
saving the girl

Bibi dong took them to the stronghold of the thieves nearby, she didn't even give them a chance to talk and continued to kill the bandits. As for Feng he is also busy killing them and looting their physical and soul power for himself.

The previous group also gave him some useful things like

[ Gluttony has been activated ]

[ Martial soul - hand knife gained ]

[ Martial soul gale wolf has been gained ]

[ Skill - rage has been gained ]

[ Skill - chameleon cloak has been gained ]

[ Gained black sword martial soul ]

[ Gained martial soul small hammer ]

[ Gained skill - wind blade ]

[ Gained skill - frost cut ]

[ Gained skill - lion's roar ]

[ Gained skill - fire breath ]

[ Gained martial soul - snow leopard ]

He gained a few martial souls, but he has no interest in them, as for why he collected them, the reason will be revealed later. His soul power and physique gained an impressive boost. As soon as he gained the 3rd ring he will be able to break through to just a level below 40.

Feng continued to kill with his teacher and finally reached the basement. Bibi dong didn't show anyone mercy and slaughtered then all along with renxue. She is quite angry as she remembered the previous pope her own father forced a maid and she is born from it.

The basement has cages where children are kept bibi dong released them all and consoled them. They're all very scared and most of them are girls. She contacted the spirit hall and send them all to the orphanage before setting the entire stronghold on fire.

Every single child is gone except one who is keep them and saying she wants to become strong. This girl is Ming Xu'er. She knelt and begged bibi dong to teach her. She said she already got her martial soul awakening and a soul ring too.

Turns out she awakened a different martial soul compared to others on her clan. It's a secret clan that declined over the years, her mother helped her hunt down the sprit ring but she is ambushed by some assassins sent by the clan.

Her mother and she escaped, but they're separated and she is caught by these bandits. Her martial soul is a sword that has dragon patterns on it. She said she has innate full soul power when awakened.

Looking at the girl who wanted revenge bibi dong felt nostalgic. She took her to her bosom and consoled her for some time. On the way in hunting a soul beast they encountered her mother chased by a man faced spider of 13000 years.

Bibi dong stopped the spider and made it into a pulp in a half alive state. The woman knelt down and thanked her before going to her daughter and both of them cried while hugging each other.

Feng moved towards the man faced spider while bibi dong askedif he is sure to absorb it. Feng nodded and killed the spider before starting to absorb the black soul ring. The people are tensed but they didn't say anything as time passed it soon reached 2 hours and Feng's body undergone a change.

8 spider legs came out of his back while he groaned. Bibi dong is quite surprised as he saw his external spirit bone. Meanwhile Feng smiled, how could he not get this, he plundered the protagonist luck and this world favours him now.

Looking at the eight spider lances he smirked a little. He gained three skills now, one from the ring called poison claws of asura lord. It laces his claws with poison lethal enough to break their soul power control and it's also lethal to titled douluo too.

The external spirit bone has two skills, one is spider web which shoots a poisonous web and trap the opponent knocking them unconscious if they're not careful. Other is the absorption of life energy of their making it his own and also spreading poison from the lances.

Bibi dong smiled and congratulated him while patting his head. Meanwhile Ming Xu'er is looking at him with wide eyes, mainly at the rings he absorbed. She couldn't believe what is happening in front of her.

She is surprised by the fact that he is able to absorb the soul rings off chart.