
Douluo Dalu: The Myth of the Haotian Douluo (English Version)

The Myth of the Haotian Douluo The most powerful Martial Master on Earth, he ventured to take the heavenly thunder into his own body to reach a higher level, but he turned to ashes under the thunder of heaven. However, he did not die. Instead, he was reborn as a disciple of the Clear Sky Sect of the Douluo Continent. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello to all the friends who are reading this fanfic, this is a translation of a fanfic of Douluo Dalu or Soul Land, I do not charge any kind of money for making this translation, I simply share it with you. The Fanfic is of Chinese origin and I am originally translating it into Spanish, the English version is because I copy and paste the translation that I made from Chinese to Spanish in the translator, so of course the grammar is quite bad.

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Chapter 39: One-Year Special Training Part 2

Although Tang Bufan wanted to understand the principle, the problem appeared when he used the casting hammer to practice the chaotic layer hammer method. Although the original skill of the chaotic layer hammer method was still displayed, Tang Bufan's eyebrows were deeply furrowed.

Because the chaotic layer he just showed was a bit nondescript and full of flaws. However, Tang Bufan would not be perplexed by this difficulty, he began to adjust his body's center of gravity and the strength of his shots.

In this way, he began to steadily manage the chaotic technique of the cape hammer in his groping. Although there were still many problems, Tang Bufan continued to improve. In this way, Tang Bufan began a boring practice, whenever he was tired he practiced Da Zhou Tian Hun Yuan Gong, when his spirit recovered, he began to practice the chaotic cape hammer method.

Days passed like this day by day.

One day after half a month, Tang Bufan, after this period of assiduous practice, was finally able to skillfully use the chaotic cape hammer method again, and it was not messy at all, it was perfect.

Beside him, Tang Xiao saw this scene, the corners of his mouth slightly lifted. "Xiao Fan, the first step of the training ends here. Come with me with the casting hammer, the next training will really test you!"

Tang Bufan nodded and followed Tang Xiao to the deepest part of the backyard. Ten minutes later, under Tang Xiao's leadership, they finally reached their destination. Looking at the huge waterfalls and pools in front of him, Tang Bufan's eyes were puzzled. He was quite familiar with this place. After all, he used to swim here often.

It is said that this waterfall was created by the master and elders personally, it is 300 meters high and 20 meters wide. Below the waterfall is a large pool with crystal clear water, whenever the waterfall falls, you can see a beautiful rainbow, which is a place for many clan disciples to play.

Tang Xiao pointed to the waterfall and said, "Xiao Fan, have you seen the round stones under the waterfall? From today, you will stand on it and practice the chaotic layer hammer method. When will you succeed in swinging the hammer eighty-one times It's time to end this stage of cultivation."

Tang Bufan frowned as he looked at the waterfall. The impact of the three hundred meter high waterfall is so powerful, not to mention practicing the chaotic layer hammer method, it's not easy to stand still. And it is even harder to stand on the smooth cobblestone that has been pounded and polished by water all year round.

But these were nothing to Tang Bufan, he had never seen what kind of scenes in his previous life. Looking at Tang Bufan with a frown, Tang Xiao joked, "Xiao Fan, are you sure to complete the training?"

Tang Bufan arched his eyebrows, "Sect Master, don't worry, I will complete the task perfectly in three months!" Tang Xiao couldn't help but be surprised. He even spent nine months to complete the training. Tang Hao also took half a year to complete the training.

Although Tang Bufan was more talented than his brother, three months was too short. In his opinion, Tang Bufan's training time should range from more than four months to more than five months.

"Well, since you have this confidence, I'll see you again in three months!" After speaking, Tang Xiao said goodbye to Tang Bufan and left.

Tang Bufan took a deep breath, holding the casting hammer and began to swim under the waterfall. At first, he was swept away by the falling waterfall before he even got close to the round rock. The 300-meter waterfall falls, and only those who have actually come into contact with it know how fierce the impact is.

If not for his extremely strong physique, and holding a dozen kilograms of hammer in his hand to increase his weight, the water would only impact him even more, and his stamina would be exhausted in a few times. But Tang Bufan was not so easy to defeat, he was a human being for two lifetimes and his ambition was already indestructible.

He crawled toward the round rock again and again, even if the current dragged him down, he did not lose heart, but continued to climb the round rock with perseverance. In this way, every time he got tired of climbing, he returned to the shore to cultivate his spiritual power, and when his energy recovered, he continued to climb the round rock.

In this way, four days passed quickly. In the last four days, Tang Bufan tried countless methods and even used his incomparable mental power.

Calculate how to climb and receive less force, calculate how to use body parts to eliminate the impact force of the waterfall and calculate in which direction the water flow has less impact force. In short, you have tried every method you can think of. !

Perhaps Huang Tian paid his attention. On the fifth day, he finally climbed the round rock, even if the waterfall swept him away soon, but Tang Bufan's face showed a happy smile. As the saying goes, everything is difficult at first, as long as you take the first step, the rest is much easier!

After climbing the rock, he did not rush to practice the chaotic cape hammer method, but tried to stay on the round rock as long as possible, only after doing this, he was ready to practice the chaotic cape hammer method.

Although Tang Xiao said that only three months later he came to see the results of Tang Bufan's cultivation, he actually only insisted on it for eight days before rushing to the waterfall.

Looking at Tang Bufan who was cultivating spiritual power under the waterfall, Tang Xiao couldn't help but show a faint smile. It seemed that this child really didn't need him to worry. Day by day, Tang Bufan stayed on the round rock for longer and longer. In the end, Tang Bufan was able to stay on the rock at will.

Tang Bufan even began to use the impact of the waterfall to temper his body. On the twenty-fifth day after Tang Bufan arrived at the waterfall, he finally began to practice the chaotic layer hammer method.

A large splash of water splashed under Tang Bufan's throwing hammer, and then the throwing hammer turned a circle and returned to the starting position. It succeeded, but Tang Bufan was not very happy, he knew this was the first hammer.

Indeed, when he hit the third hammer, a wave hit him in the pool. After some thought, Tang Bufan climbed back up the round rock and continued with the next round of practice.

At first, Tang Bufan's chaotic layer hammer method hit the waterfall with splashes, but as the number of drills increased, the splashes became smaller and smaller, and his casting hammer was handled more and more smoothly. In the end, even a circular canopy is formed, and no water leaks into the area covered by the canopy.

In this way, three months passed in an instant, and with a loud roar, Tang Bufan finally showed swung the hammer reaching the eighty-first hammering of the chaotic layer hammer method.

Even if there is no spiritual power blessing, even if it is not the Clear Sky Hammer, the power of this hammer is extremely powerful. With the last swing of the hammer, it smashed into the waterfall like a cannonball.

The terrifying force directly took Tang Bufan's body directly for ten meters, and the water within the ten meters was counterattacked upstream, making a rumbling roar under the shape of his body. Under the sunlight, a beautiful rainbow appeared in his vision, and Tang Bufan's mouth could not help but slightly tilted. After three months of hard work, he finally succeeded.