
Douluo: Life and Death Contract, Kiss Qian Renxue at the beginning

Chu Ye travels through the world of Douluo Continent, and at the beginning of the game, he must bind a life-and-death contract with Qian Renxue to activate the system. So in the middle of the night, Chu Ye looked for Qian Renxue alone, and risked being beaten to death, and kissed the goddess Qian Renxue on the spot. Qian Renxue: You!How dare you kiss me.? This is my first kiss! Chu Ye: It's my first kiss too!Your first kiss, my first kiss, everyone's first kiss, don't suffer! [Chu Ye and Qian Renxue have bound a life-and-death contract] [Contract [-]: Live and die together, your lives will be bound together, once one party dies, the other party will also die. 】 [Contract 50.00: Cultivation sharing. When you meditate to absorb soul power and cultivate, you will provide an additional [-]% of the results to the other party. If two people practice together, the speed of your own cultivation will double. 】 [Contract 50, power sharing, you can borrow half of the other party's power, assuming that the woman's current soul power is 25, and the man can borrow the woman's [-] soul power. 】 [Contract [-]: The compatibility of martial souls is increased by [-]%, and it will be very easy for you to study martial soul fusion skills. 】 [Contract five, spiritual communication, no matter how far apart you are, you can communicate without barriers. 】

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Two and a half years, three bets between Chu Ye and Qian Daoliu

Qian Daoliu thought that Chu Ye would at least ask what the conditions were before considering it, but he answered in less than a second.

"Don't rush to agree, and think about it after listening to all my requests." Qian Daoliu put his hands on his back and began to say: "My first request will take three months, and you will win with one enemy and two. Core disciples Xie Yue and Yan."

"The second request, after one and a half years, I will let you go out to perform a mission, the goal is to kill the soul masters who committed crimes and caused chaos on the mainland, and the opponent's strength is at least the soul emperor level!"

"You can carry out this mission with Xiaoxue, but apart from the two of you, you are not allowed to borrow the power of others, otherwise it will be considered a failure."

"The third requirement is also the last requirement. After two and a half years, you and Xiaoxue will join forces, as long as you can last a stick of incense in the hands of Elder Snake Lance. Elder Snake Lance has restrictions and can only be used until the sixth. Soul skills."

"Chu Ye, do you dare to accept it?"

Qian Daoliu's voice echoed in Chu Ye's ears for a long time.

"Hehehe." Snake Lance Douluo was immediately happy when he heard that, the great offering was justified, and he was given a chance to teach Chu Ye a lesson!

"I see."

After Bibi Dong and Golden Crocodile Douluo heard this, they immediately saw Qian Daoliu's plan.

The first two requirements were time-consuming. Chu Ye is now at level 17, and it is impossible to upgrade to level 3 to become a great soul master within three months.

Because from level 19 to level 20, and from level 29 to level 30, this kind of breakthrough across a large realm is the most difficult and time-consuming.

Moreover, Xie Yue and Yan are already level 22 great soul masters now, and they will be at least level 23 three months later.

In addition, with one against two, even if Chu Ye's fighting power is very strong, it will be difficult to defeat Xie Yue, so Yan and the two teamed up.

Don't forget, they are also top talent!The fighting power is also very strong!

The second requirement is stuck at the same time.

Take Qian Renxue out to carry out the mission, Qian Renxue is now at level 35, and it will be difficult to reach level 41 Soul Sect Realm in half of the time, and it is impossible for Chu Ye to break through the third-ring Soul Master.

So, how could a soul master and a great soul master join hands to beat the soul emperor?

The first two seem to give some hope, but they are impossible tasks. The last one is even more extreme, fighting with Snake Lance Douluo?Although he can only use the sixth soul ability, and Qian Renxue, the opponent is also a Title Douluo!

Qian Daoliu wanted to use this request, and two and a half years, to get Chu Ye to accept Qian Renxue's lurking in the Tiandou imperial family.

You accept it yourself, and there is nothing to say when you fail.

This can prevent Chu Ye from harboring grudges and betrayal. After all, Wuhundian still cares about a genius like Chu Ye.

At the same time, if Chu Ye really fulfilled the three requirements of Qian Daoliu, it would prove to a certain extent that Chu Ye could bring more value to Wuhun Hall in the future than Qian Renxue's potential.

"Chu Ye, no, no! Grandpa's request is impossible to fulfill. There is no need for you to pay such a high price for me!" Qian Renxue kept shaking her head, trying to get Chu Ye to refuse.

But Chu Ye made up his mind, he smiled warmly at the corner of Qian Renxue's mouth: "Xue'er, I want to try, I don't want you to leave my side, besides, if you leave, my cultivation speed will be much slower oh."

After finishing speaking, Chu Ye slowly put down Qian Renxue's hand that was holding her arm, looked at Qian Daoliu with firm eyes: "I! I am willing to accept your request!!"

"Okay." Qian Daoliu nodded secretly. He actually admired Chu Ye's courage, and turned to look at Bibi Dong: "Does the Pope agree with this result?"

"Just do what the priest said." Bibi Dong nodded without any objection, signaling Chu Ye and Qian Renxue to leave first.

"Let's go, Xue'er." Chu Ye smiled, and at this moment he happily held Qian Renxue's hand.He left the hall under the eyes of everyone.

After going out, Qian Renxue was moved, happy, and sad: "Chu Ye, why are you so stupid, if you fail to fulfill Grandpa's three requirements, if you fail, you will lose your freedom for the rest of your life!"

"So what, at least you can stay here and stay with me for two and a half years longer."

"What's more, these three requirements can't really be fulfilled!" Chu Ye's eyes were firm, and then he calmly analyzed: "The first requirement, I want to defeat Xie Yue and Yan alone, even if my own strength cannot match, but Don't forget, we can share power."

"Borrowing your strength to defeat them is not a problem."

"Second requirement, you and I go out together to execute the mission to kill the Soul Emperor. We can also increase the success rate through sharing power, and your grandfather just said that you don't need to borrow other people's strength, but you don't say that you can't use methods, such as poisoning."

Qian Renxue interjected: "I know what you said. The first two requirements are indeed not a big problem for us, but what about the third requirement, how do you deal with it?"

"There are only two and a half years for us to join hands to defeat Snake Lance Douluo, who can only use the sixth soul ability. This..."

Chu Ye felt a little melancholy in his heart. Indeed, the third requirement was the crux of the problem. In the eyes of everyone, this requirement was impossible to fulfill. In fact, he was not sure about it.

In addition, the relationship between Snake Lance Douluo and Chu Ye is very bad, and Snake Lance will never release water.

"Let's take one step at a time. I believe there will always be a way. Now I have promised, Xue'er, we must not have the idea that we will fail. We must believe that we will make the impossible possible!" Chu Ye said with high spirits .

"Ah." Qian Renxue sighed, quickly adjusted her mentality, clenched her fists, and said full of fighting spirit: "Then let's work together to create miracles!"

"Okay, let's work together to create a miracle."

A smile bloomed on Qian Renxue's face again, and the two looked at each other and smiled, fist bumping each other.

At this moment, Chu Ye and Qian Renxue had a goal to work together and strive for.

Qian Renxue said: "Then let's find a place to discuss it carefully, and solve this first problem first."

"Go to my house?"


"Let's go."

After a while, Chu Ye returned home with Qian Renxue, and the two sat on the sofa and chatted.

Qian Renxue guessed: "I think Xie Yue and Yan will soon know that you are going to fight them, and they will definitely be prepared to deal with your battle. How much do you know about Xie Yue and Yan, Chu Ye?" ?"

"It's fairly familiar. Xie Yue's attack-type soul masters have the agility that is not inferior to the agility attack-type soul masters. The top-level weapon, the Moon Blade, is extremely sharp and has a very strong lethality."

"Yan, although the attack-type soul master is not as powerful as Xie Yue in terms of lethality, he also has his own unique advantages, possessing a defensive power that does not belong to the defense-type soul master!"