
Douluo Legend of the Ancient Dragon (English)

THIS IS A TRANSLATION! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GoldenDragonKing (Currently in Chapter 80 in PATREON). The young man from earth, Ao Tian, traveled to a primeval planet and became a young dragon. The dragon's long life left him extremely lonely, and he finally decided to fall asleep. Five hundred million years later, Ao Tian woke up to find that this planet had been ruled by humans, and one of the continents was called the Douluo Continent. Wuhun Hall, Clear Sky Clan, Bibi Dong, Tang San ... Ao Tianchen's memories sealed for hundreds of millions of years were opened and they finally found joy. ALL RIGHTS AND CREDITS ARE FOR THE AUTHOR: Xian yu.

Golden_DragonKing · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 1-The Awakened Dragon

Currently in Chapter 41 in PATREON


Douluo star.

This is a vibrant planet with countless humans and soul beasts.

There is an extremely wide magma space in the center of the land of Douluo dalu.

With the falling magma, exuding extremely high temperatures, this kind of temperature, I am afraid that the Title Douluo on the ground will not be able to sustain a breath time and will turn to ash.

Within the falling red magma, an extremely huge golden body appeared from time to time.

On the golden body, the diameter of each scale is extremely shocking.

At this moment, the red magma rolled violently and a huge dragon head suddenly appeared in the magma sea.

The dragon's head is as big as a house, and the dragon's hundreds of meters long whiskers are like little dragons sailing on magma.

The golden body stretches out, and the giant beneath the magma was a golden dragon that stretched forever.

The moment the giant dragon turned around, the entire Douluo star began to vibrate.

Countless volcanoes expel hot magma, covering the sky and the earth.

The sea roared, forming a tsunami hundreds of meters high and swallowing it towards the only two continents on the planet.

The continent trembles, it seems that they disintegrated at any moment.

At this moment, all the creatures of the Douluo star trembled in their souls, crawling along the ground.

Be it an ordinary person, the last Douluo at the top of the pyramid, the soul beast of hundreds of thousands of years, and all kinds of ferocious beasts, they all cannot help but tremble in fear, feeling as if the end is coming.

"Angel God, please show your miracles and save your devoted believers."

In the Wuhun City Elders' Hall, an old and pious voice came out.

"High Lord Seagod (god of the sea), please come into the world and save billions of people."

On the island of Poseidon, a beautifully plump woman knelt before the altar and prayed with devotion.

In the God Realm, countless deities with terrifying power immediately felt the sensation.

In the God Realm Committee, the clones of the five giants of the Divine Sense Projection gathered, their expressions overwhelming the movements that occurred on the Douluo Continent.

The evil god-king said: "Shura, your goodness and life immediately go to Douluo Star, how much can you save."

"Leave it in our hands." God Shura is about to come down to earth to save the world with the kind God-King and the Goddess of Life. However, in the next instant, all the disasters on the Douluo star disappeared in an instant.

The sprayed magma disappeared without a trace, the roaring sea was extremely calm, and the cracked chasm and collapsed houses on the continent were restored to their original state.

All lives remain the same as they were in the time before the disaster.

Everything seemed to have happened before, and it seemed like it had never happened before.

No, this is not an illusion, all beings in Douluo still remember that kind of soul trembling.

The five giants of the God Realm are also extremely convinced that everything happened absolutely now.

It's just that they don't understand why that kind of world-destroying disaster suddenly disappears out of nowhere.

God Shura: "Right now the entire Douluo star was close to disintegration, but it was repaired in an instant. What is the cause of this?"

The five giants were shocked like never before, and this power terrified them.

The Evil God-King solemnly said, "There are too many unknown mysteries in the universe, Shura, please visit the lower realms this time to find out about the Douluo star incident."


In the magma space of the earth's core, the 10,000-foot-long golden dragon rapidly shrunk and eventually became a six- or seven-year-old boy suspended in the sea of lava.

Surrounding terrestrial elements emerge and a stone platform five meters in diameter rises from the magma, the surface as smooth as a mirror.

The boy fell softly, soft and barefoot onto the stone platform.

All of his skin was like white jade shining with golden light, with long black hair on his smooth back, his eyebrows were like swords and his eyes were as deep as the starry sky, sometimes with golden lightning crossing.

Although he is only six or seven years old, his face fits perfectly, flawlessly perfect.


The boy exhaled, and the space in front of him instantly ruptured in the terrible draft of air, revealing a dark stain.

"This planet is still so fragile," the boy murmured, and with a wave of his little hand, space recovered as before.

Feeling some tyrannical spiritual thoughts running over the surface, the corners of the boy's mouth rose slightly.

"During endless years of sleep, some cute little ones finally showed up."

There was a hint of joy in his deep eyes, "Finally, humans were born. It's fun to have a human world. Um ... how many years have I been sleeping?"

The boy closed his eyes and reflected, and opened his eyes after a moment, "I have spent more than 500 million years in this deep sleep, rounding up, we only count as 500 million years. Five hundred million years, once you close your eyes, just open your eyes.

He sighed, his thoughts going back countless years.

His name is Ao Tian, he comes from the earth and his soul is reborn on this planet, becoming a young dragon

After endless years of cultivating, he became the most powerful existence on this planet, ruling over many primitive creatures.

But with a human soul, he always feels lonely. Endless emptiness and loneliness haunt him, so he has to choose to sleep.

Five hundred million years later, humans were born on the planet and Ao Tiantian's lonely heart began to slowly stir.

"Then enjoy it ..."

Ao Tian's body rippled with mysterious fluctuations, and a Douluo Mainland-style garment appeared on him.

It came out and disappeared out of nowhere.

On the surface, there were no fluctuations in space and the figure of Ao Tian appeared.

The place where Ao Tian appeared was in the city of Wuhun, because he discovered that there were more "strong men" in this city than in other places.

Loud calls, in their opinion, are slightly louder ants.

"Weak, too weak ..." Ao Tian kept shaking his head.

He looked up at the sky and murmured, "When is another world above? Hmm ... those divine thoughts come from there."

Sensing the intensity of divine consciousness that was swept away, Ao Tian curled his lips, a little dismissive, and most of his interest disappeared.

"Weak, still too weak."

Wuhun City is the seat of the Pope's Hall of the Wuhun Temple. Although it is not as large as the capitals of the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, its various facilities and fortresses are not much better than the capitals of the two empires.

At this moment, enthusiastic cries sounded from the sacred mountain in the center of Wuhun City, spreading throughout the entire Wuhun City in an instant.

"Long live the Pope, long live, long live ..."


All the people in Wuhun City were excited, looking towards the holy mountain, blushing and screaming with thick necks.

Ao Tian looked up and saw that all the buildings and all the obstacles on the way were empty before his eyes, and his eyes fell on the holy mountain.

There, there is a magnificent hall with a large group of people standing in front of the hall.

The head was a man dressed in a golden robe, who looked in his thirties, was tall and handsome, and his eyes showed a sense of domineering arrogance.

The man spoke and his majestic voice spread throughout the entire city of Wuhun:

"What happened just now is that the angelic gods of our faith in the Wuhun temple are showing miracles. Do not be afraid. The angelic gods are the most powerful. Their divine light shines on the world so that the world can eliminate the disasters and alleviating disease ... ... "

The people of the city became more excited, but Ao Tian couldn't understand this kind of screeching language.

His spirit fell on the Pope, breaking the opponent's mental defense without any hindrance.

Search Souls!

The Pope is still eloquently brainwashing the common people and even the soul masters below, completely unaware that his soul has been invaded and all of his own secrets have been exposed under Ao Tian's eyelids.

Douluo mainland? Wuhun Hall? Qian XunJi?

Ao Tian had an instant idea of the identity of the Pope, and memories of him from hundreds of millions of years were opened. He had read the novel about the Douluo continent in his previous life.

There was a trace of fluctuation in his star eyes, and he unexpectedly came to the world of books.

One book, one world, there really are too many unknown secrets in this world, even with Ao Tian's current strength, he still can't understand it.

His spirit is strong and the information he obtained from Qian XunJi's soul is instantly digested by him.

"Qian XunJi wants to occupy Bibi Dong by force tonight?"

Ao Tian's eyes fell on a beautiful girl standing behind Qian Xun Ji.

The girl's face is almost perfect, her eyes are bright and she looks radiant, and she is a bit cute and charming.

This is Bibi Dong when she was young, radiant.

Starlight lit up in Ao Tian's eyes.

"She is so wonderful, she is worthy of me."

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Currently in Chapter 37 in *******


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