
Douluo Dalu: World Tree, Plant Godking

In the world of Douluo Dalu, an extraordinary event unfolds as a researcher from Earth's memories was infused within a colossal ancient tree known as the World Tree, Verdalor. He aspires to become the World Tree Emperor, a Plant Spirit Beast Godking. ~~~~~ A/N: Chapter release at GMT+8, 11 p.m. Discord: https://discord.gg/92srvG4YVP

Amomon · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Nine-tailed fox, hn!

So, where do we start?

Shapeshifting and camouflage, that's the name of the game.

I mean, imagine going from a World Tree to something less... attention-grabbing.

And who's the master in this field?

Yasaka, the nine-tailed fox.

I heard her tale as one of the young spirit beast that has potential to become the next Ten Fierce Beast.

I'm also one of the 'young' spirit beast...according to top spirit beast standard, I'm quite young indeed.

Now, let's be honest – Yasaka's got skills that put Ditto to shame.

She's like the queen of shapeshifting, turning into whatever tickles her fancy.

The best thing about her shapeshifting is her technique is not an intrinsic skill where I can't learn it.

Instead, it's a skill that can be learned, but she always demands payment for it!

And guess what?

I'm about to pick her brain.

Yep, I'm going to learn from the best.

But here's the twist – I'm not just copying her moves like a parrot.

Oh no, I'm putting my own spin on it.

It's like taking a recipe and adding your secret ingredient to make it truly yours.

Yasaka's got the moves, but I'm about to make them mine.

Indeed it will be hard but I'm not some average 100,000 years old spirit beast!

I'm the very definition of wisdom.

Even though that's only based on legend, you know, where there's smoke, there's fire...right?

Plus, there's various anime from my researcher's memories.

I'm confident I can develop my own shapeshifting technique!

And then there's the aura thing.

Yasaka's got this knack for hiding her presence, like she's blending into the very area arround her.

It's like being invisible, only it's not as if she's in front of me I can still see her.

And guess what?

I'm itching to get in on that one too.

I think I know how she does it but I will just ask her just to add her technique to my plate.

So, how do I plan to get Yasaka on board?

Well, I've got something she'd be interested in – an immortal herb.

It's like offering a wizard a rare spell book.

It's valuable, it's intriguing, and it's just the thing to sweeten the deal.

But here's the thing – I'm not spilling all my beans.

I'll hand over the herb, it's just one herb so yea sure there's no problem, but Sunset Forest?

That's like showing your hand in a high-stakes poker game.

No way am I revealing that gem just yet.

So, here's the game plan: I'll track down Yasaka, the nine-tailed fox, and propose my little partnership.

I'll offer her the immortal herb, a treasure that's hard to resist.

And in return, I'll get a front-row seat to her mastery of shapeshifting and aura-blending.

If she questions how she can trust me, well, even if she doesn't want to, that's fine!

She's faced with a choice: either she shares and gains nothing, OR she obtains a freaking immortal herb!

All spirit beast that know what immortal herbs are will wage war just for a single stalk of them.




Alright, let's take a step back before I dive headfirst into the Yasaka adventure.

So, Yasaka, the nine-tailed fox – she's like the master of shapeshifting and aura blending.

I want to learn from her, sure, but I'm no sitting duck.

If she gets all aggressive and fox-y, I need to be ready to dance.

There's also her brother that's stronger than her, Kurama.

Now, let's talk about my innate skills. I'm not just a towering World Tree; I come with a nifty skill set.

First up, there's Nurturing Aura.

It's like having a natural green thumb, except it's a whole lot cooler.

I can wrap spirit beasts and plants in this soothing aura that boosts their growth.

It's like a nurturing hug from Mother Nature herself.

And then there's Absorption.

Imagine my roots sipping up nutrients from spirit beasts or my leaves soaking in solar energy from the sun.

It's like getting a boost of energy straight from the source.

I'm like a cosmic battery that can easily recharge by itself.

Next, let me spill the beans about my physical capabilities.

You see, I'm not just a towering tree – I'm a force to be reckoned with.

Why do you think I can be 100,000 years old spirit beast, although I think my soul is saved by the injection of my researcher soul.

The tribulation is a meanie man,

F*ck Godkings!

Before the god war, spirit beasts were able to cultivate to the God Rank and become divine beasts.

Since the defeat of the Dragon God in the god war, there was a restriction placed on the spirit beasts to make sure it was near impossible for any divine beasts to be born from the spirit beasts.

Plant type spirit beasts are exempted from this restriction but that's only for the ones that have close to no consciousness.

For example, Myriad Demon King and I will still be restricted.

Although, he is very different from me as I can cultivate by my own to reach 100,000 years old spirit beast while he need the help of an immortal herb.

Myriad Demon King already ruled over the soul beasts in more than one-third of the Peripheral Region of the Great Star Dou Forest.

The reason he's not aware of a great plant type spirit beast like is because I grew in a very secluded underground cave with minimal sunlight and it's not in his territory.

But enough with all that.

Let's dive back into my physical aspect.

Imagine absurd vitality coursing through my being, like I've got a reservoir of a huge ass amount of energy.

I'm like that nuclear reactor that seems to have infinite energy but we know it's not.

Due to that, my regeneration is far more superb compared to the others.

Stamina and strength?

Oh, I've got them in heaps.

My strength is comparable to the apex of spirit beasts.

Let's talk about Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear – a tough nut to crack, known for fighting true dragons.

Well, even this bear can't escape my grasp if my branches manage to entangle him.

Imagine this – my branches securing him like an iron grip, rendering his fearsome bear claws useless.

And the best part?

If he tries to break free by cutting his entanglement, my branches can regenerate faster than he can say "roar."

It's like a never-ending loop of entrapment, and I'm the puppet master pulling the strings.

Now, here's the thing that sets me apart from the garden-variety plant spirit beasts.

I can uproot myself.

Yeah, you heard that right.

I'm not tethered to the ground like a stationary tree.

I've got control over my roots, trunks, and branches, which gives me a level of freedom that's as exhilarating as a rollercoaster ride.

Sure, I'm not the speedster of the spirit world if I wanted to run away but that's not the case with branches and roots!

Other than that, I've got the basic innate skill that all plant type that reached 100,000 years old.

I can communicate with plants that's coincide with my species, in this case most tree in the Great Star Dou Forest that has low cultivation are my subordinate.

Now, here's how my fights with spirit beasts usually play out: I'll start with the entangling and entrapping dance.

It's like luring them into a spider's web, and trust me, once they're caught, they're not going anywhere.

Then comes the whipping and limb-pulling – a spectacle that's both graceful and lethal.

And the grand finale?


Yeah, I'm not just a strong arm; I've got a one-of-a-kind buffet system going on.

I absorb the energy and essence of my fallen foes, but it's not that I need spirit beasts to cultivate.

But maybe now it'll be different as now I've got my inner world.

So, why am I revisiting my skill list?

Simple – I want to be ready for anything.

Yasaka and Kurama might be a master of their craft, but I've got my own tricks up my metaphorical sleeves.

If things take a turn, I'm not going to be a pushover.

Let's search that little fox, shall we?

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