
Chapter 269 He's Here!_1

Translator: 549690339

By now, they could essentially see the image of Dugu Yan being defeated by this person named Tang San; after all, the gap in their levels was simply too great.

"Instructor, he's taking the stage!"

At this moment, the members of the Dou Huang Battle Team watched with a very grave expression as they spoke.

Just now, in dealing with that person named Xiaowu, their vice-captain had already been slightly injured, and now with Tang San entering the fray, the situation looked more ominous than auspicious.

Why say that? Because that person named Xiaowu was this person named Tang San's woman.

Simply put, although the two of them referred to each other as siblings, they were actually in a romantic relationship.

Just think, if your woman was beaten, would you sit by and do nothing?

Clearly, it's impossible.

Therefore, this person named Tang San would definitely seek revenge on Dugu Yan.

"We can only hope that Dugu Yan will step down on her own."

At this time, Ye Feng could be heard speaking.

If Dugu Yan were to step down from the stage and admit defeat, then even if Tang San harbored resentment, he would have no way to retaliate against her.

Because it's a competition, if one side admits defeat, that match would end, and there would be no chance to continue the fight.

If there was no way to continue, naturally Tang San wouldn't be able to trouble Dugu Yan, at least not here. What could happen behind the scenes, however, was another story.

After all, it wasn't impossible for someone like Tang San to plot and scheme in the shadows.

"If he dares to harm Yanzi, I absolutely won't let him off!"

At this moment, Yu Tianheng's voice was also extremely cold.

Because Dugu Yan was his girlfriend, nominally speaking.

Although there wasn't much actual intimacy, the relationship of boyfriend and girlfriend was still present.

"Kneel down and apologize, and I can spare your life," Tang San's chilling voice rang out on the stage, as cold as if he were emerging from an icy cavern.

"Kneel down and apologize? Spare my life? What grandiose arrogance!"

Dugu Yan, hearing this statement, gave a cold laugh, full of icy disdain.

The world really is full of wonders.

Is the whole Soul Land surnamed Tang now?

Is this Tang San so arrogant?

The Dugu Family's accounts have yet to be settled with this Tang San, and yet he is already making demands on how I should behave.

On what basis?

Just because his Martial Soul is a hammer?

From the instructor, Dugu Yan knew that Tang San was actually a possessor of Twin Martial Souls; besides the one already revealed, his other Martial Soul was a hammer.

Didn't everyone in the Tang family have a hammer back then?

"This is your last chance. Kneel down and apologize, and I can spare your life," Tang San coldly stated as he stood in front of Dugu Yan.

He was like a judge from Hell itself.

He would definitely make her suffer for daring to treat his Xiaowu like that, and it would be a humiliation of the utmost degree.

That's why Tang San demanded that Dugu Yan kneel.

"If you dare, then just bring it on. There's no need for empty words, today I, Dugu Yan, even if I have to be carried out horizontally, will definitely not apologize to you because you're the one who should be apologizing!"

At this moment, Dugu Yan retorted defiantly.

Her tone was filled with a deadly aura!

Because of her grandfather's incident, Tang San should be the one apologizing.

This continent is not surnamed Tang!!

The Tang family cannot act so presumptuously.

They can't be so willfully reckless.

"Very well, you've used up the chance I gave you. Since you're hell-bent on courting death, don't blame me!"

Tang San's voice was as if squeezed through his teeth, remarkably cold.

And it carried a hint of murderous intent.

If this weren't a ring, in the next second, Dugu Yan would probably become a cold corpse.

Tang San was confident he could do it.

Because for him, killing a Soul King was just too easy.

"Do you think Dugu Yan from the Dou Huang Battle Team can defeat Tang San from Shrek Academy? He's a sixty-two level Soul Ancestor, you know!"

"Isn't that a stupid question? Of course, she's no match for Tang San. How could a fifty-two level Soul King hope to defeat Tang San, a sixty-two level Soul Emperor? That's a joke!"

The spectators in the stands weighed in.

They also felt that Dugu Yan had little chance of winning this round; the possibility of victory was exceedingly slim!

"Actually, when facing an opponent that's so many levels above oneself, the best thing to do is to admit defeat outright."

"Brother, you've spoken a mouthful of truth, especially since she just injured the opponent's girlfriend. Admitting defeat now would be even wiser, otherwise, it will only bring more misfortune later!"

Some others thought that Dugu Yan shouldn't continue to be so stubborn.

It'd be more straightforward to just admit defeat.

That way, she could at least avoid a beating.

Or it might even save her life.

Because murder was evident in Tang San's eyes.

That meant he would cause Dugu Yan the greatest damage possible within the rules.

"Come on!!"

Dugu Yan posed for battle at this moment.

"Heh, foolish," Tang San spoke to Dugu Yan.

The woman standing before him was in no way his match, nor could she possibly win against him!

Her current actions were nothing but her last desperate struggle.

"Foolish? Are you looking down on me? Yet, no matter how much you despise me, I'm more formidable than your little girlfriend! I defeated her with my own strength!"

Dugu Yan replied.

"Looking for death!"

Tang San was completely enraged, releasing his Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track instantly.

"Not bad, taking the initiative," Grandmaster Yu Xiaogang watched Tang San on the stage with a smile.

His disciple was the most reliable person, and everyone else faded into insignificance!

Honestly, he never expected Shrek Academy to suffer such a terrible defeat.

"First soul skill, Green Phosphorus Red Poison!"

Dugu Yan instantly unleashed her first soul skill.

At that moment, red mists began to appear.

"Poison? Your poisons are of no use to me," he said.

Tang San's speed was extremely fast at this time.

"First soul skill, Blue Silver Emperor Entanglement!"

Tang San's Blue Silver Grass had evolved into the Blue Silver Emperor, and he now launched it directly at Dugu Yan, attacking her position.

"Bad news!"

Dugu Yan realized something was wrong and immediately executed her second soul skill to strike at Tang San!

Her second soul skill, Green Phosphorus Purple Poison, was unleashed, covering the entire arena with a cloud of purple poison.

The scene was quite spectacular.

But it seemed to have no effect on Tang San.

He still moved through it with ease.

"What's going on? How can this Tang San be immune to these poisons?"

Some of the spectators looked on in utter confusion.

"Because this Tang San seems to have some kind of immunity to poisons?"

At that moment, someone spoke up.

Because some people had watched Tang San's matches before,

it seemed that poisons had no effect on him.

Indeed, Tang San could counteract most poisons,

including the ones Dugu Yan was casting now.

Of course, it would have been better if she had used her strongest soul skills from the start.

However, she only used some weaker ones.

"Second soul skill, Parasitic!"

Tang San executed his second soul skill.

Then, numerous parasitic plants appeared on Dugu Yan's body, wrapping tightly around her from the outside and preventing her from counterattacking!

"How is that possible, when did you do this?!"

Dugu Yan was now bound by Tang San's second soul skill, Parasitic, unable to move!

Dugu Yan was extremely shocked.

When had he managed to do it?

He needed physical contact to sow those things on her body, didn't he?

"You don't need to know!"

Tang San flicked his fingers slightly, and the next second, the Blue Silver Grass began to contract.

The spectators were stunned by the scene before them.

It had been less than three seconds since the start, and it seemed like it was about to end!

"Can she do it? Tang San doesn't seem easy to deal with!"

People expressed their concern with worried looks on their faces.

She seemed to be getting more and more tightly bound by the Blue Silver Grass.


A cry of pain came from Dugu Yan.


The members of the Dou Huang Battle Team's eyelids twitched as they watched the scene unfold.

They all wore very worried expressions.

Ye Feng's face was also exceptionally cold.

Tang San was indeed being a bit excessive today.

But when had he ever not been excessive?

"Damn it, if you have the guts, let me on the stage!"

Yu Tianheng's fists creaked, a look of rage on his face.

"Fifth soul skill, Green Phosphorus Poison! Break through!"

Dugu Yan bit her own finger right there and then,

fusing her blood with her fifth soul skill.

Instantly, the fifth soul skill brought forth an extremely frightening corrosive effect.

All the Blue Silver Grass rapidly dissolved.

"Impressive! Defeat Tang San!"

"Yes, defeat Tang San and claim victory!"

The crowd watched as Dugu Yan used her skills to break free from her predicament, and they all sighed in relief, the terrifying moment just now had made everyone's heart jump to their throats!

They had really thought the match was over!

Fortunately, the situation had now reversed.

"Barely acceptable, the real storm is about to come," Tang San said, his face looking fierce.

This time, he intended to continuously torment his opponent, to avenge Xiaowu and release his anger!

Because he couldn't just watch Xiaowu be wronged!

"Hmph, you're underestimating my strength too much. Bring it on then," Dugu Yan said, with an irritated look on her face.

Considering his arrogance, she definitely wanted to use her most powerful soul skill to defeat him at once!

Dugu Yan's beautiful eyes grew cold as ice.

She disappeared from where she stood.

The entire stage was engulfed in a cloud of black mist.

"Third soul skill, Cobweb bound!"

Tang San used his third soul skill!

A vivid and incredibly poisonous Man-Faced Demon Spider appeared before Dugu Yan.

Another figure appeared alongside it:

That person had eight spider legs growing out of his back!!

Tang San!!

Dugu Yan was utterly shocked.

He had directly unleashed his Eight Spider Lances!

"Come on!"

Dugu Yan refused to show weakness!

She immediately counterattacked!

Now the battle between the two in the midst of the poison fog grew increasingly intense!