
Fusion Move

'Yawn... I'm tired...'

Wang Shóu yawned and rested on a large branch of the tree.

Then he stretched his back, feeling the soothing relief as his muscles loosened. The subtle sound of cracking joints resonated through the air as tension was released, providing instant relief.

'Much better... the past few days have been rather tiring, though I did level up, which is nice'

Wang Shóu mused, reflecting on what had happened in the past few days.

After defeating the Flame Lion King, he, along with Xiong Yong and Huo Long, continued to walk through the forest.

However, perhaps because they were 1,000-year-old spirit beasts, they were seen as easy prey in the middle region.

Even with the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear with them, there were always courageous spirit beasts daring to attack them.

So, they had to face many 1,000-year-old spirit beasts, and even several 2,000-year-old spirit beasts!

But they were not pushovers that can be easily bullied.

After several days of fighting, the spirit beasts were finally intimidated and no longer dared to attack them.

However, fighting for several days straight didn't come without a cost.

They had suffered injuries of various degrees, ranging from minor scratches to ones that would take weeks to heal.

Of course, there's not without gain. He had leveled up to 34 while Huo Long has level up to 32, making them noticeably stronger than before.

'But Pokémon are truly magical beings'

Wang Shóu couldn't help but sigh. Even though he and Huo Long were injured, in just several hours, all their injuries vanished as if they had never existed.

On the other hand, while Xiong Yong has top-level bloodline of Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear, it took him several days to fully recover. 

But Pokemon? They can quickly heal from injuries in just several hour, and whats even more outrageous is that Pokemon can grow stronger after battle! 

Though Pokemon do need to consolidate after growing stronger, but it is still amazing!

Even true dragons and Dark Devilgod Tiger don't possess such outrageous quality! 

Though...was it because Pokémon were blessed by Arceus, or were Pokémon created by Arceus to be that way?

Perhaps...that's why death outside of age, illness, and accident is so rare for Pokémon.

Unfortunately, though it seemed to be a blessing, it was actually a curse for Pokémon.

Wang Shóu's face couldn't help but turn dark when he thought about it.

Now that he thought about it, it was indeed strange. Even with Poké Centers, Pokémon generally couldn't handle so much battle at such a frequent rate.

But now that he had truly become a Pokémon and experienced the life of being a Pokémon, he finally understood.

In a way, humanity was abusing Pokémon.

And in their opinion, it was perfectly natural for them to do so.

Pokémon who can heal very quickly, become stronger after battles, and are very loyal – who wouldn't love such creatures?

Though unfortunately, it was taken advantage of by humans. Pokémon are creatures with abnormally high pain tolerance, and humans took advantage of this by frequently sending them out to fight.

Some argued that if Pokémon really disliked it, they would resist, but they didn't, meaning that Pokemon are creatures that love to battle.

But in Wang Shóu's opinion, it is completely wrong. True, some Pokémon do enjoy battling, but the true reason they enjoyed it was because it made their trainers happy.

Pokémon are simple creatures with pure minds and will do anything for the people they love. If their trainer is happy, then they will be happy too. It is that simple in their pure minds.

In this case, trainers happened to love battling and winning even more.

So naturally, Pokémon responded to those feelings. They would do everything they could to win a victory for their trainer and make their trainer happy.

And even if some Pokémon were resistant to battling, did they even have a choice? They couldn't voluntarily leave their trainer without their trainer's consent, because of the existence of Poké Balls.

No trainers except Ash would be willing to consent to their Pokémon leaving them unless those Pokémon were weak or viewed as useless.

Thinking of this, Wang Shóu couldn't help but think of a special human that came from Unova.

Natural Harmonia Gropius, better known as N, the leader of Team Plasma.

A unique human who could communicate with Pokémon and was said to be the offspring of a human and a Pokémon.

He was an outlier among human who truly loved Pokémon and believed that the best way to help Pokémon was to separate humans from Pokémon and abolish Poké Balls, which he saw as devices to enslave Pokémon.

He even obtained the approval of Reshiram and Zekrom, Legendary Pokémon known as the Dragon of Truth and the Dragon of Ideals, respectively.

Reshiram, the Dragon of Truth, a mythical creature capable of incinerating the world itself, was said to help those who wished to bring about a world of truth.

Zekrom, the Dragon of Ideals, a legendary creature that could scorch the entire world, was said to help those wishing to build a world of ideals.

Obtaining the approval of those Legendary Pokémon alone spoke of how noble N's heart was.

Unfortunately, in the end, it turned out that he was just a puppet controlled by Ghetsis, with the purpose of dominating the world.

And his way of thinking was fiercely opposed by all of humanity, and even Pokémon opposed him too.

So, without anyone to support him, N fell into deep doubt and in the end, after facing several consecutive losses against Hilbert, he decided to live a hermit life, living with his beloved Pokémon.

'But it is indeed really unfortunate...'

Wang Shóu couldn't help but express his regret. He didn't have any opinion on N's decision to live a hermit life, no longer fighting for his goal.

After all, it was N's choice to do what he wanted to do. His only regret was that N wasn't the protagonist and was instead the main antagonist.

An orphan with an unclear identity, a special ability to communicate with Pokémon, and even obtaining the approval of Legendary Pokémon – what else could it be if it is not a protagonist template?!

If that were the case, then N would definitely succeed in his goal! But Wang Shóu knew it was impossible.

If Game Freak had really chosen to do this, Game Freak would definitely be bankrupt within several days! Naturally, it was impossible for Game Freak to make such a stupid move.

Wang Shóu could naturally understand this, as those employees had their lives to live, and it required money to support them.

'Anyway, let's forget about it. Right now, survival is more important'

Wang Shóu grumbled, closing his eyes to rest for a while.

Resting against the back of the tree, Wang Shóu's mind couldn't help but drift back to the time when he fought the Flame Lion King.

After reading many novels, Wang Shóu thought it would be a good idea to reflect on his previous battle and see what he could do to improve himself.

Besides fighting Xiong Yong and Datura Snake, that was the most dangerous fight he had ever faced.

Hmm... yeah, he could have started first, initially gaining an advantage.

And using electricity to defend against Flame Lion King's flames was really not a wise choice.

Fire and electricity don't really go well together and even caused such a huge explosion-

Wang Shóu suddenly opened his eyes as he realized something.

'Wait, I can create fusion moves!'

He had completely forgotten that this was reality!

As long he has enough mastery and control over a specific move, he can improvise on that move or even create new move!

Those type of move is called a fusion move, or otherwise generally known as an improvised move.

Though he had created an improvised move himself, he had subconsciously thought from the perspective of a game, ignoring that Pokémon could cooperate to create new moves.

In the Pokémon anime, there were numerous improvised moves, with Ash being a pioneer of improvised moves in the anime.

One of the most iconic improvised moves was Thunder Armor, where Pikachu, flying on Swellow, used Thunder from both himself and Swellow to create a golden-like armor.

If an improvised move by himself was so strong, an improvised move by two Pokémon would definitely be much stronger!

'So if I succeed... then it's not impossible to fight 3,000-year-old and even 4,000-year-old spirit beasts!'

Getting excited at the prospect of an improvised move, Wang Shóu quickly jumped off the large branch of the tree.

Then he quickly looked for Huo Long who was also resting, in order to verify his idea and see whether it could work.

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