
Douluo : My Sharingan martial soul is perverted

"Just after awakening his Sharingan Martial Soul, Ye Qiu was taken aback to discover that the village chief had actually brought Xiao Wu back, arranging for her to stay with him! Though it was just for a month, it didn't seem to hinder Xiao Wu's allure. As Ye Qiu spent more time with Xiao Wu, he gradually realized that his Sharingan was more than meets the eye. It seemed that anyone who caught sight of his eyes would react differently—some with the desire of angels, others with the madness of demons, and some struck with awe. Trouble followed one after another. Xiao Wu: 'Tang San, dare to harm Xiao Qiu, and you've already chosen the path to your demise!' Zhu Zhuqing: 'Dai Mubai, we've become a mockery!' Ning Rongrong: 'Ye Qiu! You're showing favoritism...' Caught in the midst of these people and already fed up with the trials of life, Ye Qiu never expected someone would have the audacity to cause him trouble! 'Tang San, dare to harm Xiao Wu! You've already chosen the path to your demise!' 'A soul ring surpassing the age limit? Apologies, I just need to cast a glance at a soul beast, and it willingly sacrifices itself!' 'Soul bone? Laughable, I have no need for it whatsoever!' 'Dual martial souls, numerous soul skills? Apologies, I possess dual skills at the mere first ring === Author: Fallen Leek === *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on P@treon : p@treon.com/themoonguy Or at P@ypal : www.p@ypal.me/theDarkmoonguy

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Chapter 39: Hundred Shadows massacre!

The shadow spider was temporarily controlled by Ye Qiu's Sharingan, hopping onto its back and standing there, much to Zhu Zhuqing's disbelief.

Hiss! The shadow spider turned around, crawling on the ground as if inviting her to join.

"How about that! Are you okay?" Ye Qiu crossed his arms in front of his chest, his black hair swaying in the breeze, feeling quite proud of himself.

"I'm fine!" Zhu Zhuqing shook her head and got up from the ground.

"Interested in trying out how it feels to ride a spider?" Extending his hand, he invited her.

Her eyes sparkled with interest, clearly tempted. She nodded, grabbed Ye Qiu's hand, and leaped up!

Hiss hiss!

The shadow spider carried the two of them as they roamed through the jungle.

"How did you manage to do this?" Watching the trees retreat around them, riding on a giant spider in the Star Dou Forest! She found this behavior quite... outrageous.

A relaxed smile appeared on Ye Qiu's face.

"This is the ability of my martial soul!" Ye Qiu pointed to his Sharingan covered with black silk.

"I see..." Zhu Zhuqing looked at him, her expression somewhat unnatural. The strip of black silk was cut from her stockings.

Ye Qiu had no choice; other fabrics would somewhat obstruct his vision, and these porous black silk pieces were just perfect.

They arrived at a giant cave where the shadow spider spun silk to hang from the ceiling.

Ye Qiu also removed the silk from his eyes, revealing a red glow.

"What should I do? Should I kill it now?" Zhu Zhuqing, facing this two-thousand-year-old soul beast, felt nervous. She didn't know if she could endure it.

"You don't need to do anything. Just absorb the energy of the sacrifices, and I will ensure you get the maximum benefit!" Ye Qiu pulled her directly under the shadow spider.

"Sacrifice!" Zhu Zhuqing stared blankly at him, her heartbeat accelerating. Could this really work? If so, wouldn't she gain tremendous benefits? "Are you not deceiving me?"

"Why would I deceive you? Get ready!" Ye Qiu pressed her down to sit on the ground, adjusted her legs, and held her shoulders, "You want to become stronger, right? Have you forgotten my first ring?"

Looking into his reddened eyes, Zhu Zhuqing's face blushed slightly as she nodded gently. "I trust you!" She then sat up straight.

Seeing this, Ye Qiu didn't waste any time. The six-pointed star in his eyes shone brightly.

"Hiss~" The hanging shadow spider was still struggling even when upside down. "Seems a bit forced." Ye Qiu touched his eye socket, suddenly staring with determination. Since that's the case, let's increase the output!

Blood flowed from the corner of his eyes, accompanied by the purple light on the body of the shadow spider. After a mournful cry, a purple mist emanated from its body, like a hanging purple waterfall, falling onto Zhu Zhuqing below.

"It has begun!"

"Hmph~" Zhu Zhuqing made a muffled sound. Without Ye Qiu's reminder, she knew the sacrifice had started. The soul power that could fill her body continuously poured in, and her face turned slightly red.

"Hold on. Only by absorbing as much of this energy as possible can you get the maximum benefit!" Ye Qiu encouraged her. He didn't intend to help; he believed that with her perseverance, holding on would be no problem.

Ye Qiu sat down facing the cave entrance, already exhausted from consuming a considerable amount of mental energy. He needed some time to recover.

Time passed slowly, and the hanging purple waterfall became more slender. Zhu Zhuqing's aura slowly stopped rising.

A yellow halo appeared beneath her, followed by a faintly visible purple one. Gradually, the purple color condensed, and with a few small tremors, it came to a halt.

Ye Qiu, who had already stood up, watched the disappearing purple light. He knew she had completed the absorption.

Zhu Zhuqing slowly opened her eyes, an uncontrollable joy in them.

"Ye Qiu! I did it! I succeeded!" She flew directly into Ye Qiu's arms, holding his neck and jumping excitedly.

At this moment, she finally showed the anger and liveliness typical of a girl, vibrant and joyful.

"Congratulations on obtaining the second purple soul ring."

"Ah!" Zhu Zhuqing also realized it, and a delicate flower bloomed on her face, her eyes flickering. When she noticed some blood on Ye Qiu's face, she reached out, touched his cheek, and smiled.

Being touched by the girl like this, Ye Qiu's face turned red. Just as he was about to push her hand away, Zhu Zhuqing hugged him again.

Embracing his back, leaning on his shoulder, her warm voice entered Ye Qiu's ears, "Ye Qiu, thank you!"

With slightly parted lips, she was about to plant a kiss on his face.

"It's nothing, just mutual help." Ye Qiu gently patted her back. It was just as they had agreed at the beginning.

"Is that all?" Ye Qiu's words made Zhu Zhuqing's actions come to a halt. Biting her lip, her expression turned cold again, and she abruptly pushed him away.

Ye Qiu looked at her strangely, completely unaware of her change in expression. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it all good!" She turned her head away. She shouldn't care about such things.

"By the way, how was your harvest?" Ye Qiu was still curious about how much her soul power had increased.

As she mentioned this, her cold face softened a lot again. The sacrifice of the two-thousand-year soul beast had indeed benefited her greatly.

"My soul power has reached level 24, and the second soul skill is called Hundred Shadows massacre! As you expected, it has a poisonous attribute." Summoning her martial soul, a pair of cat ears appeared above her head, and her chest seemed to have grown.

As she explained, her second soul skill, Hundred Shadows massacre, not only increased piercing power by fifty percent, allowing for continuous attacks without limits, but the venom on her claws also had a corrosive effect. Once someone was injured by her venom, both flesh and soul power would be continuously corroded.

"Very powerful!" Ye Qiu thought this move was much more powerful than her original expected skill, Shadow Hundred Claws.

"Yeah!" Zhu Zhuqing also nodded in agreement. This was a second soul ring from a thousand years!

Ye Qiu approached the dead shadow spider and slowly searched with his Sharingan.

"What are you looking for?"

"Soul bones."

"Soul bones?" Zhu Zhuqing was surprised.

"Ah! Found it!" Ye Qiu jumped up, activated Mysterious Jade Hand, and directly pulled down the dark soul bone.

Zhu Zhuqing also leaned over, looking at the soul bone in Ye Qiu's hand. "Is it real?"

"Yes, soul beasts sacrificed actively can produce soul bones. Although it was an active sacrifice." Ye Qiu explained with a smile. Unexpectedly, this was another externally attached soul bone!

"So, even though it's like this, why does this soul bone look so strange? Which part is it from?" Seeing that the soul bone in his hand looked like a spider specimen, Zhu Zhuqing was puzzled.

"This is an externally attached soul bone! It is rarer and more precious than a hundred thousand-year soul bone because it can evolve with the growth of the soul master! It might even surpass a hundred thousand-year soul bone!" Ye Qiu patiently explained.

"What! A soul bone that can evolve?" Zhu Zhuqing had never heard of such a thing and looked eager. However, she quickly averted her gaze. "Ye Qiu, quickly absorb it!"

After standing still for a while, he shook his head in the end.

"No, I'm giving it to you!" Ye Qiu still didn't intend to absorb it and handed it over to Zhu Zhuqing.

"What do you mean? I don't want it!" Zhu Zhuqing immediately tried to give it back to him. Her gains were already substantial enough! Without Ye Qiu, she would have died. She didn't dare to ask for more.

(End of this chapter)

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