
Douluo Dalu: World Tree, Plant Godking

In the world of Douluo Dalu, an extraordinary event unfolds as a researcher from Earth's memories was infused within a colossal ancient tree known as the World Tree, Verdalor. He aspires to become the World Tree Emperor, a Plant Spirit Beast Godking. ~~~~~ A/N: Chapter release at GMT+8, 11 p.m. Discord: https://discord.gg/92srvG4YVP

Amomon · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Super Verdalor?

The plan?

I needed to 'change' my huge body temporarily.

Yeah, easier said than done.

We put our heads together, brainstormed ideas like a dynamic duo.

And by the end of our brainstorming session, we decided to take a slightly different route – instead of going full-on shapeshifting, I could create a new form, something that suited me better.

Like, say, a treant form.

And I'll use Yasaka's shapeshifting techniques as the foundation.

Now, I'm aiming to transform into something entirely new, a treant form.

This will the start to my own shapeshifting technique, maybe after this I can turn into a normal looking tree to confuse any pursuer.

Now, you might wonder how in the world I'm going to pull that off.

Well, let me share my ideas.

First up, there's the 'compression' strategy.

It's like a cosmic makeover.

I'm thinking of making myself smaller, but denser.

Think about it – imagine my roots, trunk, and branches getting tighter, more compact.

It's like folding a massive piece of paper into a tiny, intricate origami.

The idea is to take my grand World Tree form and squeeze it into a concentrated treant shape.

But then there's another avenue – learning from the best.

I'm talking about those 200,000-year-old spirit beasts who manage to take on human forms temporarily.

Now, I'm not exactly thrilled about being a human – I mean, I'm a tree, right?

But if they can do it, maybe I can adapt their technique to transform into my treant form.

It's like borrowing a page from their playbook while adding my own unique chapter.

Now, let's get a bit creative with the third idea.

What if I harnessed the power of my spirit core, my inner world?

Because I knew for sure that my spirit core is special.

Who in the world had a small world inside their body!?

Imagine tapping into that energy, using it to create a whole new innate skill – one that propels me into my desired treant form.

It's like unlocking a hidden talent and molding it into the shape I want. I've got to admit, it's an enticing possibility.

But what if I can combine all of the above?

It's like mixing different ingredients to create the perfect potion.

Maybe I can compress my form a bit, use the ancient spirit beast transformation technique and Yasaka shapeshifting technique as the foundation, and then sprinkle some spirit core magic on top.

It's like taking a multi-faceted approach, using every trick up my sleeve to craft my treant form.

"Yasaka, what do you say?" I asked.

"Umu, that's some technique if you can create it big meanie tree.

Oh, in any case for your information, my shapeshifting technique is based on those 200,000-year-old spirit beasts' technique.

My mom taught me that when I'm still a cub."

'Oho, that's very lucky! Wait a minute...'

"Your mom is a 200,000-year-old spirit beasts!?" I'm not expecting that at all.

"Hehe, of course you big meanie tree!

Or how in the world my brother and I got this much talent?" Yasaka said playfully.

"Ergh, how in the world I'm supposed to know that? I'm still a sapling if you consider my real age."

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"Well, I'm just 10,000 years old, I believe?"

"WHAT!? I thought you're some ancient tree by the way you look and based on your aura!"

"Hehe, it could be because of my lineage."

"What's your bloodline if you don't mind me asking?" it seems Yasaka's curious.

"And why should I tell you that, huh? Figure it out on your own!" I teased her.






Yasaka, the foxy mastermind, is stepping up to teach me her art of shapeshifting.

And guess what?

After a handful of lessons, I'm starting to get the hang of it.

It's like using magic, it'll perform the technique if you've got the correct mantra.

Now, I'm itching to dive into crafting my own innate skill.

And here's how I'm doing it – using the idea of forming a fresh innate skill as a pathway.

Yasaka's technique to guide the direction, leading me through the twists and turns of the process.

Then, I'm picturing myself 'compressing' my form, taking all that World Tree grandeur and squishing it down into a focused treant shape.

It's like rolling up a massive scroll, making it smaller but keeping all the intricate details intact.

And let me tell you, it's a bit like trying to fit a puzzle piece into a space that's just a tad too small.

But here's the thing – my mastery over spirit energy is a game-changer due to my camouflaging mastery.

Sure, the process isn't a walk in the park, but it's not exactly climbing a mountain barefoot either.

With each attempt, I feel a step closer to my goal, a treant form that's uniquely mine.

Yasaka's lessons are turning into golden nuggets of wisdom.

I'm sifting through them, piecing together a plan to create my treant form.

Using Yasaka's shapeshifting lectures, I channel my spirit core's energy, guiding it towards my new innate skill.

I visualize 'compressing' my massive form into a more compact treant shape.

And then, the magic happens, – my very own treant form.

'Whoa, I must be the most dashing treant around!'

'I don't even need to check; I just know it!'

"YASAKA! I DID IT MAN!" I shouted enthusiastically.


We jumped around together as this took more than a week.

Throughout this week we never slept, but as a spirit beast at as our cultivation, it's not that we need to sleep that often.

BUT it's a whole week with gruesome hard work!

Alright, folks, it's time to unveil the grand transformation!

Let's dive right in and witness my treant form.

After a week of determination and energy sculpting, I finally did it.

I crafted my very own treant form, a version of me that's a bit different from your regular treant.

Let me paint you a picture of this unique treant form I've cooked up:

Imagine a figure that stands at a hearty three meters tall, a whole meter taller than Yasaka in her shapeshifted human form.

Yeah, I want to be a bit smaller but I'll take as what it is.

My skin retains that tree-like quality, but the bark has transformed into something extraordinary.

It's dense, so dense that it's like touching the mountain, do you ever find it's depth with just touching it, no!

My bark texture come with intricate patterns of swirling looking veins etched all over, radiating a gentle green hue.

It's like I'm wearing a living work of art, a masterpiece of nature's design.

And let's talk limbs – I've got four robust arms, each one ready to take on the world.

My legs?

Oh, they're thick, like ancient tree trunks, firmly rooted in the ground.

I've got some smaller trees sprouting from the back of my body, like nature's little accessories.

And my face, an eldritch visage that captures the mystique of the forest.

'Whoa, I'm so so so handsome!'

"Yessir! I'm the most handsome treant around!

Ladies, keep an eye on your gametes because I might just do some pollination magic!"

"Oi! What nonsense are you talking about? And please, cover up those anthers!" Yasaka shouted.


I've reached a milestone, folks – a new form.

And the best part? It's just the beginning.

Because at this moment, I'm all set to snatch up those immortal herb babies!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it, review it and let me know.

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