
School Days

Because of Xiao Wu's aptitude she is accept to the Genius Class while Xin on the other hand is thrown in the working student group.

But not like other working student, Xin don't have any work at all, except for cleaning Xiao Wu's room and maintaining her proper diet.

Of course he also stat with Xiao Wu, having accepted to Genius Class, Xiao Wu has the privilege to get her own room.

Not only that, the school pay her monthly for studying in their school, they know that this child will bring huge endorsement for them in the future.

There's also Yu Xiaogang who never fail to invite Xiao Wu in his wing, but everyday he o ly face Xiao Wu's rejection.

But surprisingly he is persistent, he never fail to come to invite her everyday, he even try to bribe, gold, good and even vacation for her to have time to play.

But what he don't know is that, the more effort he give the larger the disappointment in the future.

Maybe he never stop seeing Xiao Wu's Master never visit her for almost half of yeatt, he thought that maybe, just maybe he got a chance to steal this little monster.

On the other hand, Xiao Wu's thirst for conquer never disappear, the first thing she did is to beat all the students in the school.

From new to old, there's also couple of teachers who they but fail and get beaten by Xiao Wu, right now if you ask any students the name of the Dean some of them fail to answer, but one thing for sure, if you ask whoa the leader of the school, they will answer same question.

Elder Sister Xiao Wu

The only person who fail Xiao Wu to subdued is Xin, this is also a huge mystery for everyone.

How can a ring less kid who only have 0.1 Soul Power can defeat a genius like Xiao Wu, Thai is Impossible and even hard to imagine.

But the truth really hurts.

One time they watch Xin and Xiao Wu's small fight, the only thing they can say that if Xiao Wu is little monster, Xin is a bigger monster.

Without using soul ring, soul power and any type of soul ability he can easily defeat Xiao Wu with only couple of moves.

Whatever speed, dexterity, strength, stamina and defense he always overpowered Xiao Wu, they never see even once Xiao Wu hit Xin on every fight they witness.

They thought she is holding back because he is her brother but this stupid idea disappear after seeing Xiao Wu almost getting beaten senseless infront of them.

Not only that the teachers who see everything know that the fight of two children is something that even them teachers can't join.

One time a teacher try to stop Xin from beating Xiao Wu but in the end, that teacher get git once and stay on his room for a month to recuperate.

That's how powerful the sparring match, there's no way that this fight is not a real after that incident.

Theres also some students who itchy and want to try but in the end they only get beaten going back with broken face.

Even Tang San try, he use exceptional speed, almost perfect judgement and even his hidden weapons but he still fail.

He knows that fighting hand to hand without holding back is a huge boost for his training but whatever he survive is another question.

Whoever challenge Xin either get beaten into pulp or get beaten senseless, there's no one ever survive from Xin without getting beaten severed even Xiao Wu.

For Yu Xiaogang, this huge gap will eventually disappear when the kids get their own Spirit Ring, so he accept the gap.

But Xin broke his understanding when he beat Tang San again after he gets his own first spirit ring.

The fight can't even said a fight, it's a one sided beating, he can only watch Tang San get beaten until he fall unconscious.

Of course he want to help but he knows with hai strength helping will only bring pain for him so he can only watch Tang San.

He also found Tang San's father, a Title Douluo, but even Tang San get beaten, hai father never show and this means he accept this kind of training.