
Douluo: My Spirit Is a Spirit Ring [Completed]

My martial soul is a soul ring thus, I have one more ring than anyone else! When Tang Jiu developed this martial soul to the extreme, a terrifying poisonous mist appeared in the Douluo Continent! Am I a support-type, you ask? No! I'm the man who inherited the Clear Sky Clan, the strongest power-type soul master! at least 3 chapters a week almost 3000 words/ chapter Read on mtl websites: Same name there.

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Chapter 71: I have a domain

The people in the room were all silent for a while, hoping that Tang San would figure it out. After all, it was Tang Hao who had wronged Xiao Jiu and wanted to kill him before he was killed by the Azure Bull Python, so it was clear who was right and who was wrong.

But the revenge of killing his father, could Tang San put it down so easily?

"Alright, let's talk about this later!"

Flender didn't want to continue such a boring topic and immediately wrapped his arm around Xiao Jiu's shoulder and said, "Quick, give me a spirit bone, it's considered payment for the lie I helped you with, you can't cheat, I've sacrificed my personality!"

The master held his forehead, can your personality be worth a spirit bone? I think not!

Xiao Jiu smiled heatedly and said, "No problem, last time you owed me two spirit bones, this time I'll give you one, congratulations, you only owe me one spirit bone now."


Flender froze and said incredulously, "When did I owe you spirit bones? How come I don't know?"

"Just ask everyone." Xiao Jiu said lazily.

"Do I owe money? How could I owe money?" Flender still looked at the crowd with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"You should ask who you don't owe money to! Flender, isn't it time to settle the account?"

Zhao Wuji and the others grunted in unison, the Dragon Lord's face was quite unpleasant, did this old boy have no intention of paying back the money, and the crowd immediately gathered around Flender.

"Money is tight these days, really, I'll definitely pay it back next month!"

With a sarcastic face, Flender looked at the crowd who were ready to call in the debt and hurriedly slipped away.

Only after Flender had left did Xiao Jiu look at Dragon Lord, "Tang Hao's spirit bones were snatched away by the Martial Spirit Hall, I didn't get a single one of the six spirit bones!"

"Next, we might have to harden ourselves against the Clear Sky Sect, or even the Martial Spirit Hall, you must quickly improve your strength! Two spirit bones, I have to replace one, I can only give you one!"

With that, he threw the Seventh Elder's arm spirit bone to the Dragon Lord, looking at Zhao Wuji and the others for a moment, this was too generous!

Dragon Lord was moved beyond words, two spirit bones and the young master gave him one, not even his own teacher, this was simply too much to value him!

Of course Xiao Jiu wouldn't give the master any more spirit bones, he didn't use them himself, he gave them all to Yu Tianheng, this was clear to the master, so he didn't have any half-heartedness in his heart, instead he hoped that Dragon Lord would become stronger and stronger so that he could protect his disciple Xiao Jiu very well.

"Young master, what do you mean by replacing the spirit bones?" The snake woman asked in confusion.

"It means digging out the spirit bones and replacing them with better quality ones." Master said leisurely, this was the theory he had come up with and he was eager to see how it would work.

"Dig it out!?"

The Dragon Lord and Snake Woman both drew a cold breath, this was too ruthless for the most too!

"Young master, will this be dangerous?" The Dragon Lord and Snake Woman had a concerned look on their face, Meng Yerin frowned, even more, her beautiful eyes concerned.

Xiao Jiu's heart was warmed, indeed it would be comforting to be surrounded by more people who cared about righteousness!

"It's alright, I have a friend who is the strongest healing spirit master, with her help, I won't be in danger!"

The master nodded at his words, then said, "This time you have offended the Clear Sky Clan ruthlessly, you also let the Martial Spirit Hall take Tang Hao's spirit bone, although the Martial Spirit Hall said they lost Jiu Douluo, but their strength has still increased, Xiao Jiu, you should be careful yourself!"

"Thank you for your concern, teacher!"

Xiao Jiu's heart warmed up, then said, "Teacher, Yerin's martial spirit the snake staff, which is in the same lineage as the Dragon Lord and snake woman's martial spirit, since the Dragon Lord and snake woman can perform martial spirit fusion, can we add Yerin to form a trinity martial spirit fusion technique, with one more person, their power will actually increase by a notch, and their future potential will be even greater!"

Xiao Jiu now felt that time was really tight, this time the Martial Spirit Hall had struck to kill with a borrowed knife, so what move would the Qian Daoliu make next time?

Xiao Jiu couldn't just sit around and wait for death, he had to quickly improve his strength! This Martial Spirit fusion Technique was one of the fastest ways to do so.

The Grandmaster laughed and said confidently, ''That's certainly no problem! Our Golden Iron Triangle martial spirits have different characteristics, and I was able to design a Trinity Martial Spirit fusion Technique, not to mention this one lineage, using and already having a Martial Spirit fusion Technique, in less than a month, I will be able to research it."

The Dragon Lord and snake woman were instantly happy, the Dragon Lord gave the master a deep bow and said, "As expected of a master, thank you very much!"

The Grandmaster did feel his heart warmed at being treated so courteously by a Spirit Douluo, this was how he should be treated!

But soon his brow furrowed and his face looked gloomy, Xiao Jiu could immediately see that something was wrong and immediately asked, "What's wrong? Teacher, who has upset you? Do you want me to hammer them for you!"

"Hey! It's all some trivial matters of the clan!"

The Grand Master then said that during his time in the clan, he had just taken over as the Grand Elder and in his heart he wanted to contribute to the clan and be worthy of the position, not only did he give the spirit bone to Yu Tianheng, but he also set up a special martial spirit fusion technique for the clan, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon.

But Xiao Jiu stepped on Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon clan, killing too many people and when Master gave them the fusion technique. They felt that the master was dispensable now so they quickly hollowed out the master's rights, one by one, the clan's member began speaking against him so left the clan and came to Shrek Academy.

"Looks like this dog that can't change its ways!"

Xiao Jiu snorted coldly, it seemed that the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect was going to be inflated in the future, with the martial spirit fusion technique designed by the Grandmaster, they would probably be bursting with self-confidence and would come looking for trouble with themselves one day, but at that time, it would be the day that the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect would be overthrown!

Dare I ask, who else in this continent grew as fast as him?

The battle with Tang Hao had him touch the threshold of the domain and he believed that it wouldn't take long for his domain to take shape.

And with the Spirit ring Martial Spirit's true martial body, that would be a qualitative leap!

Any number of enemies that came would be nothing more than millstones on his own path to godhood!

After the masters had all left, Xiao Jiu stood by the window, but spotted Tang San and Xiao Wu in the garden, seemingly in conflict between the two, so he sneaked nearby and eavesdropped.

Tang San was in a very bad state, his face was quite ugly as he sat on the grass, his eyes exploding with endless killing intent.

"Azure Bull Python, Clear Sky Clan! My father was so good, and you killed him! I must take revenge for my dad!"

Xiao Wu looked embarrassed and advised, "Little San, this is all the fault of the Clear Sky Clan! The Azure Bull Python is a spirit beast, and your dad ran into someone's lair and has a 100,000 year spirit ring, even a spirit beast can't stand it, right! Let's not kill the Azure Bull Python!"

"No, it killed my dad! I must kill it!" Tang San said in a decisive manner.

"It's obviously your father who's wrong, why do you want to kill the big .... To kill the Azure Bull Python!" Xiao Wu was furious.

To know that it was the lair of the Azure Bull Python, and you, Tang Hao, still had a 100,000 year spirit ring and was the mortal enemy of this top spirit beast, and you still went, what was this if not suicide?

Do you humans have to blame the rope when you hang yourselves, and blame the rock when you jump off the cliff?

Humans are too unreasonable!

"Mai, that's my dad, and my dad was good to me! I don't care what the reason is, as long as whoever killed my father, I, as a son, will avenge him!"

Tang San said firmly, in his previous life he was an orphan and was raised by the Tang Clan, in this life he finally had a father and cherished this affection even more.

"You~~~ I'll ignore you!"

Xiao Wu stomped her foot in anger, because Tang Hao is your father, you can be unreasonable? Da Ming is still my brother who has lived with me for 100,000 years!

Xiao Wu huffed flipped her scorpion braid and rushed towards Xiao Jiu's room, she wanted to settle the score with the culprit!

Xiao Jiu smacked his lips, Tang Hao seemed to have pitted his own son this time!

Should I add a little fire myself?

She had to sort out Xiao Wu's values and world view, she couldn't let Xiao San lead her astray!

Bang! ~~

Xiao Jiu's door was kicked open by Xiao Wu, who huffed before slamming the door hard!

When Xiao Wu saw Xiao Jiu sitting leisurely on the sofa drinking tea, she became furious and pointed at Xiao Jiu and questioned, "Was it really Da Ming who killed Tang Hao?"

"Yes!" Tang Jiu nodded her head.

"You must have done it on purpose!" Xiao Wu stomped her foot in anger.

"What else should I do? Let Tang Hao kill me? I'm your brother! You can't turn your elbow out!" Xiao Jiu rubbed Xiao Wu's head, which she shook her head to shake it off.

"But, but you can have Da Ming knock him out!" Mai's beamed.

"Xiao Wu, do you think Da Ming will listen to me? As soon as Tang Hao's 100,000 year spirit ring lit up, he was destined to be hammered to death by Da Ming!"

Xiao Wu also knew this was the truth, but then she glared at Xiao Jiu in exasperation and said, "Why did you tell Xiao San that it was Da Ming who killed Tang Hao, you could have said it was the Martial Spirit Hall! You're so bad."

"As a matter of fact, someone from the Martial Spirit Hall really went for it! But I didn't plant evidence on the Martial Spirit Hall." Xiao Jiu said solemnly.

"Why?" Mai puffed up in anger and glared at Xiao Jiu.

"Because, I'm doing it to protect you!"

Xiao Jiu said solemnly, "Ghost Douluo has actually been following the Seventh Elder of the Clear Sky Sect, and he has also discovered your identity, there are two forces in the Martial Spirit Hall, one is the Grand Elder Qiandao Liu, and the other is Pope Bibidong, if the Martial Spirit Hall is brought into this, there is a chance that Bibidong will notice your existence!"

"The Grand Elder doesn't lack spirit rings and spirit bones, but Bibidong does! If she leads her forces to pour out, you'll just escape to the Great Star Dou Forest, and Da Ming Er Ming won't be able to protect you!"

Xiao Jiu's words made Xiao Wu's eyes go red, the name Bibidong brought back some very bad memories for her.

Xiao Wu looked at Xiao Jiu, at this moment, she felt that she was too willful, she was thinking of letting Daming hammer Xiao Jiu before, but she didn't think that Xiao Jiu was doing all this for herself!

Thinking about when the Seventh Elder of the Clear Sky Clan descended, it was Xiao Jiu who stood in her way, Xiao Wu felt so warm, a feeling of hiding behind her mother!

Her gaze towards Xiao Jiu took on a hint of affection, like she was looking at Da Ming.

"Xiao Wu, if Tang Hao didn't die, you will also be in danger, he only has the clan in his heart, and when the day comes that sacrificing you can save the Clear Sky Clan, he will not hesitate to kill you!"

Xiao Jiu affirmed.

"How could that be! Didn't you say that Xiao San's mother was also a 100,000 year spirit beast?" Xiao Wu didn't believe it.

"To Tang Hao, Junior's mother is his wife and you're an outsider! How can you possibly be compared!

Tang Hao was present when the Seventh Elder struck out at you, did he ever step in to stop the Seventh Elder? Tang Hao would even think that you were too close to Junior and would harm him, Tang Hao would never let the tragedy that happened to him, happen to his own son again!"

Xiao Jiu's words made Xiao Wu freeze.

Yeah, Tang Hao didn't stop the Seventh Elder from killing her, but he wanted to save the Seventh Elder! Wasn't that obvious enough?

Only when Tang San was in danger would Tang Hao step in!

"He wants me to die!" Xiao Wu's eyes were wide with anger, her mother was right, the Titled Douluo and the 100,000 year spirit beast were mortal enemies!

"If you die, the Clear Sky Clan will get the 100,000 year spirit bones, and his son won't invite death to protect you, so why wouldn't Tang Hao be happy to do that?

Do you say, did Tang Hao deserve to die? Did Da Ming killing him was right?"

Xiao Jiu touched Xiao Wu's head, and this time she didn't resist, but nodded solemnly.

Xiao Wu was a soft-boned charming rabbit, she could feel Xiao Jiu's kindness towards her and was certainly willing to believe Xiao Jiu's words.

"Brother Jiu, I was wrong to blame you!"

Xiao Wu spat out her tongue in embarrassment, then made a few very cute faces and shook Xiao Jiu's arm curtly, "Brother Jiu, but what if Little San wants to kill Da Ming? You think of something for me, okay!"

"Tang Hao sought his own death, first, he wanted to kill me, then he connived at the Seventh Elder to kill you, and he still wanted to kill me by force, knowing that Daming was there, he's considered himself seeking death! If Tang San knew what was right, he would know that his father was to blame, and if he had to kill Da Ming, that means he doesn't care about you! We're in the right! From now on, everyone will help you persuade him!"

Xiao Jiu stroked Xiao Wu's head and said.


Xiao Wu felt that Xiao Jiu had a good point! Tang Hao wants to kill us, and we're not allowed to fight back? If Xiao San tries to kill Da Ming in the future, hmph, I'll just ignore you!

Xiao Wu was happy that Xiao Jiu's words had cleared her mind, she didn't have to struggle with the question of who to help anymore, but rather that Xiao San shouldn't have bothered with Da Ming!

"I'm off! Good night Brother Jiu!"

Xiao Wu smiled sweetly with a crooked head and left the room with cheerful steps, humming a cheerful tune with her mouth, her scorpion braid fluttering as she bounced and disappeared down the corridor.

Xiao Jiu laughed, in the future, if Xiao San had to seek revenge on him, wouldn't he have to lose his wife first?

My stupid brother! Why should I tell you that it was Da Ming who killed Tang Hao, just to dig a hole for yourself!

So that you can fall on your face before you come after me!

If you're like your father and can't tell right from wrong, then don't blame me for taking everything away from you!

Only after dealing with these things did Xiao Jiu start to explore the domain.

Within Xiao Jiu's body, there was a particular evil force, which was the energy of the Death god domain, and when this energy was released outside of the body, it could affect one's mind, and if the outgoing range was large enough, it was the domain.

However, the problem Xiao Jiu faced was that he was unable to create this power.

The Death God Domain power came from the Shura God, which should have been changed by the gods after taking part in the so-called god's test and having its system changed by the gods.

"This amount of power I absorbed will be released once at most, and then it will be consumed, without a continuous supply of energy, this so-called domain is disposable!"

Xiao Jiu was at a loss, he used various methods to try and replenish and grow this power, but to no avail.

The power of a deity, and spirit power, were not at all the same level of power, they were as different as steel and tofu.

Suddenly, Xiao Jiu's eyes lit up.

"How silly of me! I don't have the power of a Shura God, so why do I need to think about the Death God Domain!"

"A domain is nothing more than a highly purified form of energy that is then released to form a ranged suppression skill, within which one's battle power is enhanced and the enemy's battle power is weakened.

I have no divine power, but I have the power of the elements! Ice, fire, thunder, and gold, aren't they all elemental powers?"

Xiao Jiu immediately released his martial spirit, then opened the Cursed Seal of Heaven and transformed into his final form.

The golden bat wings opened, and Xiao Jiu felt the various elements within his body like his arms.

"What I'm best at is ice, so let's break through from the ice element!"

Ice-blue light shone on Xiao Jiu's body, and the Taiji fish on his brow spun faster and faster. Xiao Jiu transformed all his spirit power into ice power, the ice element in his inner body became more and more dense, his control of ice became more and more skillful, and ice made him feel more and more intimate, as if it was his own hands and feet.

Click, click, click

Ice, spreading from within Xiao Jiu's body, gradually spread over his room, and then the temperature of the ice got lower and lower and lower ....

Bang! ~~

A porcelain bottle was frozen and cracked, then more and more things couldn't withstand the low temperature and were shattered by the freezing ....