
Douluo Dalu: The Legend of the Dragón God of Dark Frost

In this story we will delve into a 16-year-old boy who, after dying due to an accident, a god gives him 3 wishes and is reincarnated as Douluo Dalu----- I do not own anything by Douluo dalu, all copyrights to Tang Jia San Shao, I only own my oc- Strong MC, no system, small harem, first novel as a writer, Au

GodOfPride_z · Book&Literature
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49 Chs

Helping Ma Hongjun

Shrek Academy

Aotian and Mengqin's cabin

After going to the infirmary, the director said that it was all for today and ordered Mubai to show them where they will live.

Although there were some weird reactions about Aotian and Mengqin sleeping in the same room, after hearing that they were husband and wife, they didn't say anything.

It was currently night, and Aotian could feel like Tang Hao was having a "Talk" with the headmaster and deputy headmaster.

While he was sitting on the edge of the bed while Mengqin was sleeping, she was deep in thought about what to do from now on.

Accompany Tang San and fight the Spirit Hall, make a sect, go on alone with Mengqin to godhood no matter what happens on the continent.

"Xiaobai, tell me, what do you think I should do? I don't have a dream or goal other than wanting to Ascend to Divinity."

Entering his Spirit Sea, Aotian tells the Great Ice Dragon that he is sleeping.

"Do what you want, it's that simple, you are the most talented of the current generation, it's a matter of time before you Ascend to Divinity, if you want to leave a mark on the continent it's your decision, I as your partner will support you in your decision."

After thinking for a bit, Xiaobai tells Aotian his opinion, after all he only wants to Ascend to Godhood with Aotian so he can live forever.

"Thank you very much Xiaobai, I have decided what I will do from now on"

After meditating on the words he said to her, Aotian has a steady gaze, and walks out of the Spirit Sea from him.

"Let's see how this goes"

Sitting in the lotus position, Aotian watches as his Dragon bloodline merges into one point in his body.

This happens because shortly he is going to form a Blood Core.

He was trying to make a Blood Core since he wanted to make Bloodline skills, just like Tang Wulin did with his Golden Dragon King bloodline.

Settling down on the bed, Aotian hugs Mengqin and goes to sleep.

--- The next day ---

7 in the morning

On a hill at Shrek Academy we can see Aotian swinging his Katana Kusanagi while he has his eyes closed.

After coming to sword intent, Aotian is currently in the process of fully mastering sword intent.

According to his knowledge, what follows from the sword intent would be the Sword Soul, which is infused with an attribute, so he was thinking about what to do when the time comes to choose a time.

While he was thinking these things, Aotian feels with his spiritual power that there is a fat boy alone, crying on a bench.

Keeping the Martial Soul from him, Aotian dried himself with a towel and walked towards him.

While he was going down the mountain, the fat guy saw a basket that was on the left side of him, and he gets even sadder.

"Hey, friend, what's wrong with you? Did someone do something to you?"

Looking up, Ma Hongjun sees a tall and handsome young man, with a bit of sweat running down his hair, which makes her look at his body, and become even sadder.

"Hey, answer me, if there is someone who hit you, I can go and beat him up"

Aotian asks Ma Hongjun again what is wrong, since in the manhua he was shown as someone energetic and arrogant due to his martial spirit, but here he is, sitting on a bench, at 7 in the morning, crying and depressed, contrary to the character shown in the manhua.

"Go away, I don't need your help, I'm strong enough to defend myself"

Telling him to go away, the fatty takes a bun from the basket next to him, and as he eats it, more tears come to his eyes.

"Oh, is it because of a woman? Tell me who would want to leave a great soul master of Shrek Academy?"

Knowing that Hongjun had problems with women, Aotian asks him, since they are partners at the moment, he should help him with his problem.

Looking at Aotian for a moment, Ma Hongjun notices that he really wants to help him, so he sighs, leans even more on the bench, and tells him.

"Yes, you see, I had a girlfriend from the village, who was very beautiful and affectionate with me, she didn't judge me for my physique, but because she was an ordinary person, she couldn't stand my resistance, so over time she got tired and I let. I'm not mad at her, because I know I have a great need to have sex, but I'm very sad, I really loved her."

After hearing these things, Aotian is surprised that Ma Hongjun is so understanding about this, because he remembers that in the manhua it was very different, but he remembers that he is in a real world now, so it may be because he was being judged. because of his physique he had a weaker mentality.

"Listen to me, you are a great soul master at the age of 12, I can sense a strong beast lineage in you, so you have a great future, you will be able to live a long life, and even if it costs,

there are millions of women in the world, some will love you and make you feel the best in the world. Tell me, are you tired of being judged by your physique, called chubby, and despised?

While trying to cheer up Ma Hongjun, Aotian comes up with an idea, and takes the role of a trainer at the gym, and tries to convince him to train.

Ma Hongjun thinks for a bit, and is surprised that Aotian can sense his cultivation and beast lineage with just a glance, which makes her doubt his strength.

"You see, my dream is to be the strongest in the world, and also create a great sect, I feel great potential in you, tell me, do you want to be the first member of my sect?"

Making up his mind, Aotian asks him if he wants to join his sect that he is going to create, since he remembers that he had the opportunity to become a First Tier God, specifically the God of Fire, which speaks volumes about his potential.

"Sounds good, but what do you have to offer me, after all, there are millions of people with the same dream, what makes you different from other people"

Ma Hongjun thinks about what he told her, and asks him what makes him different from the others, after all, he's his age, so he shouldn't be much stronger than him, he still doesn't know his name or anything,

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Long Aotian, Kusanagi Martial Soul, Rank 60 Soul King, Agility Attack System."

With those words, Aotian unleashes his martial soul, and 5 rings come out of it, 2 purple and 3 black.

"Wow, that's impressive, how old are you?"

Shocked to the core, Hongjun finds it hard to believe that someone close to his age would double his cultivation level, causing him to believe his earlier words.

"I'm twelve years old"

With this, Hongjun already feels that he is facing an incredible monster, getting up from the bench, stands firm and tells Aotian.

"My name is Ma Hongjun, Evil Fire Phoenix Martial Soul, Rank 30 Grand Soul Master, Power Attack System, I accept his proposal and become a member of his sect."

And with that, Aotian gets the first sect member from him.


What do you think of this chapter? I have decided to change Ma Hongjun's personality a bit, since I think she has great potential, and he could be a great ally for Aotian. What do you think about it?