
Douluo Dalu: The Heaven Defying God

In Holy Spirit Village, Jiang Chen awakened a mysterious Martial Spirit that had never appeared in the Douluo Continent before. A scourge to Heaven and Earth is born with countless grievances and great resentment, it feeds on blood and prevents its victims from ever entering the cycle of reincarnation. To destroy this threat, Heaven sends down Tribulation Thunder.... Uh...Although he has a legendary God Rank Martial Spirit, Jiang Chen is not very confident in rising to the apex by himself. He just wants to grab onto Tang San's thigh, the protagonist and paddle to a God Position. However, things backfired. The beautiful Bibi Dong wants to accept him as her disciple, and the powerful Qian Daoliu wants him to be his grandson-in-law... A beautiful master, a beautiful fiancé Xiao Xue...Jiang Chen admitted that he was shaken. [Congratulations to the host for surviving another Lightning Tribulation, rewarding a bottle of Thunder Tribulation Liquid, and a Spirit Ring Upgrade Coupon...] Looking at the Tribulation Cloud slowly dissipating above his head, Jiang Chen was very depressed: "When will this end?!"

TheSenpai · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Su Yuntao’s Sorrow

After drinking and eating to his fill, Old Jack hiccupped, he touched his somewhat large belly and left with satisfaction.

While they were eating, they discussed Tang San becoming a Spirit Master again. Finally, Tang Hao acquiesced about sending Tang San to study at Nuo Ding City's Junior Spirit Master Academy.

This let a large rock in his heart finally drop. He liked Tang San very much since he was obedient and sensible since young. Thus, he felt it was a pity for Tang San to not become a Spirit Master when he had the qualifications to become one.

As for Jiang Chen, he wanted him to study at Spirit Hall Academy and join Spirit Hall. After all, with the resources, status and wealth that Spirit Hall possesses, and the sincerity they had shown thus far, he felt that Jiang Chen will progress fastest and obtain the best training if he joins Spirit Hall.

And besides, he had only 1 Work-Study Student quota, and that could only go to Tang San while Jiang Chen could go study at Spirit Hall.

This way, their village will have 2 Spirit Masters in the future, 2 Spirit Masters who can become Titled Douluo!

Old Jack's vision was broad and ambitious. He imagined Holy Spirit Village heading towards glory under his leadership, and that he would be remembered as the greatest Village Chief by future generations of Holy Spirit Village...

After finishing eating, Jiang Chen wanted to leave, but he was stopped by Tang Hao.

"Xiao Chen, I saw you running with that stone mill in the morning, were you exercising?"

Jiang Chen nodded, "Yes, I heard that the stronger the body, the stronger the Spirit Ring I can absorb in the future."

Tang Hao nodded in agreement: "Yes, I have also heard that. Come learn smithing from me. Smithing is physically demanding and will have a more significant impact on tempering you and increasing your physical fitness than running around with a stone mill. And apart from that, you can hang around with and get along more with Xiao San."

Jiang Chen's eyes lit up. Yes, smithing seems to be a good method to train.

And while learning how to smith, he should be able to witness Tang Hao's Disorder Wind Splitting Hammer Technique. Though he does not have a Hammer Martial Spirit and learning this Hammer Technique will be of little use in increasing his combat prowess.

The most important thing is that while bonding with Tang San, they will become closer, and he can hold tighter onto his golden thigh!

Although he cannot say that he likes Tang San very much, in this life and his previous, he was incredibly cautious and felt that it was more reliable and best to depend on Tang San for attaining a good God Position and reaching Godhood.

"Okay, uncle." Jiang Chen readily agreed.

Adjusting his timetable for Tang Hao's smith class, Jiang Chen planned to run with a heavyweight in the morning and then learn how to smith from Tang Hao in the afternoon.

Jiang Chen immediately planned how to spend the following 3 months. He thought that they would be fulfilling, busy and tiring.

After being in contact with Jiang Chen several times, Tang San's impression of Jiang Chen has changed a lot. Currently, he likes Jiang Chen, particularly his dishes which he finds super delicious.

As long as Jiang Chen does not go crazy someday, Tang San felt that they will always be good friends.

(T/N: Let's see how this ages…)


At this time, in Nuo Ding City's Spirit Hall Branch, Su Yuntao had written a report and happily entered Ma Nuo's office.

"Who is it? Do you not know how to knock?" Ma Nuo's dissatisfied voice sounded, he raised his head at the same time.

"So it is you brat, do you not know how to knock? You should stop being impatient as well. A Spirit Master will not go far if he is not able to keep calm. Otherwise, you will be like me, forever unable to break through Rank 30 in your lifetime."

Su Yuntao was too excited to care about Ma Nuo's reprimand, he raised the report in his hand excitedly.

"Lord Ma Nuo, I awakened a peerless genius in Holy Spirit Village yesterday! I guess his Martial Spirit may be a legendary God Rank Martial Spirit! I have already written a report about it. Can you help me quickly pass it onto the Supreme Pontiff Palace?"

Su Yuntao was so excited that his face was flushed a bit. Although he may not have been able to win over Jiang Chen, once this report is delivered to the Supreme Pontiff Palace, Her Majesty will surely be alarmed and come in person to recruit him. He wanted to see how Jiang Chen would refuse then.

And he, Su Yuntao will be considered a great hero for this. The rewards he will obtain will be unimaginable and he may even be promoted and get a raise! With his new position, he can propose to that beautiful, yet detached lady. He does not believe she will not become his woman when he gains his new status and rewards.

He had already begun imagining his life-changing for the better and heading to a new peak.

When Ma Nuo heard this, his old face sank. He scolded: "What nonsense are you spouting?! Do you think a God Rank Martial Spirit is some stone you can find on the side of a road?! In our Spirit Hall's records, only the Former Supreme Pontiff's Clan has God Rank Martial Spirits. And you think that a God Rank Martial Spirit has appeared in such a mountainous and rural area?! I think it is more likely that your head was kicked by a donkey than some boy having a God Rank Martial Spirit!"

Su Yuntao became anxious after being scolded by Ma Nuo. He quickly explained: "Lord Ma Nuo, I swear that what I just said is true! The Villagers of Holy Spirit Village saw the phenomenon of the God Rank Martial Spirits awakening as well! If you do not believe me, you can send someone to investigate. I have described the phenomenon that occurred with great detail in this report, I am sure that if you submit it, Her Majesty, the Supreme Pontiff will take it seriously!"

Seeing Su Yuntao even swearing to prove the authentication of what he was saying is true, Ma Nuo was a little surprised. He turned over the report and looked at the several pages Su Yuntao had written. The more he read, the more solemn his expression became.

After a while, he closed the report heavily and spoke solemnly: "Well done, this time you have done a great job. But this matter is incredibly important. I will send someone to Holy Spirit Village to confirm the matter first and then I will submit your report. Do not worry, if this is true, your rewards will be duly given."

"Thank you, Lord Ma Nuo." Su Yuntao said gratefully, his face full of excitement.

Ma Nuo put down the papers and asked, "By the way, I heard that you are still pursuing that girl Sisi?"

Su Yuntao flushed and nodded.

Ma Nuo sighed and said: "Listen to me, Sisi is not the one for you."

Su Yuntao replied quickly: "Lord Ma Nuo, you do not need to worry about my love life. I will leave now, I have to find Sisi for a date!" He hurriedly ran out.

Ma Nuo shook his head, looking at Su Yuntao's departing back, his old muddy eyes were full of pity.

Then, his gaze moved down and landed on Jiang Chen's documents again.

He opened the report again, looking at the contents inside, his expression became colder and colder.

*Tear*... *Tear*...

Ma Nuo directly tore the report to pieces and threw it into the trash can.

"Su Yuntao, Su Yuntao, you brat, do not blame me for cutting off your future. As long as I am here, I will always call the shots in Nuo Ding City's Branch Hall! Jiang Chen? I'll deal with him for you."

Ma Nuo's voice was extremely cold and creepy, his old face was already full of murderous intent.

He had worked hard for decades before he was finally able to sit on the seat of Chief Deacon. Currently, the position of Branch Hall Head is vacant. Although he is 81 years old, he still wants to sit on that seat.

If this report is handed in and proven true, when will it become his turn to be the Branch Hall Head?

At this moment, a figure suddenly flashed in at the door.

The figure is that of a young girl, she looks 17-18 years old. She is tall and has a hot body, with a height of nearly 1.8 meters, a convex and concave body and a beautiful face, she would be the dream wife of any man.

After entering, she locked the door.

"Lord Ma Nuo~" The tender and soft voice sounded, it could soften one's bones and harden one's spear.

Ma Nuo's eyes lit up, the smile on his face was somewhat meaningful, "Sisi, you are here! Come here and give my lap a 'massage'."