
Auction House, Millennium Whale Glue

  Although the Li family also has shares in the Lion Auction House, this is the first time that Li Xuanji has come here.

  According to the custom of Douluo Continent, those under the age of six are considered children, those over the age of twelve are considered teenagers, and those over the age of twelve are considered adults.

  Therefore, Li Xuanji was locked up in the Li Mansion most of the time before the age of six, and rarely had the opportunity to contact the outside world.

  When he came to the door of the Lion Auction House, he finally saw this semicircle on the ground. The diameter was at least close to 300 meters, the highest point was more than 50 meters, and the floors were more than ten floors.

  The first, fourth and seventh floors are free accommodation, free of charge for customers.

  In addition to the auction house, the remaining floors also have casinos and various entertainment facilities, just to squeeze every customer's wallet.

  Four tall girls stood in front of the auction house. These girls were obviously strictly selected. Not only did they have beautiful faces, but they also had very well-proportioned figures. The smiles on their faces made people feel at home.

  Next to the girl was a guard wearing fine steel armor, holding a sharp spear, with bright eyes and exuding the movement of soul power. He was a great soul master.

  That's right. Soul masters at the Soul Master level can already hold high positions in remote towns and become one of the few people at the top of power. There's no need to suffer as guards here.

  These guards only serve a decorative purpose. Not to mention that the big boss behind the Lion Auction House is the Fiery Lion Family, even the guards patrolling in Wuhun City would not dare to cause trouble in Wuhun City. Seeing

  Li Xuanji coming straight, one of the four girls took three steps forward, bowed slightly, and said with a smile: "Welcome to the Lion Auction House. You need to pay ten gold soul coins to enter the auction house."

  "Yes, I don't need to pay with this card."

  Li Xuanji took out a red card from his storage ring, which read the words "Gold Level Member of the Lion Auction House" and asked.

  The members of the Lion Auction House are divided into five levels: the best diamond card, the strength of a Titled Douluo, the gold card requires the strength of a Soul Saint, the silver card requires the strength of a Soul King, the bronze card requires the strength of a Soul Master, and the white card requires payment to enter.

  Of course, this is not absolute. With relevant power and status, one can also obtain a higher level of membership, such as the emperor of the Tiandou Empire, the leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect...

  "Of course, please come in." Li Xuanji

  raised his leg and walked past the girl and the guard at the door, and walked straight to the fifth floor. His trip was for this.

  Long before, Li Xuanji had collected three pieces of hundred-year whale glue, but the quality was not very good, and it might not increase the number of years of absorbing spirit rings.

  And whale glue is something that only large whale spirit beasts can produce, but whale spirit beasts are the overlords of deep-sea spirit beasts, and few spirit masters can hunt them.

  Moreover, their Wuhun City is far away from the sea, and there is even less whale glue.

  After some inquiries, he got the information about the auction of thousand-year whale glue. It happened that Li Xuanji had just broken through the tenth level. If he took this piece of thousand-year whale glue, he could go to get the spirit ring.

  The corridor of the auction house was magnificent and spacious, but once he entered the auction house, the bright environment around him dimmed, and bursts of noise filled his ears.

  I found a random seat in the back row and sat down. There weren't many people in the auction hall at this time, and about one-third of the seats were occupied.

  Under the lights of the auction hall, a young woman wearing a fiery red cheongsam and a hot body was explaining in a charming voice on the stage, stirring the emotions of everyone in the auction hall.

  "The tiger penis of this pot of tiger penis wine comes from a ten-thousand-year-old wind-breaking tiger, and it is also made of ginseng, wolfberry and many other precious medicinal materials, and it is sealed for twenty years. It is not only a rare tonic, a good remedy for strengthening the body, but it can also enhance soul power..."   

  Ten thousand gold soul coins for one time, ten thousand gold soul coins for two times, and if there is a higher price, ten thousand gold soul coins for the third time. Congratulations to Mr. Wang for winning this treasure."

  After auctioning the items in his hand, the auctioneer suddenly smiled and congratulated. With a wave of his jade hand, a servant hurriedly brought a jade plate with a small white jade bottle on it.

  "This bottle of aphrodisiac comes from the Nine Heart Begonia family. You may not know that if the Nine Heart Begonia had not had too few people, it would be the world's number one auxiliary martial spirit..."


  The auctioneer livened up the atmosphere on the stage, and the people in the audience also gave face. The atmosphere in the whole venue was hot, and all kinds of "knowledge" kept pouring into the young Li Xuanji, making his little face blush, while the two guards behind him listened with relish.

  "I didn't expect that there are so many postures between men and women. These nobles are really good at playing."

  "Yes, I was busy improving my cultivation before, but I ignored this pleasure. "

  At this time, the auction items are all aphrodisiacs and nourishing things, as well as some small toys used as fun. Most of the people in the auction hall are dandies and nobles who only know how to have fun. "The

  next item is thousand-year-old whale glue. Whale glue is a special substance produced in the brain of the soul beast whale. It has a good nourishing effect and strengthens the body. At the same time, it is also a natural aphrodisiac, which can help the bosses regain their masculinity. It will not cause harm to the body, but has a certain nourishing effect.

  And this piece of thousand-year-old whale glue is golden and transparent, like golden crystal. It is a rare treasure. The starting price is one thousand gold soul coins, and each bid must not be less than fifty gold soul coins. "

  Because the effect of whale glue on increasing the absorption period of soul rings has not been discovered, whale glue is now a rare nourishing and fun medicine, and the price is not too expensive.

  "I've finally waited for it. I must get this piece of thousand-year-old whale glue. "

  Li Xuanji looked at the transparent whale glue on the stage and thought to himself that whale glue was something that was in short supply and too rare.

  A piece of hundred-year-old whale glue could only increase the absorption period of the soul ring by a few decades, but a piece of thousand-year-old whale glue could increase the absorption period of the soul ring by five hundred years. If it was handled well, then Li Xuanji's first soul ring would be a thousand-year-old soul ring.

  Not long after, a middle-aged man with a somewhat bald head was the first to tremble and shout out the price: "One thousand five hundred gold soul coins."

  "Two thousand gold soul coins!" After the middle-aged man

  kept shouting out the price, an old man in yellow followed closely. In the venue, there were sporadic shouts of prices. After all, the high price of two thousand was enough to discourage too many people.

  Even a high-level soul saint like Flanders only earned three thousand gold soul coins as a monthly salary for teaching at Tiandou Soul Master Academy for one month. Although these nobles are rich, they are not stupid.

  "Six thousand gold soul coins. "

  Seeing that the people in the field were slowing down their bidding speed, Li Xuanji shouted at the right time.

  There were more than 35,000 gold soul coins in his great grandfather's gold card. As long as the price did not exceed this, Li Xuanji could spend it at will.

  Part of the wealth of a soul fighter, this was one of Li Xuanji's benefits, much better than some part-time students.

  (End of this chapter)