
Douluo: Martial Soul is Bibi Dong

Bibi Dong never dreamed that she would come back from rebirth in the form of someone else's martial spirit ps: Let me explain first! Bibi Dong is completely under the protagonist's control, but the protagonist didn't know that in the beginning, and she knew since chapter 47. This story is not mine it's a translation The image is not mine came from teacher google

beulque · Anime & Comics
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139 Chs

Chapter 94 The Eight Fully Evolved Spider Spears

"Fuck, what's going on?"

Su Mo, who saw all nine soul rings on Dugu Bo's body explode through Bibi Dong's vision, was a bit dumbfounded.

"Is this Haotian Ring Burst practice?"

Su Mo complained in shock, and then continued to watch.

He was just complaining, because he knew that Dugu Bo's situation was completely different from Tang Hao's technique.

Tang Hao's explosive ring was made by condensing the soul ring in his hands, crushing it, and finally forming a golden soul ring on display on his back.

Dugu Bo disintegrated and collapsed.

Su Mo might not have seen it clearly enough, but Bibi Dong in front of Dugu Bo could sense that the soul power in Dugu Bo's body was rapidly diminishing after the soul ring collapsed.

In less than a while, she discovered that Dugu Bo's soul power level had dropped to around 60 and was still decreasing.

However, with the decline of Dugu Bo's soul power, the blood on Dugu Bo's face gradually turned pink, and he no longer had the purple and purple appearance of being poisoned.


then Dugu Bo's figure fell to the ground again, still in a coma, and did not wake up.

"Su Mo, come in!"

"The current Dugu Bo has been abolished and there is no threat to you!"

Bibidong said after seeing this.

After hearing Bibi Dong's words, Su Mo didn't hesitate and entered the poison circle with a flash of his figure.

Under the protection of the Eight Spider Spears and using soul power to form a protective layer of soul power on the body's surface, Su Mo quickly passed through the poisonous circle and entered the hidden hole.

"Sister Luosha, what's going on with Dugu Bo?"

After Su Mo entered, he took aim at Dugu Bo while holding his soul hunting beast in his hand and approached.

Although Bibi Dong said that Dugu Bo was no longer a threat to him, Su Mo still felt that it was better to be careful.

"He should be crippled, all the spirit rings in his body have collapsed and his spirit power level has dropped to around 40!"

"The soul power in his body is not enough to support him to use the soul skills of his head soul bone!"

"Furthermore, the poison in his body is gone, so it can be said that he is a useless person!"

Bibi Dong didn't know why Dugu Bo became like this, but she could still see Dugu Bo's current situation.

"And don't worry about his current situation, just kill him!"

"In the future, at Jialing Pass, he will poison and kill hundreds of thousands of people!"

Bibi Dong continued.

Bibi Dong looked at Dugu Bo in front of her with a very cold gaze, she didn't forget what Dugu Bo would do in the future.

Hearing Bibi Dong's words, Su Mo didn't immediately kill Dugu Bo.

If Dugu Bo in front of him still threatened him, then Su Mo would kill him without saying a word.

But if the other party didn't threaten him, Su Mo wouldn't be in a hurry to do so.

As for what Bibidong said about Dugu Bo poisoning so many people in the future, in Su Mo's opinion, there's no problem. It is certain that there will be damage to peace. It's just that the two armies are fighting, and it's okay to slaughter enemy soldiers.

The spread of poison on the back is no longer under Dugu Bo's control.

As far as the original work is concerned, Dugu Bo is still affectionate and fair.

As Prince Xue Xing helped Dugu Bo, Dugu Bo has been helping Prince Xue Xing and Prince Xue Beng.

Tang San helped him detox and has been helping Tang San.

To say who helped Tang San the most in the early stages of the original work, Su Mo thinks it must be Dugu Bo.

It was these fairy herbs that really laid the groundwork for the Seven Monsters of Shrek to become gods.

However, Dugu Bo, who was so affectionate and fair, who wholeheartedly helped Tang San, didn't seem to gain any benefit in the future.

Dugu Bo, who was able to cultivate the title of Douluo by himself, one could imagine his talent, but he didn't get the chance to become a god.

The Ice Fire Yin Yang Eye that originally belonged to him was also completely occupied by Tang San.

Anyway, it was discovered by Dugu Bo, even if Dugu Bo died, he still has a granddaughter, so it's not Tang San's turn to take over.

But the fact is, Tang San occupied it, and it looks like it has been occupied for many years.

Not to mention that Dugu Bo himself didn't receive any benefits, and his granddaughter Dugu Yan didn't receive any benefits either.

It's just that Tang San told Dugu Bo how to help contain the toxins in his body.

But even without Tang San's solution, as long as he has the Eye of Ice Fire, Dugu Bo himself can contain the toxins in his body, at most he just doesn't want to continue his cultivation.

And since he can control the toxin by himself, he can naturally bring Dugu Yan to Eye Binghuo Liangyi and use Eye Binghuo's special position.

"Dugu Bo's situation should be that he ate a detoxifying fairy grass and then completely eliminated the toxins in his body. His poisonousness is equivalent to his cultivation. Now that the poison has been abolished, the soul ring has been completely abolished, and the soul Your power level has dropped!"

"But what he ate was a fairy grass after all, Sister Luosha, do you think he can absorb the soul ring again?"

So Su Mo didn't kill Dugu Bo directly, but So he asked Bibi Dong.

Of course, Su Mo was just expressing his curiosity. He knew that Bibi Dong probably wouldn't be able to give an answer. After all, Bibi Dong didn't know Heavenly Grass either.

If Dugu Bo's spirit ring could be reabsorbed like Tang San's, Su Mo would find it a bit amusing.

If Dugu Bo can practice again, I believe he won't get too weak.

What Su Mo has to do is make Dugu Bo think he saved him.

"What do you want to do?"

Bibi Dong didn't answer Su Mo's question, because she didn't know anything about lemongrass, she just wanted to know what Su Mo was going to do.

"I'll make Dugu Bo think I saved him, and what to do next depends on the situation!"

Su Mo said as he looked at a dark green bead on one side.

Su Mo knew what it was, the poisonous bead formed by Dugu Bo's poisonous kung fu practice, Dugu Bo seemed to have said that half of his poisonous kung fu was in that bead.

And this poison bead is a treasure for Su Mo, and his Eight Spider Spears can absorb it.

After the Eight Spider Spears absorbed this bead of venom, they would definitely be able to complete an evolution, and the Eight Spider Spears would also carry the Jade Phosphorus Serpent Emperor's venom.

And this is the key to Su Mo's confidence that he can make Dugu Bo confuse him for saving Dugu Bo. Dugu Bo must be familiar with his own poison. After seeing Su Mo's evolved Eight Spider Spears, he will believe that Su Mo is using the Eight Spider Spears to help cleanse his body of toxins.

Su Mo never thought of taking Dugu Bo as his subordinate, this is unrealistic. After all, Dugu Bo was a titled Douluo before, and he was arrogant. If you dare to say that he will be subordinate to him, then this can lead to problems, anger at each other.

It's okay with Su Mo as long as Dugu Bo doesn't bother him.

And it's unknown if Dugu Bo can practice again!

"Since you are confident, then do as you say!"

Bibi dong was silent for a moment after hearing Su Mo's words, and then her eyes lit up slightly, and then she nodded in agreement with Su Mo's approach.

Bibi dong's thinking was different from Su Mo's. She thought about what happened to Dugu bo today, and it was entirely because of Tang San and Tang Hao.

If Dugu Bo can truly re-cultivate, with Dugu Bo's physical prowess, the first soul ring might be able to absorb soul rings from over 10,000 years old, so it won't be easy for Dugu Bo to re-cultivate.

So Dugu Bo might find trouble with Tang Hao, and if he can't find trouble with Tang Hao, he'll find trouble with Haotianzong.

After Dugu Bo learned of Tang San's identity, he would still bother Tang San. This is a good thing!

So after Bibi Dong thought about it, she quickly approved of Su Mo's approach.

"Well, but before that, I will tie you up first!"

Su Mo nodded, then took his spirit guide's hemp rope and tied Dugu Bo.

At the same time, Su Mo also took out the soul tool treasure bag on Dugu Bo.

Su Mo doesn't want to let go of this treasure, Su Mo will use it to harvest the magic herb, and the magic herb is only safer if he carries it with him.

As for Dugu Bo waking up, he said it was his reward for saving him.

Puff puff puff——

After everything was done, Su Mo summoned the eight spider spears attached to the spirit bone and then controlled one of the spider's legs, stabbing the poisonous bead with a blowing sound.


Strong and highly poisonous energy streams immediately flowed from the poisonous bead along the spider's legs and were swallowed and absorbed by the Eight Spider Spears.

Even though the poison bead was only a small one, after absorbing it for a while, Su Mo felt that his Eight Spider Spears couldn't swallow it.

Kacha ~ Kacha ~

At the same time, Su Mo finally felt that his eight spider spears were evolving, and the eight spider spears showed irregular deformation, and the color changed from purple to emerald green.


The evolution of the Eight Spider Spears also made Su Mo scream in pain. The changes in the Eight Spider Spears were like the changes in his own bones. It was hard to describe, but it was pain anyway.

Kacha ~ Kacha ~

But that pain came and went quickly.

Su Mo's eight Spider Spears evolved, Su Mo just felt invigorated throughout his entire body. Looking at the Eight Spider Spears on his body, not only did the color change, but the spider's legs also became longer and thicker.

"This... Are the Eight Spider Spears completely fused with me?"

Then, through Bibi Dong's field of vision, Su Mo also saw that the main body of the Eight Spider Spears that was originally attached to his back had completely merged into him. in the spine.

This means that the Eight Spider Spears have completely merged with him!


(end of this chapter)