a long time ago, and you could still hide it from me."

  A hoarse voice came from the side. With a dizzy moment, Li Xuanji was hammered to the ground, and a mouthful of old blood almost spurted out.

  "Wait a minute, Senior Gu Du, don't let go. Nothing really happened between me and Miss Gu Du Yan, do you believe it?"

  After getting up from the ground, Li Xuanji's heart was already cold, and he had already cut off the hope of escaping from Dugu Bo's hands.

  If it was a Soul King or Soul Emperor, there is still a slight possibility. Soul Sect is really too difficult to escape. If it was a Soul Saint, then little Dugu Bo would not fight me for three hundred rounds.

  "What do you think?"

  A cold voice sounded beside Li Xuanji. Dugu Bo was actually observing Li Xuanji in secret.

  He could also feel the bone age. Li Xuanji was only about thirteen years old, but his cultivation was a terrifying Soul Sect. His soul ring configuration was even more amazing. His speed and strength were far beyond the Soul Sect of the same level. Although he

  had no responsibility, this talent made it difficult for Dugu Bo to ignore it, and Li Xuanji was very handsome.

  If Li Xuanji was a soul master with a wretched appearance and low cultivation, he would probably have been poisoned by Dugu Bo's various poisons when he was in a coma, and he could neither live nor die.

  "I think you should believe it!"

  "Don't cry until you see the coffin, then you can taste my green phosphorus snake venom."

  Dugu Bo's hand emitted a terrifying green poison gas, which exuded a fishy smell, making Li Xuanji sweat coldly.

  "Third brother, save me, save me! What did you say at that time?"

  In the crisis, the memories in Li Xuanji's mind surged wildly. He suddenly recalled Tang San's diagnosis of Dugu Bo and said, "Senior Dugu, you have been poisoned. Whenever it is cloudy and rainy, you will feel numbness and itching in your ribs, and the symptoms will gradually intensify. The symptoms will occur once at noon and once at midnight. With your current condition, each attack should last for more than half an hour. Also, every late at night, around three o'clock in the morning, you will feel needle-like pain on the top of your head and in your heart. Your whole body will be in spasm for at least a quarter of an hour. The excruciating pain is a sign that the poison has penetrated into your bone marrow."

  "This toxin can be inherited. Now Miss Dugu Yan has also been poisoned. I know how to cure this poison. Don't mess with me first!"

  Having inhaled a large mouthful of poison gas, Li Xuanji only felt a little dizzy, but with the soul power with sacred attributes, he could barely resist it.

  "Are you serious?"

  Dugu Bo's eyes flashed with an uncertain light. He waved his long sleeves to dissipate the poisonous gas, and held Li Xuanji's shoulders tightly with both hands.     Everything Li Xuanji said was exactly his biggest pain point now. The poison was the source of his power, but it was also constantly corroding him. Behind his powerful strength, he endured torture that ordinary people could not imagine.

  Every time the torture made him unable to live or die, the pain was hard to describe in words. The long-term pain made him mentally collapse, which was also one of the reasons for his moody personality.

  If it weren't for the Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire that could suppress the toxins in his body, he would not have lived to become a Titled Douluo.

  "That's for sure, as long as you find a few soul bones and inject the toxins into them."

  "That's soul bones! Where can I find so many, and inject toxins into the soul bones, what if the toxins are full?"

  "So I said to solve it, not completely solve it! I use very rigorous words." Li Xuanji said seriously. "Rigorous

  , right? Then I will be rigorous too. You can't completely solve the toxins in my body, but I can completely solve you."

  Dugu Bo threatened fiercely, and the poison gas in his hand was much thicker than before, as if it would turn into liquid. It was just a threat. What if Li Xuanji really knew the detoxification method but didn't tell him?

  "Senior Gu Du, don't worry, there must be a way. You can try to condense the toxins in your body into a ball and turn it into a poison pill."

  "You mean one? I've done it a long time ago. After my Green Phosphorus Snake martial spirit evolved into the Snake King martial spirit, I condensed this poison pill. Now, half of my strength is in this bead, but this poison pill can't completely solve my poisoning problem."

  Dugu Bo spit out a green bead from his mouth, which was still stained with Dugu Bo's saliva. Li Xuanji couldn't help but feel a little disgusted.

  "This poison pill should have some effect."

  "In fact, there are three ways to completely solve your problem, Senior Gu Du, but the possibility of realization is relatively small. One is to attach a soul bone, which can grow with the owner's strength and can be used as a perfect container for your toxins. The second is to swallow two extreme spiritual objects at the same time and use their extreme properties to eliminate your poison skills. The third is to become a god at level 100, forge a divine body and give birth to divine power to avoid the invasion of toxins. Or get the help of gods, which can also solve the problem."

  Although Li Xuanji was a prisoner, he still adjusted his hairstyle and said.

  "It's not that the possibility is small, it's completely impossible! The external soul bone is a treasure second only to the 100,000 soul bones, and it's simply a rare existence.

  As for becoming a god at level 100, that's just a legend, and it's not certain whether there are gods in the world! However, the two extreme attributes of the spiritual objects do have some signs, but I'm useless if I can't get rid of the poison." After

  working hard for so many years and finally becoming a Titled Douluo, how could Dugu Bo be willing to give up his poison skills.

  If it was a life-and-death moment, it would be fine, but now it's obviously not that time. With his Titled Douluo's cultivation and the suppression of the Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire, he is not afraid of the outbreak of the poison in his body in a short period of time.

  As for the pain caused by the backlash of the poison, Dugu Bo has also endured it for so many years, so what if he can resist it for a few more years.

  Moreover, the two new extreme attributes of the spiritual objects of Ice and Fire are both highly toxic. If they trigger the backlash of the green phosphorus snake venom in his body, I'm afraid the consequence will be death.

  "So I said the most practical method is to use soul bones. After all, Senior Dugu is a Titled Douluo. Even if he can't get a ten thousand year soul bone, a hundred year soul bone or a thousand year soul bone is no problem. Of course, you can wait, senior, until I become a god at level 100. I should be able to help you solve the problem of the green phosphorus snake venom with my divine power."

  After Li Xuanji finished speaking, Dugu Bo did not reply, and looked at Li Xuanji with uncertain eyes.

  (End of this chapter)