
Misunderstanding at the Rose Hotel  

"Hey, where is this?"

  Li Xuanji opened his sleepy eyes and looked at the room that exuded a warm atmosphere, with a puzzled question mark hanging on his head.

  The room was very large, more than 50 square meters, and the decoration was very luxurious, filled with pleasant floral fragrance, and a soft pink bed. The

  light red carved gauze curtain hung from the ceiling, blocking the space above the big bed, giving people a dreamlike beauty.

  "This seems to be a couple's hotel, I won't be picked up by the corpse, right?"

  With a ridiculous thought in his mind, Li Xuanji hurriedly lifted the pink quilt, and was relieved to see that the clothes were still on his body.

  Although he was wealthy, Li Xuanji had been living a monotonous life for the past few years. He didn't sleep at night and didn't get up during the day. His strength was steadily improving, and his knowledge was gradually enriched. Although he was only thirteen years old, he was already unique in the entire Douluo Continent in terms of knowledge.

  The gap between civilians and nobles in the Douluo Continent was huge, not only in wealth and status, but also in knowledge and life span.

  The soul master families firmly occupied the upper class of society, and strictly prohibited the leakage of all kinds of knowledge, leaving no chance for civilians. Civilians wanted to resist, but the powerful fighting power of soul masters would quickly put down any peasant uprising.

  In the history of Douluo Continent, no country was overthrown by civilians.

  Only the free soul awakening of the Spirit Hall is the only upward channel for civilians in Douluo Continent. Awakening soul power to become a soul master is the best!

  Walking out of the bedroom and into the hall, all the furniture is inlaid with various gems with gold and silver edges, and carved with exquisite patterns. The bright red carpet is covered with embossed red rose patterns. It is really a couple hotel. Elegant vases are

  placed everywhere in the room, all of which are filled with fiery red roses, exuding a rich floral fragrance.

  Pulling open the rose-red curtains, the sun shines on Li Xuanji, the customized scorching sun meditation method of the hang-up cultivation system runs quickly, and the dried soul power recovers quickly.

  "I slept well even without Qin Ming's lectures."

  Li Xuanji stretched himself and complained in a low voice, then walked to the hotel front desk and asked the waiter, "Who sent me here?"

  "Sir, a green-haired lady sent you here, dropped you off and left." The waiter knew that Li Xuanji was a soul master, and answered with a smile and a very respectful attitude.

  "Green hair, Dugu Yan? Or who?"

  Hearing the word green hair, Li Xuanji instantly thought of Dugu Bo, the wild Titled Douluo. The green hair and green eyes are signs of poisoning after the venom of the green phosphorus snake enters the body and the venom is tortured every day, and it will harm future generations.

  "Are the eyes of that lady green?"

  Dugu Yan is not the only girl with green hair in Tiandou Royal Academy. Many girls with plant martial spirits also have green hair.

  "I don't remember this clearly, but I vaguely remember that it was also green."

  "Okay, I know."


  "Boss, I want to tell you something, don't hit me!"

  A handsome and fair-skinned young man in fancy clothes approached Yu Tianheng and said cautiously, as if he was afraid of being beaten.


  The handsome young man in front of him was called Jenol. Unlike Yu Tianheng and other special recruits, he was a dandy descendant of the Tiandou nobles. He was 18 years old, a great soul master with a soul power of level 24. Like Dai Shao, he often appeared in romantic places, with a loli on his left hand and a queen on his right.   

  "This morning, when I came out of the Rose Hotel, I saw Sister Yan Zi and a golden-haired man checking into a room~~"

  "What nonsense are you talking about?"

  Before Jenol could finish, Yu Tianheng was furious and grabbed Jenol's neck with one hand and lifted him up. Jenol, who usually eats, drinks, gambles and prostitutes, has only cultivation skills and can't resist at all.

  "Boss, why would I lie to you? Put me down first, and I'll tell you in detail." Jenol felt a little breathless and said hurriedly.

  "Boss, do you know that I often go to the Rose Hotel to spend the night?

  I saw Sister Yan Zi at the Rose Hotel, and I thought it was you, the boss, who succeeded.

  As a result, a blond boy came out of Sister Yan Zi's room. I didn't dare to delay, so I came back to tell you."

  Jenol only blamed himself for having a good eye. What kind of fun was he looking at?

  "If you lie to me, be careful that I will destroy you!"

  Yu Tianheng likes Dugu Yan, and the whole Tiandou Royal Academy knows it. Yu Tianheng has been pursuing Duguyan for several months since they met. Just when they were about to succeed in holding hands, you told me that someone had stepped in and got there first!

  As a man, how could Yu Tianheng not be angry?

  "Rose Hotel, right? Take me to stop that guy. I'm going to kill him today!"

  Under the guidance of Jenol, the furious Yu Tianheng rushed to the Rose Hotel in Tiandou Royal Academy.

  Tiandou Royal Academy is very large. It not only has magnificent classrooms, but also owns the nearby forests, lakes and mountains. The Rose Hotel is just the property of a teacher in Tiandou Royal Academy.

  Because he is a soul master, he travels very quickly. After eating at the Rose Hotel, Li Xuanji is also ready to go to the classroom to continue to be his own little transparent.

  "Yu Tianheng, why are you in such a hurry?"

  Two figures passed by quickly on the road. Looking at the anxious Yu Tianheng, Li Xuanji was full of doubts.

  Not far away, Jenol suddenly stopped, "Boss, it seems that the guy who checked into the room with Sister Yanzi is the one just now."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Boss, I'm sure you'll kill me for this, but I'm sure it's that guy." Jenol became more and more certain. After all, Li Xuanji's appearance was not ordinary, and he could be distinguished in the crowd at a glance.

  "It's you, your name is Li Xuanji, right?"

  Returning to Li Xuanji, Yu Tianheng looked at the familiar face in front of him, and said angrily after recalling Li Xuanji's name.

  "You are a waste, and you are cheating on my girlfriend. I will kill you."

  Duguyan is the only direct descendant of Titled Douluo Gu Dubo. Many people want to embrace the beauty and get a backer of Titled Douluo level.

  But since Yu Tianheng's high-profile pursuit, all competitors have stopped and sold him a face to the young master of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect. It's not easy to succeed in holding hands, but you, Li Xuanji, a small transparent person, actually checked into the room with my Duguyan.

  I can't stand it, I can't stand it at all!

  Yu Tianheng's martial spirit possessed him, his body swelled up, his muscles bulged high, lightning wrapped around his body, making a crackling sound.

  "First soul skill, Thunder Dragon Claw!"

  Yu Tianheng's right arm swelled up again, becoming larger and covered with blue dragon scales, with five long claws extending like daggers. At the same time, the violent power of thunder covered Yu Tianheng's right arm and smashed hard at the unprepared Li Xuanji. He

   failed the second test, and the slope stalled. It stalled continuously, woo woo woo.

  (End of this chapter)