
Douluo: Helping my ancestors ascend to godhood

Shui Wuya crossed into Dou Er and became the descendant of Shui Bing'er, possessing the ability to communicate with the ancestor Shui Bing'er. "Ancestor Bing'er, bury the immortal grass underground, and let me retrieve it after ten thousand years!" "Ancestor Bing'er, I will now impart to you the method of condensing the soul core!" "Great ancestor, your path to divinity sweeps across the eight directions, your achievements will span eternity!" Several years later, Shui Bing'er became a god, "Wuya, I have paved the path to divinity for you. Let us meet in the divine realm!" ... 【You cross into Douluo, identified as an orphan】 ... 【Shui Bing'er revitalizes the family, your identity as the head of a declining aristocratic family! Obtain a share of the family's treasures!】 ... 【Shui Bing'er suppresses Tang San, attains godhood, your identity as the head of a secretive clan, granted a level 99 clan ancestor!】 ... 【Shui Bing'er becomes a god, your identity as... a divine companion?】 ****** Power Stone Goal: 150PS = 1 CHAP 500PS = 3 CHAP Have early access to over 30 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/ZeroMoney This is a translation.

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Chapter 158: Journey to Shrek City!

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After receiving Shui Xingtian's response, Shui Wuya furrowed his brow slightly. He might not care about others, but he couldn't ignore the members of the Shui Family and the disciples of the three major affiliated powers.

"Yesterday, news came that Shrek City has been completely surrounded by the beast tide. If Di Tian personally intervenes, Shrek City may be in imminent danger."

Shui Xingtian added, conveying the seriousness of the situation.

"In that case, let's make our way there!"

After a moment of contemplation, Shui Wuya decisively made the decision to head to Shrek City.

Having just rebuilt the Shui Family, as its patriarch, he couldn't abandon his people in Shrek City at such a critical time. It would inevitably affect their morale.

Soon after, Shui Wuya quietly left the Tianshui Sect. Accompanying him were Shui Xingtian and Mo Lihai.

Originally, Shui Wuya hadn't planned to bring Mo Lihai along. However, upon learning of Shui Wuya's intention to go to Shrek City, Mo Lihai insisted on accompanying him. He knew about the beast tide attacking Shrek City and naturally didn't want anything to happen to Shui Wuya on the way.

On the other side, nestled within majestic mountains, stood a grand and imposing sect.

Engraved on the sect's plaque were three ancient characters: Haotian Sect.

However, despite the usually calm atmosphere of the Haotian Sect, tension now permeated its halls.

"Huo Yuhao disappeared in the Tianshui Sect. I must find out what happened to him!"

In the main hall of the Haotian Sect, Wang Dong'er, with a sorrowful expression, slammed the table with both hands, glaring at the two burly men seated at the left and right sides of the hall.

Previously, amidst the fierce battle between the beast tide and Shrek City, he had secretly slipped out of Shrek City and returned to the Haotian Sect.

"The Tianshui Sect has always been mysterious. Over the thousands of years, it has had several moments of glory, but each time, it has vanished without a trace after reaching its peak."

The sect master of the Haotian Sect looked troubled. The mysteriousness of the Tianshui Sect was no less than that of the Haotian Sect.

"Dong'er, are you sure Huo Yuhao disappeared in the Tianshui Sect?"

Seated on the left, the other burly man couldn't help but ask.


Wang Dong'er responded through gritted teeth, each word filled with determination.

"The Haotian Sect does have a map to the Tianshui Sect, but you can't go alone on this trip. You must bring along several elders. If there's a crisis, both your second uncle and I will personally come."

After hesitating for a moment, the sect master of the Haotian Sect retrieved a yellowed map from his storage space and handed it to Wang Dong'er.

"Thank you, Uncle."

Wang Dong'er eagerly took the map, a glimmer of hope flickering across her face.

Not long after, having just returned to the Haotian Sect for half an hour, Wang Dong'er departed once again. Unlike when she arrived, this time, when Wang Dong'er left, she was accompanied by several figures cloaked in black robes, each emanating a formidable aura.

"Tianshui Sect, you'd better wait for me. If something happens to Huo Yuhao, I will make you pay with blood!"

Following the directions indicated on the map, Wang Dong'er and her group sped off. Unbeknownst to her, a great sense of apprehension grew within her heart. She feared that what Wang Qiuer had said was true—that Huo Yuhao was truly dead!


Inside and outside the gates of Shrek City, the situation was several times worse than it had been two days prior, resembling nothing short of a hellish landscape!

The endless beast tide army, seemingly tireless, launched continuous assaults on the city gates day and night.

Although Shrek Academy and the allied forces of the three major empires defended the city, manpower was ultimately limited. With more and more powerful soul masters falling in battle, the situation had reached the brink of collapse!

"Master Xuan is barely holding on. Why hasn't the Shui Family arrived yet? Could it be that they're not coming?"

Atop the city gates, Lin Lao gazed up at the sky with a worried and anxious expression.

In the sky, Xuan Zi had been fighting Di Tian relentlessly for two days and nights, leveraging all his cultivation and a portion of the Golden Tree's power.

"After all, it's a matter between teacher and student, and Shrek Academy has never mistreated Shui Wuya. He should come back."

Beside Lin Lao, Yan Shaozhe, injured, displayed a somber gaze filled with hidden resentment.

Two days ago, at Xuanzi's behest, he had contacted Shui Wuyai requesting assistance from the Shui Family. However, at that time, Shui Wuya had not given a clear answer.

And just yesterday, he had battled against the King of Ten Thousand Beasts, almost being wounded to his core by the opponent.

"Hmph! Back then, when we personally asked him for medicine to treat Elder Mu in the Sea God Pavilion, he didn't agree. Now that Shrek City is in danger, he's probably just watching from the sidelines."

Lin Lao snorted disdainfully, a hint of displeasure flashing across his face.

At the same time, thirty miles away from Shrek City, a carriage and a military convoy were massacring scattered soul beasts as they advanced toward Shrek City.

"We're still some distance from Shrek City, yet there are so many damn soul beasts. I wonder what kind of situation Shrek City is currently facing."

Leading the army was a general clad in white armor, a white helmet, and a white robe. He stood tall and handsome, riding a large horse closely beside the carriage. A sigh escaped his lips.

This man was none other than Dai Yaoheng, dispatched by the Star Luo Empire to lead this army specifically tasked with delivering aid to Shrek City.

"The Star Luo Empire seems to be quite concerned about Shrek City being besieged."

The young man sitting in the carriage chuckled, his face revealing an indifferent expression towards the surrounding soul beasts.

"Shui Wuya, your talent in cultivation even surpasses that of the Shrek Seven Devils. Why did you choose to wade into this mess?"

Faced with the young man's seemingly probing question, Dai Yaoheng remained silent and instead brought up the matter concerning the young man.

Seeing this, the young man simply smiled. He was none other than Shui Wuya, who had left the Tianshui Sect two days ago!

Instead of rushing to Shrek City immediately, he traveled in a carriage at a leisurely pace.

Shui Xingtian and Mo Lihei rode on horses, following closely on both sides of the carriage.

"It's just a coincidence, just going for a visit."

Shui Wuyai responded calmly.

Half a day ago, he had encountered Dai Yaoheng on the road. Since both of them were former students of Shrek Academy, Dai Yaoheng had invited Shui Wuya to travel together.

"Shrek City is currently besieged by a beast tide and is extremely dangerous. I suggest you turn the carriage around and leave this place."

Dai Yaoheng used to be Shui Wuya's senior at Shrek Academy, so his impression of Shui Wuya still lingered from several years ago.

Although he knew that Shui Wuya's talent in cultivation was terrifying, he was almost clueless about Shui Wuya's current strength and identity.

Upon hearing this, Shui Wuya smiled but did not respond further.