
Douluo : My Sharingan martial soul is perverted

"Just after awakening his Sharingan Martial Soul, Ye Qiu was taken aback to discover that the village chief had actually brought Xiao Wu back, arranging for her to stay with him! Though it was just for a month, it didn't seem to hinder Xiao Wu's allure. As Ye Qiu spent more time with Xiao Wu, he gradually realized that his Sharingan was more than meets the eye. It seemed that anyone who caught sight of his eyes would react differently—some with the desire of angels, others with the madness of demons, and some struck with awe. Trouble followed one after another. Xiao Wu: 'Tang San, dare to harm Xiao Qiu, and you've already chosen the path to your demise!' Zhu Zhuqing: 'Dai Mubai, we've become a mockery!' Ning Rongrong: 'Ye Qiu! You're showing favoritism...' Caught in the midst of these people and already fed up with the trials of life, Ye Qiu never expected someone would have the audacity to cause him trouble! 'Tang San, dare to harm Xiao Wu! You've already chosen the path to your demise!' 'A soul ring surpassing the age limit? Apologies, I just need to cast a glance at a soul beast, and it willingly sacrifices itself!' 'Soul bone? Laughable, I have no need for it whatsoever!' 'Dual martial souls, numerous soul skills? Apologies, I possess dual skills at the mere first ring === Author: Fallen Leek === *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on P@treon : p@treon.com/themoonguy Or at P@ypal : www.p@ypal.me/theDarkmoonguy

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Chapter 41: The Bloody Arm

"This can't be blamed on me, right? Who asked it to move around while lying down!" Ye Qiu complained, quickly catching up. He was quite innocent in this matter.

As they ran, they taunted the Green Jade Eye Cloudwing Tiger following behind. Once they entered a denser forest, its gliding ability became almost useless.

"Zhuqing! Alright, start luring it!" Seeing the favorable terrain, Ye Qiu signaled her to stop.

"Mm! I'll do it!" Zhu Zhuqing, not one for many words, directly activated the Shadow Spider Spear. The spear pierced the ground and trees, creating wisps of black smoke carrying corrosive venom.

"Roar!" The tiger roared, and invisible waves surged outward. Its paw slammed down, but Zhu Zhuqing quickly dodged it.

Fortunately, she blocked her ears with soul power in time, avoiding being affected by its mental attack.

With Ye Qiu's limited attack methods, the left Sharingan was easy to evade. He had to rely on his intangibility to get in close.

Holding a dagger dipped in the venom of the Shadow Spider, he maneuvered around the tiger, delivering cold cuts here and there.

Meanwhile, Zhu Zhuqing moved among the trees with the help of the Shadow Spider Spear, standing securely on the branches.

"Roar!" The Green Jade Eye Cloudwing Tiger, in pain from the venom, roared incessantly. However, its mental attacks were ineffective.

In its rage, it swung its tail fiercely at Ye Qiu, creating a sharp sound as it cut through the air.

Swish! At the same time, Zhu Zhuqing leaped, intending to land on its back.

"Zhuqing, don't be impulsive, be careful!"

Whoosh! The tiger's wings flapped, sending several wind blades toward her.

"Damn!" At this moment, the tiger's tail had just passed through half of Ye Qiu's body. He couldn't use his Sharingan to rescue her now.

Boom! Zhu Zhuqing heavily hit a tree, a bit of blood appearing at the corner of her mouth.

"Roar!" Furious, the Green Jade Eye Cloudwing Tiger charged toward her, its green eyes filled with cruelty due to the pain.

"Sharingan!" Ye Qiu, now free, focused on its front legs.

Its front legs were already slightly distorted, white fur oozing blood. After a mournful cry, it finally gave up attacking Zhu Zhuqing. It avoided the Sharingan, moving away from her.

"Are you okay?" Ye Qiu protected her behind him. As soon as something went wrong, he would take her away.

"I'm fine! Don't worry about me, keep going!" Zhu Zhuqing wiped the blood from her mouth with her arm. Luckily, she had blocked the wind blades with the Shadow Spider Spear earlier; otherwise, she would have been in danger.

Swish! She climbed onto a branch again. This time, she didn't act recklessly. Following Ye Qiu's instructions, she played it safe and engaged in hit-and-run tactics.

The sun had descended significantly, and the brightness in the green eyes of the Green Jade Eye Cloudwing Tiger was gradually fading.

Having already decided to retreat, it was now destined to fall here.

Ye Qiu had also stopped attacking, recovering on the side while Zhu Zhuqing toyed with it alone.

"Enough, Zhuqing!"

As Ye Qiu's voice fell, she directly landed on the ground. Eight Shadow Spider Spears moved rapidly, facing the Green Jade Eye Cloudwing Tiger.

"Roar!" The tiger's roar had lost its original vigor, becoming low and listless.

From a distance, it sent out a wind blade, easily dodged by Zhu Zhuqing.

As it approached, the tiger swung its paw. Zhu Zhuqing's yellow soul ring vibrated. "First Soul Skill, Hell Rush Stab Shadowy Thrust!

Swish! With the help of the spider legs externel bones, her already increased speed became even faster, turning into an afterimage and suddenly appearing by its side.

Purple soul rings lit up!

"Second Soul Skill, Hundred Shadows massacre!" Zhu Zhuqing coldly shouted, her movements ruthless.

Puff! The claws in her hands continuously attacked its abdomen, and black blood scattered. After more than a hundred consecutive hits, she even directly inserted the remaining Shadow Spider Spears into the tiger's body.

After trying to devour the soul power of the soul beast, she became somewhat addicted to the sensation, a satisfied expression appearing on her face.

"Roar~" After a mournful roar, the Green Jade Eye Cloudwing Tiger collapsed with a loud crash, raising a cloud of dust.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Seeing that Zhu Zhuqing still hadn't put away the spider spear, Ye Qiu hurried over. "Stop absorbing, what if it dies, and we have to start all over again?"

"Hmph!" Zhu Zhuqing, hearing his words, slowly retracted the spider spear. "Relax, I'm just absorbing some power to replenish soul power."

Ye Qiu, with a serious expression, said, "Don't misuse this devouring ability. It could not only destroy your foundation, but if used to enhance cultivation, it might lead to falling into a evil soul master."

"I remember everything you said!" She smiled at Ye Qiu. She wouldn't do anything to harm herself. Even if she absorbed the power of soul beasts, she would only use it to evolve the Shadow Spider Spear.

"As long as you understand!" Ye Qiu didn't want to ruin someone's future by inadvertently offering them a soul bone. Some things were better explained clearly.

"Don't talk nonsense. If we keep going, this tiger is really going to be done for!" Zhu Zhuqing pointed at the Green Jade Eye Cloudwing Tiger, which was now exhaling more than inhaling.

Ye Qiu glared at her again, eliciting a suppressed laugh from her. She didn't mean to go so hard.

Approaching the tiger, and with no time to change the scene, Zhu Zhuqing sat down, gently prying open its green eyes about to close.

A red light flashed in the green eyes, and the whole body began to warm up, emitting a purple halo that enveloped Ye Qiu, like a purple cocoon.

"This guy's martial soul is really unfair!" Zhu Zhuqing quietly watched him, muttering to herself on the side.

Time slowly passed. The battle with the Green Jade Eye Cloudwing Tiger had already taken a considerable amount of time, and the sky was gradually darkening.

The surroundings were filled with the sounds of small insects, and a cold wind blew. Zhu Zhuqing also felt a bit of cold.

"Why isn't it done yet?" Although the color of the purple cocoon was slowly fading, there was still no sign of Ye Qiu.


"Another soul beast is coming!" Zhu Zhuqing frowned. She had already driven away several waves, but she didn't expect more to come at night!

"Hiss~!" A pitch-black giant snake appeared slowly in front of Zhu Zhuqing, its length reaching 12 meters!

"A six-thousand-year-old Iron Scale Python! Damn!" Zhu Zhuqing glanced back at Ye Qiu. She couldn't retreat!

Hmph! The Shadow Spider Spears behind her directly activated, and a yellow and a purple soul ring slowly rose from under her.

"First, second soul skills! Hell Rush Stab Shadowy Thrust, Hundred Shadows massacre!"

'Ye Qiu, you have to hurry.'

Whoosh, she rushed out without any technique, directly confronting it! Its disadvantage was its massive body.

The snake head turned, wanting to avoid, but Zhu Zhuqing refused to let it. She kept hitting its forehead!

Ding ding ding! Hiss!

Sparks flashed continuously on the seemingly iron-like scales. After dozens of hits, she finally heard some sound of injuring its flesh.

Even the spider spears behind her kept piercing the same spot.

"Hiss~" In pain, the snake head shook, and Zhu Zhuqing flew backward. However, her vertically- slit pupiled eyes stared fixedly at the prey in front of her.

Rustle! The long body directly surrounded Zhu Zhuqing, and the raised snake head looked down at her.

If she ran now, she might still make it! Thinking of Ye Qiu, she bit her lip. "Anyway, I was supposed to be dead long ago!"

Ding ding ding! She continued attacking the shrinking encirclement.

As the encirclement tightened, the snake tail slapped the air, sweeping toward Zhu Zhuqing. It hit her chest heavily.

"Poof!" Zhu Zhuqing spat out a mouthful of blood, falling to the ground. She could barely stand with the help of the Shadow Spider Spears.

The bloody smell further aroused the ferocity of the Iron Scale Python. It opened its blood-filled mouth as if to bite her.

The foul-smelling gust of wind had already blown onto Zhu Zhuqing's face!

"Is it over?" Zhu Zhuqing muttered to herself, her eyes involuntarily looking towards Ye Qiu's direction.

A trace of surprise flashed in her eyes. The purple cocoon had already shattered!

'He survived, which is good. I don't owe him anything anymore.' Slowly closing her eyes.

However, the expected pain did not come. Instead, she heard a loud bang!

Boom! "Roar!" A massive impact echoed, and the python let out a roar.

Zhu Zhuqing opened her eyes, only to see a blood-red giant arm stretched out in front of her, with not a trace of flesh on it.

The Iron Scale Python that had been grinning at her in front had been sent flying and heavily fell to the ground!

"What the heck is this!?"

(End of this chapter)

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