
chapter 8

This chapter was proofread by my new editor, oldmanofthemountain, it was thanks to him that you can read this chapter without typos. You better thank him.


"And why would Spirit Hall be after a little girl like you? I don't think you're capable of being a threat to them." Feng Lie asked. He was a little puzzled by Ma Xiaotao's situation.

"Those bastards... They killed my entire clan... My entire family... They framed us with false crimes to kill my clan and steal my clan's treasure which was a special herb. They... " Ma Xiaotao began to shed tears of hatred and sadness. Sadness about the death of her parents and her clan, and she also felt immense hatred towards the Spirit Hall that massacred and falsely framed her clan to justify all that killing against her clan.

Everything that happened two years ago is still deeply imprinted in her memories.


"Okay, stop crying. I'm sorry for reminding you of sad moments." Feng Lie spoke, he lightly patted the top of her head to comfort her a little.

"Sniff Sniff... I'm not crying... Sniff Sniff..." Ma Xiaotao tried to play strong while holding back her tears.

"If you're worried that Spirit Hall will cause trouble for me because of you, then you're thinking too much. For my teacher, killing a Titled Douluo is no different than stepping on an ant." Feng Lie spoke with a calm and confident smile.

Feng Lie didn't lie to her. If he wanted to, it wouldn't be difficult to kill a Titled Douluo with his magecraft or his Herrscher powers. For example, if he used the powers of the Wind Herrscher, he could expand the air inside a Titled Douluo's lungs and make his lungs explode.

Feng Lie also has a large number of curses of the most varied types, such as a Voodoo doll that as long as it has some part of the target such as hair, nails or anything else can make the curse take effect, and the distance from which this curse can work is quite big. If Feng Lie wanted to, he could kill someone from an absurdly far distance from his target and no one would know that he was involved in the murder.

Titled Douluos are certainly powerful by this world's standards but before Feng Lie they are nothing. After all, they are just humans who have special abilities and a longer lifespan than other people. Humans are not able to stay alive without a head or a heart, right?

As for the part about him having a teacher, that's obviously a lie he made up. After all, it would be quite unrealistic to believe that a 6-year-old could assassinate a Titled Douluo. Besides, it's also very convenient to have a mysterious teacher, he can always use this mysterious teacher as an excuse to avoid talking about his secrets.

"Is your teacher that powerful? Would he be able to destroy Spirit Hall?" Ma Xiaotao asked with interest and a bit of doubt, after all Spirit Hall is an undeniable force in the Douluo Continent and a child says that their teacher can easily crush them.

"With the exception of the gods, there is no one who can match him. Usually, he likes to be isolated in his own pocket dimension and he doesn't have much interest in meddling in matters related to mortals. But if someone who has a power way beyond what I'm capable of handling trying to cause me trouble, I know my master will come to my aid." Feng Lie spoke confidently. He had to be convincing.

"It might be hard to believe my words anymore now but in the future, you will understand that in the future..." Feng Lie then extended his right hand towards Ma Xiaotao.

"Whether in heaven or on earth, I alone will be honored." Feng Lie spoke with a simple confident smile.

Ma Xiaotao was unable to remain calm as she looked at Feng Lie. She wasn't able to take his words lightly. She sensed that his confidence wasn't just blind arrogance coming from his talent.

That confidence was from someone who was sure there was no one he needed to fear.

Even though she still had some doubts, even though she didn't want to drag him into her problems, she still took his hand.

"Don't worry Xiaotao. Now that you've taken my hand I won't let anyone intimidate you." Feng Lie spoke with a smile.

And that was how Feng Lie got his first subordinate in his organization that would eventually turn Douluo Continent's common sense upside down.


In the forest observation post Lightning Tiger belongs to Spirit Hall.

In the office, there was the captain of Spirit Hall soldiers checking some documents.

Spirit Hall guards most of the Spirit Beast forests on the Douluo continent and controls the entrance of Spirit Masters who can enter the forests. Without the Spirit Hall pass, no one can enter the forests to hunt Spirit Beasts.

Spirit Hall does this to monitor and control the entry of spirit masters. As well as to prevent some spirit masters from excessively killing spirit beasts. After all, spiritual rings are of utmost importance to Spiritual Masters.

If any Spirit Master unnecessarily kills a large number of Spirit Beasts, he may be fined or even imprisoned depending on the circumstances.

Of course, this monitoring only happens with the small and medium forests, which are controllable, the large forests like the Star Dou Forest are very difficult to be monitored because of its size and strength level of the spirit beasts that are nearby. there.

"The little Evil Spirit Master girl? There are reports that she sneaked into the forest, right?" The captain muttered when he finished reading the report.

"You there! Call 30 men over here immediately. We have to kill this little girl before she grows up and becomes a threat to the people... hey! Did you hear me?!" The captain is already a little irritated that his subordinate doesn't answer him when he's right next to him.

"He won't listen to you since he fell for my delusion."

The captain heard the calm voice of a boy right in front of him. When he paid attention he saw that there were a pair of children in front of him, a boy and a girl, and he recognized the girl.

"You are the Evil Spirit Master! ..." when the captain was about to use his Martial Spirit he was stopped.

"Calm down and be quiet."

Feng Lie used the powers of the Herrscher of Sentience to control the captain's mind.

"You will make a report that you and your men chased Ma Xiaotao through the forest and that during the chase, she was killed and devoured by a Spirit Beast. You will send this report to your superiors. Do we understand?" Feng Lie spoke in an authoritative tone.

"Yes sir." The captain responded with a blank stare.

Feng Lie had no qualms about manipulating the minds of all the soldiers in this place to send a false report to Spirit Hall.

"Do you feel more relieved now, Xiaotao?" Feng Lie asked with an amused smile at the little girl who was looking at him with her mouth open.

"Feng Lie how can you do all this? I haven't even seen you use your Martial Spirit?" Ma Xiaotao asked. She had a lot of doubts in her head because of what Feng Lie had shown so far.

Healing wounds, ice, teleportation, and even mind control, Feng Lie was able to do all of that but he never showed his Martial Spirit. She was very curious, and she believed more and more his words about him not having to fear anyone.

"In the future you will see even more interesting things so don't keep your mouth open all the time, you might end up swallowing an insect." Feng Lie spoke with amusement upon seeing Xiaotao's shocked reaction.

"Xiaotao, do you wish to kill the people who wronged you and your clan?" Feng Lie asked calmly, waiting for Xiaotao's reaction.

"But of course you do! I will never forgive those bastards!" Ma Xiaotao spoke with a lot of resentment.

"In this case I set the stage for your revenge in the future, so that you can kill your enemies."

"But of course, to do that you'll need to become strong enough to kill them, so you'll need to train and raise your power as a Spiritual Master diligently. You need to do this to get your revenge and also to be useful to me."

"You don't need to worry too much, I will teach you very well about the path of cultivation, I have a lot of knowledge about Martial Spirits and Spirit Rings." Feng Lie spoke.

He had already planned several things to strengthen Ma Xiaotao not only as a Spiritual Master but also with other things.

But that will be for the future.


And so time passed. It has been 6 months since Feng Lie entered Nuoding Academy.

During that time many things happened.

Ma Xiaotao completely submitted to the Feng Lie and she signed a magecraft contract with him. She officially joined his organization. The organization does not yet have a name.

Ma Xiaotao was taken to Feng Lie's base, a magic workshop he created through his knowledge of magecraft. The base is underground and can only be accessed by teleport formations. Of course, Feng Lie used some of his Herrscher powers to give the workshop a nice customization. Inside it's big enough to fit a big village, there's even an artificial sky in there.

After several trials and errors, Feng Lie was able to create a cultivation room. This room is capable of gathering the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into the room, the spiritual energy undergoes quality improvement.

Ma Xiaotao herself was very surprised by this, she said that her cultivation speed increased by five or six times more than normal when she cultivated inside.

Feng Lie had already read about this kind of thing in those xianxia novels.

Ma Xiaotao spent most of her time cultivating, she really wanted to become stronger. Feng Lie also gave basic guidance on Martial Spirits and Spirit Beasts.

Of course, the Feng Lie still forced Ma Xiaotao to take a few days off every now and then to walk around the city and have fun, she was still a child so she had to have fun and enjoy her youth.

Feng Lie isn't so bad as to take her childhood away.

"Feng Lie why did you tell me to prepare to escape from here by teleporting to our reserve base? Is something dangerous going to happen to you? If so then I-" Ma Xiaotao asked with doubt and a bit of concern. But she was stopped by Feng Lie.

"It's nothing too serious. It's just a necessary little precaution. I intend to look into a certain matter and I want you to be safe in case conversations end up failing." Feng Lie spoke calmly and calmly, he wasn't the least bit worried about what he was going to do.

"But Feng Lie..." Ma Xiaotao still wanted to say more, but Illya interrupted her.

"Nothing but, why are you so worried? Master will be with me, so there's nothing to worry about." Illya appeared and spoke disapprovingly because of the lack of faith she had in them.

"I'm sorry." Ma Xiaotao apologized.

During all this time it is natural that Illya and Xiaotao had already met.

"Illya, don't pick on her too much. And Xiaotao, don't worry so much. If things work out then there's nothing to fuss about." Feng Lie spoke.

"Okay then… take care Feng Lie." Xiaotao had no choice if she didn't believe his words.


"Hi Qiu'er, how are you coming last?"

Inside Nuoding Academy's dining hall, Feng Lie sat beside Qiu'er and greeted her.

She was sitting alone at the table. This is not because she was bullied and isolated by others but because she ordered others not to bother her during meals.

During these months, she managed to be recognized as the queen of the Nuoding Academy thanks to her monstrous strength that shut up the older students, as well as the support of the deputy director of the academy.

No one dares bother her.

Of course the children of Room 7 were happy about that, after all Qiu'er at least is a good leader who would beat up the guys who hurt her subordinates.

"Same as usual, how about you? What more do you want from me?" She asked curiously, as it was strange that Feng Lie took the initiative to approach her. She took a sip of her juice.

She was usually the one who took the initiative to talk to him. And honestly she felt uncomfortable about it.

She and the dignified Three-Eyed Golden Lion, she was an Auspicious Beast, an existence that was always fawned over where others took the initiative to speak politely to her.

She has never fawned over Feng Lie, her pride will never allow her to do so. But at least they were able to at least have a decent conversation.

"It's no big deal. I just want you to take me to the Star Dou Forest so I can talk to your King." Feng Lie spoke in a normal tone, as if he was asking for some favor.

But at that moment Qiu'er spit out the juice she had in her mouth. She nearly gasped in fright.

She looked at Feng with an incredulous expression.

Bi Ji who was hiding also stirred for a moment.

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