
Douluo Dalu: The Ascension of the God of Eternity

A man dies and as compensation receives 3 wishes and the opportunity to reincarnate with all his memories intact in a random world. I'm writing this fanfic with the translator (English is not my first language.)

Jovictor · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 33

A few kilometers away from where Feng Lie killed Tang Hao, there was a woman with long silver hair who was watching everything from afar. She had a purple right eye while her left eye was covered with a white eye patch.

* sigh *

"I really took a scare when Luxon told me at the last minute that Feng Lie planned to murder Tang Hao. There was almost no time to secretly prepare a bounded field to hide this whole situation from the God Asura ... "the woman spoke with a tired sigh.

This woman placed a limited field of 5 km in that area to hide Tang Hao's death.

Would God Asura care about Tang Hao's death? No, he wouldn't care much about that. Although Tang Hao has the Domain of the God of Death that he obtained in the City of the Massacre and is qualified to be one of the possible successors of the position of the God Asura, Tang Hao is the one with the lowest talent compared to the other two people, who are Bibi Dong who is the Supreme Pontiff of the Spiritual Hall, and Tang Chen the great ancestor of the Clear Sky Sect and one of the three Douluo Limits of today in the Douluo Continent.

Tang Chen is currently engaged in the eighth test of the God Asura, unfortunately during the eighth test the mind of the tang Chen failed to withstand the mental degeneration of the test and ended up being parasitized and controlled by the King Red Bat of Nine Heads, thus making him the King of the Massacre City Massacre. Tang Chen spent decades in prison under the control of the Massacre King unable to proceed to the next test. Tang Chen's situation remains unknown to God Asura, the only thing God Asura knows is that Tang Chen has remained on the eighth test for decades. In his life Tang Chen managed to reach rank 99 without any outside help (blessing of the gods) and it is because of this talent that God Asura has great expectations and confidence that Tang Chen will be able to complete all nine tests and thus inherit the position of God Asura.

As for Bibi Dong, she was born with twin martial spirits and complete innate spiritual power. Although in terms of talent Bibi Dong is superior to Tang Chen, it only has the Domain of the God of Death which is the basic requirement for participating in the following tests of the test of the God Asura.

As for Tang Hao, he may currently be the person who has the record for being the youngest person to become a Douluo Titulate but that is it. In fact, Tang Hao is currently very weak.

After his wife Ah Yin sacrificed for him, Tang Hao lost all motivation to live, to try to divert his attention from his own guilt for the situation of his wife and sect Tang Hao became an alcoholic, basically he drank at least two bottles of wine a day. Before Tang San awakened his martial spirits, Tang Hao did not train even once and the injuries he received in the fight against the Spiritual Hall only received the most basic treatment to prevent him from dying.

If it weren't for the promise he made to his wife to look after his son, he would have died long ago. Tang Hao didn't pay much attention to his son until the awakening of his martial spirit, when Tang San showed his potential, Tang Hao's attitude changed completely. After Tang San went to the Nuoding academy, Tang Hao continued to watch his son from a distance without showing himself.

During these four years, Tang Hao once and for all trained and meditated on his spiritual energy, today his spiritual power has recently advanced to rank 93.

Compared to Tang Chen and Bibi Dong, Tang Hao is just a small fart. Because of this, God Asura would not pay much attention to him. Mostly the God Asura has the Tang Chen who is one step closer to going to the ninth test and Bibi Dong which can be considered as a reserve plan if Tang Chen ends up failing in the tests.

But knowing all this, why did the woman with silver hair bother to put a defined field knowing that the God Asura would not give much importance to the death of Tang Hao?

The answer is simple... It is to hide the existence of Feng Lie.

Feng Lie's very existence can be considered a dangerous anomaly in the eyes of the gods.

Throughout the ages, in the worlds supervised by the Divine Realm, abnormal individuals with foreign powers have always appeared over the generations. These individuals are the reincarnators, people who have maintained the memories of their past lives and who have varied powers.

Most of these reincarnators have a very average power and have chosen to live a peaceful life, others had extraordinary powers and became complete assholes who thought they could do whatever they wanted just because they were strong.

Usually the gods of the Divine Realm do not interfere with these reincarnators because they are not considered a threat to the world. After all, it is very difficult to reach the level of power equivalent to a deity. But for those who are recognized as a threat to the world, they would be immediately eliminated.

There are also some reincarnators who have become gods and joined the Divine Realm. Some of them ascended by inheriting the position of some Gods while others joined enough faith to create their own position as God.

But about Feng Lie, it will be a huge mess when his existence is known to the gods. Not only does he have the Chains of Heaven but he also has Heaven's Feel, magecraft and his two angels who have powers considered absurd by the standards of this world.

"With that little shit from God Asura will not be able to immediately notice the death of Tang Hao, and when he notices Tang Hao's death, anything Feng Lie did will not be noticed." The silver-haired woman sighed with relief that everything was completed in time.

"Hey ... you dragged me here saying that I was going to see something interesting. And then? What's so interesting about this forest?" A slightly sulky voice spoke.

Another person was with the woman with silver hair. She is a ten year old girl, she has long blond hair that reaches up to her waist and blue green eyes. She is wearing a chic dress that only royalty could wear. Despite being only 10 years old she already shows two small twin hills on her chest, thus indicating that this girl will have two mountains well above average. Which will cause a lot of envy among women.

She was currently with her arms crossed with an expression of dissatisfaction.

"Oh I'm sorry Yue'er, I was so focused on setting up the bounded field that I forgot about you." The silver-haired woman apologized with a bland smile as she scratched the back of her head.

"Did you just come out of nowhere in my room and kidnap me just for that?! The girl named Yue'er complained of outrage at the silver-haired woman.

"And after all why was I brought here? Was it just to enjoy the view of that forest?" The girl asked to hide her apparent discontent.

"Don't worry, I recorded everything so you could understand everything that just happened." the woman spoke while she snapped her fingers.

At that moment a video screen appeared in front of the two and showed what happened to Tang Hao.

At first the girl named Yue'er did not give much importance to the events that appear on the screen, but that changed when Feng Lie, Irisviel and Luxon (in their combat body) appeared in the video.

It didn't take long for them to approach Tang Hao. The strangest thing about this is that they weren't even trying to be stealthy when approaching Tang Hao, he was walking as if they were on a morning walk.

When Feng Lie spoke to Tang Hao he turned and looked at him in surprise, and strangely he didn't even notice Irisviel and Luxon who were there.

After a few words, Feng Lie wasted no time and materialized a translucent heart and crushed it in his hands. Tang Hao vomited a lot of blood and fell to the floor. He is dead.

"Is this boy also a person who has reincarnated in this world just like me?" Yue'er asked with surprise and curiosity.

"Yes, this is my dear Feng Lie." The silver-haired woman spoke with a passionate smile as if she were talking about her own husband.

Yue'er kept her mouth open because of this reaction from the woman with the hair.

* sigh * "Are you really the Silver Dragon King? You are completely different from what I read about you in the novel." The girl spoke with a tired expression as she put the palm of her hand on her own forehead.

"Oh did you expect me to be the same Gu Yuena who fell in love with Tang Wulin? Haha I'm sorry to inform you of this, but now that I know about the future events of Douluo Dalu I will definitely not stoop to falling in love with the son of the hypocritical shit." The woman spoke with a cold smile of scorn and anger.

Yue'er stepped back two steps back because of the scare.

The woman noticed the girl's fear and calmed down.

"Anyway, watch carefully. He is Feng Lie, the one you will serve in the future. Two years from now you will go to the Feng Lie academy, there you will be my eyes and ears there after all I cannot stay there without being noticed. You must consider Feng Lie's words as the absolute law of this world."

"If he wants his family to die then you will kill all of yours with your own hands, if he wants this whole world to be destroyed then you will help him, and if he wants your body... Of course, you will satisfy him."

"Are we understood?" the woman asked with a gentle smile but with an authoritarian and oppressive aura towards the girl.

The girl's face did not hide her anger and indignation, she clenched her fist hard.

"Hmph, as for those palace bastards, I don't consider them my family, if I go to kill them I will be relieved to do that. But about offering my body ... "the girl said.

"Keep my words well... One day I will free myself from the curse you put on my soul and when that happens I will repay all the suffering you put me through." Yue'er spoke without hiding his resentment. She looked with unshakable determination.

"Ho... Suffering, huh? Let me clarify something very important ... "the woman spoke.

"With the exception of you and Feng Lie, all the other reincarnators of this were killed by me, the only reason I didn't kill you is just because your wishes will be useful in my future plans." The woman explained with a small mocking smile but her expression quickly changed to a cold, emotionless expression.

"But if you lose your usefulness or are an obstacle to my plans ... then don't think you will die quickly." The woman spoke.

"This crazy woman ..." the only thing Yue'er can do is endure everything in silence.

"I don't care what others think of me, the only thing that matters to me is the welfare of Feng Lie... and that is why I must use everything in my power to remove obstacles ... mainly to kill that damned reincarnator of the Divine Kingdom who killed Feng Lie, this one I make a point of giving him an eternity of suffering, whatever the cost." The woman spoke coldly while remembering everything that happened in the previous worlds.

"Huh?" Soon the woman turned her gaze towards Feng Lie when she noticed an unusual event.

"So Feng Lie will test Heaven's Feel on Ah Yin's spiritual ring? I have to admit that this is the first time this has happened. This spiritual ring does not have Ah Yin's soul, so I wonder what will happen?" The woman wondered with interest.

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