
Douluo: Helping my ancestors ascend to godhood

Shui Wuya crossed into Dou Er and became the descendant of Shui Bing'er, possessing the ability to communicate with the ancestor Shui Bing'er. "Ancestor Bing'er, bury the immortal grass underground, and let me retrieve it after ten thousand years!" "Ancestor Bing'er, I will now impart to you the method of condensing the soul core!" "Great ancestor, your path to divinity sweeps across the eight directions, your achievements will span eternity!" Several years later, Shui Bing'er became a god, "Wuya, I have paved the path to divinity for you. Let us meet in the divine realm!" ... 【You cross into Douluo, identified as an orphan】 ... 【Shui Bing'er revitalizes the family, your identity as the head of a declining aristocratic family! Obtain a share of the family's treasures!】 ... 【Shui Bing'er suppresses Tang San, attains godhood, your identity as the head of a secretive clan, granted a level 99 clan ancestor!】 ... 【Shui Bing'er becomes a god, your identity as... a divine companion?】 ****** Power Stone Goal: 150PS = 1 CHAP 500PS = 3 CHAP Have early access to over 30 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/ZeroMoney This is a translation.

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Chapter 140: Ten Thousand Years Ago, Breaking into the Douluo Palace

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"It is recorded in history that 6,700 years ago, the Shui family emerged. Patriarch Shui Xiaotian led nine Ultimate Douluos and several Titled Douluos, sweeping across the world and dominating for over three centuries!"

"3,400 years ago, Shui family patriarch Shui Dongliu, with semi-divine power, suppressed all the world's strong men and seized countless medicinal herbs..."

In the conference hall, Xuanzi watched as many people present showed disdain for the Shui family. He immediately recited some information about the Shui family recorded by Shrek Academy.

When he finished speaking, those who had not experienced the emergence of the Shui family quickly fell silent.

This included the Sun Moon Empire's royal representative who had just spoken, and the ninth-level soul engineer from Mingde Hall. Their faces no longer held contempt because Shui Dongliu, mentioned by Xuanzi, was also a legendary figure in the history of the Sun Moon Empire!

Thousands of years ago, Shui Dongliu crossed the ocean to the Sun Moon Continent, not only suppressing all the strong men of the Sun Moon Empire but also stealing all their precious medicinal herbs, causing the empire to fall into decline!

"Does anyone still think the news of the Shui family's reappearance is just a joke?"

Xuanzi's deep gaze swept around the hall, scrutinizing each attendee. He needed to make them realize that the reemergence of the Shui family was no trivial matter.

For a moment, the entire hall fell into a deathly silence.

Although everyone present had come to deal with the reappearance of the Shui family, each had their own ulterior motives. Even with Xuanzi there, he couldn't truly unite them.

"The Shui family's main base is likely in the extreme north."

Suddenly, Huo Yuhao's mind was unexpectedly filled with the voice of Tianmeng Iceworm.

"Tianmeng, how do you know?"

Huo Yuhao asked, surprised.

"I have no evidence, just a vague feeling. But you can spread this information; these guys will naturally investigate it."

Tianmeng Iceworm's voice was lazy.

After a moment's thought, Huo Yuhao decided to follow Tianmeng Iceworm's suggestion.

"The Shui family's main base is likely in the extreme north."

Huo Yuhao's voice broke the silence in the hall.


"The Shui family is in the extreme north?"

"Is this true?"

Huo Yuhao's words stirred up a storm, causing a wave of reactions throughout the hall.

Even Xuanzi and the other Sea God Pavilion members focused their attention on Huo Yuhao.

"Yuhao, do you have any evidence for what you just said?" Xuanzi asked.

"I only heard it mentioned, but we can send someone to investigate," Huo Yuhao calmly replied.

As Huo Yuhao continued to speak, the atmosphere in the hall grew lively again, piquing everyone's curiosity.

Finally, after a quarter of an hour, Xuanzi solemnly announced the temporary adjournment of the meeting.

"We will immediately dispatch a Shrek inspection team to the extreme north to verify the location of the Shui family's main base!"

At the same time, Xuanzi decided to explore the extreme north. Finding the Shui family's main base was clearly a better approach than holding blind meetings.

After the meeting, all participants, under Shrek Academy's arrangements, gradually went to their temporary lodgings in Shrek City.

Meanwhile, the various factions attending the meeting issued immediate orders to send their spies quickly towards the extreme north!


That morning, Shui Wuya, who had traveled back ten thousand years using his space-time traversal ability, awoke in bed with Shui Bing'er.

They were currently in an inn in the capital of the Tian Dou Empire.

"Wuya, are you sure you want to go to the Tian Dou Palace alone?"

Shui Bing'er wrapped her delicate hands around Shui Wuyou's neck, her face full of worry.

"Bringing more people might expose our target. Besides, the palace is guarded by Titled Douluo. If we're discovered, it could lead to a battle," Shui Wuyou said softly, gently stroking Shui Bing'er's head. He had traveled back ten thousand years to help Shui Bing'er obtain the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud.

"Please be careful," Shui Bing'er whispered, her voice tinged with deep concern.

Soon, Shui Wuya and Shui Bing'er appeared downstairs at the inn.

When the eight deans saw Shui Wuya, they all had strange expressions on their faces.

"Deans, Shui Wuya just arrived yesterday. He's here to help me," Shui Bing'er explained before the deans could ask.

Hearing this, the deans' odd looks grew more intense, focusing on Shui Bing'er with knowing smiles, causing her to blush.

"Everyone, please wait here. Once I succeed, I'll return immediately," Shui Wuya said, clearing his throat to ease the awkwardness. He then transformed into a shadow and vanished from sight.

Moments later, Shui Wuya silently appeared within the Tian Dou Palace.

Having disguised his appearance and concealed his aura, Shui Wuya went unnoticed.

He then activated his fifth soul skill. His five soul spirits merged their spiritual powers with his, instantly elevating his spiritual strength to a nearly two-million-year level.

With his enhanced spiritual power, Shui Wuya began to explore the entire Tian Dou Palace, using his spirit to scan in all directions.

In just a few moments, Shui Wuya sensed the presence of two Titled Douluo within the palace: the elders of the Spirit Hall, Dolphin Douluo and Snake Spear Douluo.

He then discovered Qian Renxue, disguised as Xue Xinghe, in one of the palaces. To his surprise, she was bathing at that moment. Shui Wuya inadvertently glimpsed her graceful figure, as she looked like a water lily emerging from the water, graceful and enchanting.

Before Shui Wuya could dwell on the sight, his spiritual power detected the presence of the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud. Overjoyed, he wasted no time. His form quickly became a shadow as he appeared in the palace where the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud was stored.

Picking up the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud, Shui Wuya felt its immense defensive power. He placed it into his storage soul guide ring and once again became a shadow, leaving the palace as silently as he had arrived.

Shortly after, Shui Wuya returned to the inn room.