
Douluo: My daughter went down the mountain and exposed Me to The World

Traveling to Douluo Continent, he has been living in the Star Forest. Chen Shengge has been living with her daughter Chen Qingling. Constantly clamoring to find his mother, Chen Shengge could only lie and lie again and again, convincing her that the outside world was too dangerous. On this day, the filial daughter got Chen Shengge drunk and left secretly. When he woke up there was a letter on the table... ~~ This is a translation ~~ --- Up to 30 ~ 50 chapters advance on patreon patreon.com/Cibeu

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17 Chs

Chapter 14: Ironclad Su Yuntao, the Innate level soul power! The gears of fate begin to turn!

"Alright." The gatekeeper didn't intend to give Chen Qingling a hard time, so he made way for her.

Watching Chen Qingling's figure entering the Martial Soul Hall, the gatekeeper shook his head and sighed.

"What a pity!"

"What's there to pity?"

"The girl who just left is too old. Coming to the Martial Soul Hall to test her soul power level, it's likely that she's just obtained her first soul ring."

"She's not bad-looking, but her talent is lacking."

Little did they know, Chen Qingling was a full innate level soul power , a late bloomer.

Entering the Martial Soul Hall, Chen Qingling looked at the twenty-meter-high dome without changing her expression.

Having seen many spectacular scenes in the Seven Treasure Glass Sect, she had become immune to such grandeur.

Looking around, there weren't many people in the Martial Soul Hall, only a few were cleaning.

At that moment, a male voice came from behind, "Little girl, what are you doing here in the Martial Soul Hall?"

A plain-looking middle-aged man walked over.

"You are..."

"I am Su Yuntao, the steward of the Martial Soul Hall, responsible for its affairs."

Chen Qingling's eyes lit up. Wasn't this the person she was looking for on this trip?

"I've come to the Martial Soul Hall to test my soul power level."

After doing thorough research in the Seven Treasure Glass Sect, Chen Qingling knew that she was relatively old, and it would be difficult to join the academy.

Therefore, she could only rely on the official testing report from the Martial Soul Hall to join the academy as a late-blooming genius.

Su Yuntao nodded slightly, "Alright, follow me."

Leading Chen Qingling up the stairs to the second floor of the Martial Soul Hall, they arrived at a corridor.

Obviously, the second floor was where the Martial Soul Hall's office was located. They entered a room where there were soul-testing pearls and several stones placed inside.

"Place your hand on it and infuse it with soul power."

Chen Qingling did as she was told.

A faint blue light flickered, and Su Yuntao looked closely.

"Soul power level Thirteen..."

"Don't be discouraged, you can also become a great soul master in the future."

"I also want to test my innate level of soul power"

"Test the innate level of soul power?" Su Yuntao frowned, puzzled for a moment, not quite understanding why she wanted to test innate level soul power 

Looking at the cute girl in front of him, he wanted to refuse but couldn't find the words to do so.


Testing innate level soul power wasn't difficult, it only took a moment.

Su Yuntao adjusted the testing pearl, "Place your hand on it."

Chen Qingling reached out and touched the crystal-like bead, and in the next moment, a dazzling blue light enveloped the room.

"What?!" Su Yuntao exclaimed, unable to believe what he saw in the testing pearl for innate level soul power 

Instinctively rubbing his eyes, he made sure he wasn't seeing things.

"You... you have full innate level soul power!"

"But why is your soul power level so low?"

"Unless... you've just awakened your Martial Soul recently!"

"Yes, Master Su."

Su Yuntao suddenly realized, but he couldn't quite understand why someone would awaken their Martial Soul at such a late age?

It was well known that the Martial Soul Hall specifically awakens Martial Souls for six-year-old children, so it shouldn't have been delayed until twelve years old!

Could it be that she had been unable to awaken it before and only awakened it at twelve?

This situation wasn't unheard of, but it was rare. He hadn't expected it to happen right in front of him.

"Child... what is your Martial Soul? What is its name?"

"I'm called Chen Qingling, and my Martial Soul is the Goddess of Light Butterfly."

"The Goddess of Light Butterfly? A new Martial Soul?"

"Could you demonstrate your Martial Soul?"

Chen Qingling nodded slightly, "Sure."

Chen Qingling's back sprouted a pair of colorful wings, stunning and beautiful.

Su Yuntao was stunned, "So beautiful."

When he came to his senses, he took a deep breath. "From what I see, your Martial Soul is a Beast Martial Soul."

"I wonder if you're willing to join the Martial Soul Hall?"

Although she awakened her Martial Soul at twelve, she had an innate level soul power, and her talent was definitely not lacking. Given time, she would surely become a prominent figure.

Join the Martial Soul Hall?

Chen Qingling shook her head without hesitation, "I don't want to be bound by power, so I can't join the Martial Soul Hall."

Su Yuntao fell silent for a moment, then sighed, "Alright."

"If there's anything you need help with, you can come to the Martial Soul Hall and find me, Su Yuntao. I'll do my best to help you."

"I'd like to ask Master Su to help me with a certification. I want to join the Notting Academy."

Su Yuntao nodded repeatedly, "Alright, alright, wait here, I'll make the certification for you right away."

Not being able to recruit her into the Martial Soul Hall was a loss, but being able to do a favor was just as good.

"Who's being so rash?" An old voice sounded from outside the room.

An old man casually walked in. "So it's you, Yuntao, always so reckless. Don't you know that as a soul master, you need to calm down to achieve anything?"

Su Yuntao looked helpless and explained, "Master Matthew, it's not that I was reckless, it's that this child startled me."


The old man named Matthew couldn't help but look at Chen Qingling a few more times. She was beautiful and delicate, not like someone born and raised in Notting City.

Su Yuntao then went to Matthew's side and whispered, recounting in detail what had just happened.

Matthew's eyes widened, unable to believe his ears as he looked at the testing pearl for innate level soul power 

"Two full innate level soul powers? Oh, I remember now, it's that Tang San who awakened the trash Martial Soul Blue Silver Grass."

"Yes, Master Matthew. Both innate level soul power have gone to the Notting Academy. I wonder what kind of sparks will fly."

Matthew smiled and shook his head, "Ah, the era of young people, I can't keep up anymore."

"But there's one thing to be happy about. Our Notting City can still produce good stories, with two innate level soul power geniuses emerging."

Su Yuntao nodded in agreement, "Yes, in such a small place as Notting City, to have two full innate level soul power is quite something."

"I have more confidence in Chen Qingling. She has a new Martial Soul and is not a waste Martial Soul. Her future is limitless."



Exiting the Martial Soul Hall, Chen Qingling asked a passerby casually for directions to Notting Academy and hurried off.

The earlier she joined the Notting Academy, the more at ease Chen Qingling would be.

The gears of her fate had begun to turn.



(End of Chapter)