
Douluo: My Spirit Is a Spirit Ring [Completed]

My martial soul is a soul ring thus, I have one more ring than anyone else! When Tang Jiu developed this martial soul to the extreme, a terrifying poisonous mist appeared in the Douluo Continent! Am I a support-type, you ask? No! I'm the man who inherited the Clear Sky Clan, the strongest power-type soul master! at least 3 chapters a week almost 3000 words/ chapter Read on mtl websites: Same name there.

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Chapter 68: Deathgod Domain

The ruins of Shrek Academy.

The crowd was deeply shocked by Xiao Jiu.

That was a level 91 Blazing Sun Douluo, a strong member of the Clear Sky Sect, and possessed an extremely high-quality Artifact Martial Spirit Spirit Skill, a Martial Spirit Splitter.

But such a terrifying existence was just killed by Xiao Jiu and robbed of the spirit bone!

What was even more terrifying was that Xiao Jiu was going to challenge Tang Hao! That was the number one of the Clear Sky Clan, and just now, one person and one hammer had killed them all in seconds!

"Haha~~ I have also been involved in the battle to kill the Titled Douluo, cool!"

The Dragon Lord laughed openly, it was something he could brag about for the rest of his life!

What's more, with two-spirit bones, how could he get another one, his strength would step up another notch, soon he could reach level 86, or even 87!

At this rate, he might become a Titled Douluo in a year's time!

The Dragon Lord was about to laugh himself silly.

Snake Woman, on the other hand, said conspiratorially, "Since Young Master and Tang Hao are already immortal, shouldn't Tang San be taken care of first..."

The Grandmaster suddenly chided, "Tang San is my disciple, he is him and Tang Hao is Tang Hao!"

After saying that, the Grandmaster sternly swept a circle of people and said, "Xiao San, Xiao Jiu, both are my disciples, both are Shrek's people, we can't treat the two differently like Tang Hao did. This child, Little San, will not be the same as Tang Hao, he will not identify with the Clear Sky Sect. Moreover, Little San and Xiao Jiu have a good relationship, and Xiao Jiu won't strike out against Little San!"

"Is that so?" The snake woman obviously didn't believe it.

"You don't understand Xiao Jiu, he's very proud, if Xiao Jiu doesn't even have the confidence to outwit Little San in the future, then he's not Xiao Jiu! As long as Little San doesn't betray him, Xiao Jiu will never strike out at Little San, this child Xiao Jiu is very affectionate!"

The Grand Master affirmed.

The Dragon Lord laughed loudly and nodded in agreement, "The Young Master was able to kill the Titled Douluo with our assistance, how could he be afraid of Tang San becoming his enemy? Grandmaster is right!

Old woman, don't just make decisions for Young Master, they grew up together after all, a true brotherhood, this is Young Master's family matter, don't get involved!"

Only then did the Master's face ease up considerably, and he looked at Flender and Zhao Wuji again, "I know that everyone has grievances against Tang Hao and the Clear Sky Clan, but Junior doesn't know anything about it! Little San is one of our Shrek students, I hope everyone can act as a teacher and give him tolerance and understanding! We can't be following Tang Hao's path!"

"Moreover, the Senior Spirit Master Academy Competition will soon take place, and there is a chance that Xiao Jiu will not be able to participate, Little San is our reliance to win the championship, and the responsibility of making a name for Shrek will be his, Flender, you should know clearly which is more important!"

Flender nodded, "Right, since Little San is our Shrek cadet, we should protect him, and if he doesn't fail us, we should be a good teacher! We're Shrek's, we're monsters"

"Hiss~~ it really hurts! That bastard Tang Hao hit too hard!"

Flender said almost moved but suddenly grinned in pain, making the crowd couldn't help but laugh out loud, the dull atmosphere just now was swept away, Flender eyes turned and gave the master a wistful glance, in his heart, he secretly said: Xiao Gang, brother I'm broke, you're still worth something now, don't blame brother for betraying you, Er Long sister is waiting for you!

Using you to exchange for an academy, this deal is too good to be true!

"Let's go, Shao Xin and the others have arranged for the kids to go to Sotto City, they don't know what we have here yet, no one should mention it to the kids, let's meet up with them."

Flender said and looked at the dragon lord, he said with a heated smile, "Dragon lord, I'm broke, why don't you lend me some money first."

Lord Dragon was a bit hesitant, Flender directly hooked his shoulder and said, "I have this relationship with Xiao Jiu, are you still afraid that I won't pay you back?"

Lord Dragon sighed and said, "I'm not afraid that you won't pay me back, if you don't pay me back, I'll hammer you to death! I'm just afraid that you won't have the money to pay back in the future because of your unlucky look!"

Flender was choked to death, then quietly came up to the Dragon Lord's ear and said, "If I can't pay back the money, I can play matchmaker for your granddaughter, I'm familiar with Xiao Jiu! ~~ Hey, hey, you'll make a big profit on this deal."

He was hesitating about how much to borrow when Flender snatched it all away and said joyfully, "Today, it's on me! Whoever wants to order the food, don't be polite!"

"You are so generous!"

The Dragon Lord's face was dark, he felt that this guy Flender really owed it to himself!


On the other side, Tang Hao was chasing Xiao Jiu to death, vowing to cut him down.

"Tang Hao, have you eaten yet?"

"Tang Hao, you saw it just now, the Seventh Elder hates you, why do you think you attract so much hate? Tang Hao, what have you done that people are angry with you? Come and tell me about the journey of your heart, I'll analyse for you what went wrong with you!"

As Xiao Jiu flew, he teased Tang Hao, not forgetting to use spirit deprivation and keep drawing spirit power.

Speaking of the Seventh Elder, Tang Hao felt unbearable, it was all because of this bastard in front of him, he had raised him with good intentions, yet he treated himself like this, what a waste!

Tang Hao's eyes became even redder and he said angrily, "The most wrong thing I did was not to kill you earlier!"

The more Tang Hao thought about it, the more upset he was, if Xiao Jiu had died earlier, then none of this would have happened! Could the Seventh Elder have died so stifled?

Remorse, guilt, filled his heart, the extreme negative emotions were eating up his sanity little by little, his mind couldn't allow for anything more, he only wanted to kill Xiao Jiu, forever!

"Is that so?"

Xiao Jiu laughed loudly and sang cheerfully.

"Come on, it's hard, you just can't catch me!"

"Come on, stab and scratch, I just can't die!"

This look on Xiao Jiu's face made Tang Hao's anger even greater, and he couldn't help but have a question in his mind, how could this bastard who kept causing deaths, not be able to die?

He had watched Xiao Jiu go further and further down the road of death with his own eyes, but he was getting stronger and stronger, how come there hadn't been a single accident?

Why was God so unjust?

Ah Yin, so beautiful, had to suffer such a fate.

Tang San, so obedient and understanding, was not given such an unbelievable talent.

On the contrary, Xiao Jiu, the son of such a scapegoat, had to be treated so favourably by the heavens, why was his martial spirit a spirit ring? How wonderful it would be if this talent was given to Xiao San!

Why is this world so unfair to me!

Tang Hao's mind was already filled with envy and extreme hatred, and he didn't know how long had passed when he suddenly noticed that Xiao Jiu's speed had slowed down and had reached his attack range.

Tang Hao was not hesitating.

"Great Sumeru Hammer!"

The Clear Sky Hammer grew a hundred meters against the wind, and the ninth demonic red spirit ring on Tang Hao's body lit up, making the black Clear Sky Hammer turn red.

"Go to hell~~" Tang Hao raised his right hand and pressed it downwards, and he saw Xiao Jiu standing there motionless as if he had given up resistance.

Xiao Jiu smiled heatedly, "Now it begins, orgy!"


Tang Hao's pupils suddenly shrank as a mountain peak suddenly moved in front of him, no, it was a huge spirit beast!

Its skin was better than rock hard, and it was densely covered with earthy yellow fluorescent patterns, which was a gorgeous effect of spirit power escaping majestically.

And Xiao Jiu was standing on the shoulder of this giant beast.

"Titan Giant Ape!"

Only then did Tang Hao realise that he had unknowingly chased after him within the restricted area of the Star Dou Great Forest!

Xiao Jiu laughed loudly and patted the Titan Giant Ape's head, saying, "Xiao Ming, go! Let him know who is the king of power!"

"Roar! ~~~~"

The titan ape hammered its chest excitedly, and its robust legs stamped the ground so hard that the whole forest wailed and trembled.

The giant titan leapt up and swung his fist towards the giant hammer that stretched across the sky.

There was a dull crashing sound in the air as the hammer came down and crushed everything with the might of a titan.

The ear-piercing sound blasted the eardrums of the spirit beasts, and the tyrannical spirit power swept up a gale of wind, causing the surrounding trees to crush their branches.

Boom! ~~~

The Clear Sky Hammer was smashed away by the Titan Ape's fist, and a flush appeared on Tang Hao's face as his body trembled slightly.

The Titan Giant Ape landed with a boom and raised the sky with a roar, "I'm the father you can't afford to mess with!"

Tang Hao's face twitched straight, he really wanted to smash this giant ape's mouth with a hammer!

Yes, he had lost, his strength had lost to the Titan Ape, even though he had a 100,000-year spirit ring, he was still slightly inferior to a real power-type spirit beast!

The most hateful thing was that this beast was even mocking him.

"Damn it!"

Tang Hao's gaze was cold, and his spirit ring rotated rhythmically faster, ready for a battle.

Xiao Jiu rattled a loud laugh and pointed at Tang Hao, "Little Ming, hammer him! First move, great mercy, send him to hell!"

The Titan Giant Ape's eyes lit up, and surprisingly, he took the stance of Military Body Fist, and with a sprint over, his body's power was concentrated in one point, and he blasted at Tang Hao with one punch.

Tang Hao was a bit confused, was this still a spirit beast?

How come it felt like a big Xiao Jiu?

This expression, this demeanour, this bitchy smile that made people want him to hammer to death!

Tang Hao carried the Clear Sky Hammer, his body emitted a luminescent light, and his body steeply expanded to 5 meters, like a god of war.

"Spirit Bone Technique: Overwhelming Body!"

Tang Hao's power steeply doubled, and carrying the hammer, he was about to fight the Titan Giant Ape hard, his spirit ring already starting to flicker, ready to release his spirit technique, but the next moment, he was dumbfounded.

The Titan Giant Ape had just reached the halfway point of its sprint when it opened its mouth and spat out an energy attack.

Titan Vault Break!


Tang Hao's heart was clogged, he had actually been set up by an ape, what with the great mercy and compassion, it turned out to be a surprise attack with a spirit technique!

This came so suddenly, who would have thought that a spirit beast would show him his intelligence.

Tang Hao was just about to defend, when Xiao Jiu's voice came, "Ice Seal!"

The locked spirit skill, Ice Seal, directly froze Tang Hao into an ice sculpture, Tang Hao's muscles shook and the ice shattered, but next, a vortex of thunder appeared above Tang Hao's head and struck him with a frenzy of thunder!



Tang Hao's face was blackened, moreover, at this time, the Titan Giant Ape's big move had already sprayed over, Tang Hao lost the best time to dodge, and could only resist it hard!

"Clear Sky Body Protection!"

The huge Clear Sky Hammer seemed to fuse with Tang Hao, and the defence of the Clear Sky Hammer was his defence!

Boom! ~~

The compressed energy of the Titan Vault Breaker smashed head-on into the Clear Sky Hammer, the majestic spirit power possessed by a 100,000-year-old spirit beast was no match for a human!

Poof! ~~

Tang Hao was hit head-on by the big move, although he could use the Clear Sky Hammer to deflect the damage, the shocking aftermath of the power was still too much for his human body to bear, and he directly spurted out a mouthful of blood!

"Roar! ~~~~"

The Titan Giant Ape directly gave Tang Hao a small thumbs up and cracked his big mouth into a smile.

Xiao Jiu heatedly laughed and said, "Tang Hao, Xiao Ming said: you're too stupid, are you only growing muscles and not brains? You're not even as good as an ape!"

Tang Hao's hands were trembling with anger, he was probably the first Titled Douluo to be set upon by a spirit beast! It was so humiliating!

"Come on, Xiaoming, the second move, I'm your brother who will send you to reincarnation!"

The Titan Giant Ape rattled a strange laugh, swung his fist and smashed it over.

Tang Hao was obviously dumbfounded, he habitually thought that the Titan Ape would do another Titan Vault Breaking surprise attack, so he didn't rush to use spirit skill attacks, but mainly defended, after all, when fighting a spirit beast, the most important thing was not to fight for spirit power consumption.

However, he missed again, as the Titan Ape's mouth cracked, looking at Tang Hao as if he was looking at a fool: my fist as big as a mountain slope is smashing down, and you still pretend not to see it, human, you are even dumber than Da ming!


Only when his fist was about to swing did Tang Hao realize that something was wrong, but time no longer allowed him to use his spirit skills, he could only fight hard with his opponent with his strength!

As for escaping... If he chose to dodge at this moment, he would probably be hammered to death!


Tang Hao urged all of his spirit power to join the Clear Sky Hammer, his power was transmitted from his legs to his wrists and fingers, bringing every bit of his body's power to its utmost, as the huge Clear Sky Hammer met the Titan Ape's fist.

Boom! ~~~


Tang Hao suffered another stifling loss, he was hammered backwards by the titanic ape's fist, and he was like a stone floating on water, landing again and again in the forest, bouncing up, flying backwards; landing again, bouncing up, flying backwards...

A big tree was knocked out of a human-shaped gap, a piece of rock was shattered by Tang Hao's body, blood seeped out of the corner of his mouth unceasingly, and every part of his body was wailing.

"Tang Hao, you can even let the spirit beast fool you, just with your intelligence, I understand how Xiao San's mother died, it was because of your stupidity!

Look at me, I've made enemies everywhere, I'm not very powerful, but I'm still alive and well!! Don't you feel disturbed living?" Xiao Jiu continued to be angry with Tang Hao.

"You! ~~~"

Tang Hao's eyes turned red, who would have thought that a spirit beast would be so treacherous!

However, a thought popped up in his heart, if he was like Xiao Jiu, perhaps Ah Yin wouldn't have died and the clan wouldn't have suffered an undeserved disaster, was it all because he was too incompetent?

Thinking of this, Tang Hao felt guilty inside, and with his heart stirred, he spat out a mouthful of blood again.

"I'm not ruthless enough to do anything! If I could have been more ruthless, Ah Yin wouldn't have died! You wouldn't be alive today either!"

"Deathgod Domain, open!"

Tang Hao roared, his eyes all turned blood-red, and a blood-red sticky aura rippled out from his body, radiating out towards the surroundings.

The surrounding grass and trees were all infected by this mysterious power, becoming a little depressed, while a deep disgust grew in the Titan Giant Ape's heart!

This was none other than Tang Hao's domain: the Deathgod Domain!

This evil, dark, killing power, however, instantly caused Tang Hao's strength to explode! The aura became exceptionally evil.

"Xiao Jiu, go to hell!"

Tang Hao's scarlet eyes glared at Xiao Jiu, and the sticky, blood-like mysterious power was controlled by Tang Hao and pressed directly towards Xiao Jiu!

This was power that could terrify people and even drive them mad, power from the Shura God!

Tang Hao was going to use this godly power to directly destroy Xiao Jiu's spirit, turning him into a madman!