
Spirit awaikning CH 2

It has been 5 year since he was living in spirit saint villiage with his twin brother tang san and his father tang hao which he live his life drinking and smithing

he was sitting on a mountain with his brother they were fighting with each other for 2 year which tang ren has never won he know tang san is form tang sect which he has no chance in defeating him due to in prevous life he has no fighting experience

while tang san has been fighting in his previous life he decided to train with his brother by fighting so he could get experience off how to fight tang ren was laying on a ground due to being lost a fight to his brother after he uses hand to push tang ren to ground and trip him tang ren said brother it seem i cannot defeat you tang san said big brother dont worry when you get strong you maybe defeat me while they were laying and talking then they notice they were late it iss almost night time they ran home and begin to make rice porriage so they decided one week tang san make food and week tang ren make food then they put three bowl on a table tang san shouted father dinner is ready eat then there father came while drinking he was middle age man having beard he saw his two son did not speak and sat beside them eat rice and left to his room sleeping he saw tang san looking toward his father with worry eyes due to his drinking habit and his health

it has been a year they now become six year old they were fight with each other and his little brother in early morning practice mysterious havean skill and purple demon eyes then old man came knock on the door tang ren open the door he saw grandpa jack he and tang san greeted while grandpa jack how are you my boy i am good what about you they said we are good while he look toward tang hao and said look toward tang hao angerly saying you have good children you as there father just drink and sleep tang ren said granpa jack dont worry he is just ill that why he sleep and drink tang ren know very well why tang hao was like this he didn,t blame him for losing his wife that he was not able to protect then granpa jack spoke do you know why i am here tang ren spoke yes we bacame six year old so you came to us that we can awaken martial soul granpa smile as said yes and he spoke a spirit master forn spirit hall came to villiage to awaken martial soul when tang hai heard spirit hall his eye fall red and became normal again granpa said let go both children said ok and then ask there father that can they go tang hao just wave his hand and left to his room then they go with grandpa jack to martial awakening palace then they saw young no older than 22 year old which was legendary su yutao then he said children line up they all line he then put six stone sand activate his martial spirit lone wolf it appear behind while along with two yellow ring all children got scared accept tang san and tang ren then su yutao spoke don,t be afraid this my martial spirit then he ask children came in the center one by one first girl name zu yin came su yatuo pour his soul power in her she glow then with in her hand came a sickle then he ask the girl to put his hand on ball which show soul power when she put the hand there was no reaction he was disappointed he said you cannot become spirit master she got sad get back while all other children martial spirit was awaken only tang san and tang ren was left then tang san came when su yatuo put his soul power in tang san he got very strong reaction tang san glowed gold he was exicted that the martial spirt will be strong when tang san put forward his hand he saw a blue plant which he recognize said blue silver grass he was dissapinted and said you cannt became spirit master and said to tang san go back then tang san said can you check my soul power he said there is no need to do because blue silver palnt has no soul power then tang san said can you just let me check then su yutao said ok came when tang san put his hand on ball it glowed with brilliant white colour whole room lit up with light su yatuo was shock he said holy shot it is full innate soul power then he got dissapionted and said it in his mind blue silver grass with innate soul power then he ask tang ren to came up when tang ren came su yatuo put his soul power in tang ren he felt very and put his hand forward which he also awaken blue silver grass ther he notice there iss two more soul in left hand along with blue silver grass in his right hand also martail soul he know very well which martial spirt are then he also check his soul power he was shock again due to full innate soul power then he notice there name and said two brother full innate soul power with trash martail soul then he took both children toward chief off village granpa jack and said they both are born with full innate soul power but have trash martial soul then he gave form about recommendation so they can join any academy grandpa jack heard this he was very happy and excited and took both children two there home and tang hao your children has full innate soul power

when tang hao heard and siad release your martial soul they both put there hand forward blue silver grass when tang hao saw this his heart tremble seeing this which speak in his mind same as there mother granpa jack said to tang san to let them join nuoding academy tang hao said no grandpa jack get angry and left the house before tang hao could go to his room tang san said father i have anoter martial soul tang sand pit his right hand forward clear sky hammer came tang hao was shock and happy he hug tang san very hard while crying then he look toward his elder son then tang ren spoke father i also had two more martial soul when tang hao heard he was shock because no one has ever born with three martial soul he said to tang ren to show him tang ren put his blue sliver grass back and put his both hand forward on his left hand appear white sword white and long which tang hao recognize and said how iss this possible while he saw in his right hand clear sky hammer he was happy and also hug tang ren then he thought maybe someone in the past marry to sword clan he can only think this then he release them and said to tang san use your hammer to protect plant tang san nodded and told tang ren that use hammer to protect his plant he said to teng ren you can chose between your silver blue grass or seven kill sword to cultivate then tang ren said i will chose seven kill sword tang hao said good and said you can only cultivate one spirit if u add another ring before reaching above rank ninty soul power you will explode and die they both nodded and said okay

then tang san father i want to learn blacksmithing.