
Douluo: Helping my ancestors ascend to godhood

Shui Wuya crossed into Dou Er and became the descendant of Shui Bing'er, possessing the ability to communicate with the ancestor Shui Bing'er. "Ancestor Bing'er, bury the immortal grass underground, and let me retrieve it after ten thousand years!" "Ancestor Bing'er, I will now impart to you the method of condensing the soul core!" "Great ancestor, your path to divinity sweeps across the eight directions, your achievements will span eternity!" Several years later, Shui Bing'er became a god, "Wuya, I have paved the path to divinity for you. Let us meet in the divine realm!" ... 【You cross into Douluo, identified as an orphan】 ... 【Shui Bing'er revitalizes the family, your identity as the head of a declining aristocratic family! Obtain a share of the family's treasures!】 ... 【Shui Bing'er suppresses Tang San, attains godhood, your identity as the head of a secretive clan, granted a level 99 clan ancestor!】 ... 【Shui Bing'er becomes a god, your identity as... a divine companion?】 ****** Power Stone Goal: 150PS = 1 CHAP 500PS = 3 CHAP Have early access to over 30 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/ZeroMoney This is a translation.

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Chapter 134: The 800,000-Year Ice Turtle Ancestor, Bai Jiang!

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In an instant, within Shui Wuya's spiritual world, a long-hidden memory was awakened.

Shui Wuya thus learned the origin of the 800,000-year-old soul beast below, astonishingly the guardian soul beast of the Shui family, the 800,000-year-old Ice Turtle Ancestor, Bai Jiang! Tago, Shui Bing'er first subdued the Ice Turtle clan, later discovering this Ice Turtle progenitor deep in the sea and subjugating it.

In the earth-shattering divine battle sixteen years ago, the Shui family was tragically annihilated. Now, it seemed that this 800,000-year-old Ice Turtle had survived by virtue of its formidable defensive power.

"Let's go down and take a look!"

Shui Wuya immediately made the decision, leading a few others beside him to swiftly break through the thick soil layer, eventually appearing where the 800,000-Year Ice Turtle Ancestor resided.

At a glance, in the underground space shimmering with azure light, a massive ice turtle lay quietly on the ground. Its eyes were tightly shut, its body enveloped in a dense aura of death, teetering on the brink between life and death.

"He's suffered severe injuries, on the brink of death, and now only maintains his life by a thread of vitality."

The usually taciturn Snow Emperor suddenly broke the silence, a hint of compassion in his cold eyes.

Shui Wuya emanated his spiritual power, carefully sensing the Ice Turtle Ancestor's condition, indeed as the Snow Emperor had said, the Ice Turtle Ancestor was on the verge of death.

However, since Shui Wuya was here now, he couldn't simply watch the Ice Turtle Ancestor perish.

With a flash of green light from his storage soul ring on his right hand, four or five types of healing immortal herbs immediately appeared.

Then, with a wave of his hand, those four or five types of immortal herbs transformed into liquid, entering the Ice Turtle Ancestor's body along the edges of its mouth.

In an instant, a terrifying vitality erupted from within the Ice Turtle Ancestor's body, dispersing much of the death aura.

But at this moment, the Ice Turtle Ancestor had yet to awaken. Shui Wuya intended to stimulate the Ice Turtle Ancestor's spiritual world with the Flower of the Spirit, but the Ice Phoenix hidden within him reacted once again.


With the sound of a phoenix's cry, a three-zhang-sized Ice Phoenix burst out from Shui Wuya's body, eventually landing on the Ice Turtle Ancestor's head.

Then, the Ice Phoenix released a breath of icy mist from its mouth, swirling around the Ice Turtle's entire body, stimulating the Ice Turtle Ancestor's consciousness.


 Three breaths later, the subterranean world suddenly experienced a violent tremor as if the earth itself was shaking!

 The colossal body of the Ice Turtle Ancestor erupted with a terrifying surge of soul power. Then, its limbs propped up its body, and its eyes, closed for over a decade, opened once again in this moment!


 The head of the Ice Turtle Ancestor shook, emitting a roar from its mouth, and the entire subterranean world showed signs of collapsing.

 The Ice Phoenix quickly shrank to half an inch in size and flew back to Shui Wuya's shoulder.

 "The current head of the Shui family is here. The guardian beast of the Shui family, bow down at once!"

 At this critical moment, Shui Yanjun quickly stepped forward in front of Shui Wuya. After a flash of cold light from his right hand, the insignia of the Shui family's head appeared.

 As the just-awakened Ice Turtle Ancestor heard Shui Yanjun's voice, its gaze shifted to the head insignia in Shui Yanjun's hand. Without hesitation, its body shrank to a size of six zhang and bowed down before Shui Wuya.

 "Bai Jiang pays respects to the clan leader."

 The Ice Turtle Ancestor, now capable of speech, waited quietly for Shui Wuya's next decision.

 "Tell me about the specifics of that great battle years ago."

 Shui Wuya remained composed, with a hint of indifference in his tone as he inquired.

 "In that battle, a blood-red giant sword descended from the divine realm, intending to wipe out the Shui family completely. Clan Leader Shui Moyuan led all the strong members of the clan, including myself, to join forces against the giant sword."

 "However, that blood-red giant sword was extremely terrifying, unleashing unparalleled killing power. Several strong members of the clan sacrificed themselves successively, erupting with quasi-divine-level power to forcibly resist."

 "After almost all the strong members of the clan perished, the Shui family suffered heavy casualties, with only a few survivors. I should have perished with them, but at the critical moment, the Ice God suddenly descended and successfully blocked the blood-red giant sword with his own strength, leaving behind this lineage of the Shui family."

 The voice of the Ice Turtle Ancestor was extremely hoarse, and the bitterness and resentment in its words were palpable.

 As Shui Wuya listened, he pondered inwardly. Although he was quite knowledgeable about the history of the Shui family, it wasn't until this moment, sixteen years after that great battle, that he began to understand it to some extent.

 The blood-red giant sword, the power of slaughter...

Shui Wuya raised an eyebrow slightly. Just from the information provided by the Ice Turtle Ancestor, it could be inferred that the deity who intervened sixteen years ago was most likely the Asura God!

Just as Shui Wuya was lost in thought, a noisy clamor suddenly sounded from above, snapping him back to reality.

"Who dares to trespass into our Shui family? Get out now!"

A rebuke echoed, accompanied by the eruption of several formidable auras, evidently attempting to force Shui Wuya and the others to reveal themselves.

Upon hearing this, Shui Wuya turned and, accompanied by Shui Yanjun, Han Feng, Snow Emperor, and the Ice Turtle Ancestor, rushed out of the subterranean world.

Back on the surface.

"The current head of the Shui family, Shui Wuya, is here. Bow down at once!"

As soon as they appeared, Shui Yanjun once again presented the insignia of the Shui family's head, guarding Shui Wuya alongside Han Feng in the center.

With his hands behind his back, Shui Wuya remained composed, exuding an air of authority.

In contrast, the dozens of Shui family members surrounding Shui Wuya and his group were dumbfounded.

Among them, the leader of the group recognized the identities of Shui Yuanchen and the Ice Turtle Ancestor, and when the shock in his heart reached its peak, he fell to his knees with a thud.

"Clansman Shui Xingtian, pays respects to the clan leader!"

Seeing this, the other Shui family members no longer hesitated, one by one kneeling before Shui Wuya.

"Clansman Shui Qingluan, pays respects to the clan leader!"

"Clansman Shui Jianghai, pays respects to the clan leader!"


In no time, a large group of Shui family members knelt down in the area.


Seeing everyone submitting directly, Shui Wuya nodded, signaling for them to stand up.

"Thank you, Clan Leader!"

The crowd responded in unison. Shui Xingtian, who spoke first, stood up and walked to Shui Wuya's side.

"Clan Leader, this isn't the place to talk. Shall we return to the clan first?"

Shui Xingtian asked cautiously.


Shui Wuya nodded again.

Shui Xingtian then led Shui Wuya and the others in a direction towards the original secret realm.

Along the way, Shui Xingtian continuously briefed Shui Wuya on the current situation of the Shui family in the original secret realm.

Shui Wuya learned that there were about two thousand people from the Shui family surviving here, but since the disaster sixteen years ago, there hadn't been any new Limit Douluos born in the Shui family.

The strongest here was a ninety-seventh-rank Super Douluo, followed by seven Titled Douluos, of which Shui Xingtian was one.

There were about twenty Soul Douluo-level experts, and below that, countless Soul Saints and Soul Emperors.

Overall, the current Shui family was far from its former glory.

Before long, Shui Xingtian led everyone through a concealed array, and a large gathering place of the Shui family appeared before them.

As Shui Wuya and his group arrived at the central hall of the Shui family, the various strong members of the Shui family mentioned by Shui Xingtian earlier began to appear.

"I am Shui Zongnan, paying respects to the clan leader."

As Shui Yanjun presented the clan leader's insignia again, the leading elder immediately led the group of strong Shui family members to kneel before Shui Wuya.

(End of this chapter)