
Douluo Dalu System

Following the Douluo Dalu story with a different story and events for which he doesn't know why?? With the third spirit whose origin is unknown and a system whose background is frightening. Meeting those he wasn't supposed to and falling in love with those he didn't expect to. He has the same goal of reaching the top along with his Devil comrades and lovers. The system to help him with that along with the magical space from the wish he doesn't remember...... Releases Schedule Mass Release every month Note: I will skip most fight scenes as it would take a lot of time and effort to write them and most readers skip them (personal experience). I will also skip almost all 18+ scenes as they take more effort to write than fight scenes. This novel is a fanfic of the original Douluo Dalu by Tang Jia San Shao. The cover of this book is taken from the net so please inform me if you want it taken down.

The_Virgin · Book&Literature
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82 Chs

Tang San's Status (Spoiler)


Money: 499,679,998,950


Name: [Tang San]

Titles: [Thousand Hands Asura] [Heaven's Child] [Seven Coloured Emperor] [Monster] [Shrek's Strongest Devil] [Asura King] [King Lan Hao] [Divine Blacksmith] [Celestial Designer] [Ruler of Seas] [Elven Royal Consort]

Age: 20/17(actual)

Spirit: [Seven Coloured Emperor Grass] [Clear Sky Hammer] [Samsara Eye] [Ice Jade Empress Phoenix]

Spirit Rank: [Spirit Saint – 78]

Spirit Bones: [Skull: Three-Eyed Golden Lion] [Right Arm: Dark Gold Terror Claw Bear] [Right Leg: Seven Coloured Emperor Grass] [Left Leg: Leviathan] [External Bone: Golden Sea Trident Crown] [External Bone: Twelve Spider Lances]

Skills: [Forbidden Heaven Technique] [Forbidden Jade Hands] [Red Gods Eye] [Controlling Crane Capturing Dragon] [Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track] [Hidden Weapon Hundred Separation] [Heart Separation Control] [Golden Nine Divine Hearts Core] [Elemental Core] [Slaughter Core] [Ultimate Ice Core] [Samsara Core] [Seven Coloured Emperor Physique] [Seven Coloured Dragon Nine Moves]

Profession: [Divine Blacksmith] [Celestial Designer] [5 star - Alchemist] [4 star - Doctor] [5 star – Cook]

Inheritances: [Sea God: 20%] [Asura God: 20%] [Jade God: 15%] [Samsara God]




[Seven Coloured Emperor Grass]:

Seven Coloured Domain, Transcendent Body, Ultimate Elemental

Dragon Scale Snake (1,000,000 years):

[Scale Bind]: Produces Seven Coloured Grass which overlap each other like scales making it reach extreme tenacious.

[Thorn Grass]: Produces thorns on the grass which absorb spirit power and inject poison.

[Dragon Body]: Gives the grass the hardness of a Seven Coloured Dragon. This ability can also be used on the user's body giving him the hardness of a Seven Coloured Dragon.

[Elemental Immunity]: Drastically increases the resistance of the grass against elemental attacks. It can also be used on the user's body giving him extreme elemental resistance.

Man Faced Demon Spider Emperor (1,000,000 years):

[Web Bomb]: Creates a sticky grass bomb that can explode on contact or create a sticky grass web to trap the opponent.

[Poison Pores]: The Seven Coloured Grass releases poison pores which infect the opponent, the pores can follow very basic directional commands.

[Dragon Tyrant Body]: Increases body might by 5 times.

[Elemental Tyrant]: Increases elemental immunity by 5 times.

Peach Life Tree (1,000,000 years):

[Petals]: Seven Coloured Petals floating near the user which can be controlled, it can be used to attack as they are extremely sharp.

[Life Steal]: When cut by the petals, they absorb a small bit of life force from the opponent.

[Spirit Steal]: When cut by the petals, they absorb a small bit of spirit power from the opponent.

[Mental Steal]: When cut by the petals, they absorb a small bit of spiritual power from the opponent.

Crown Mermaid Empress (1,000,000 years):

[Elemental Convert]: Can convert seven colored grass to any element.

[Elemental Prison]: Can be used to form a prison of seven colored spikes that can take any elemental form.

[Mermaid Song]: A song that makes anyone who hears it weakened and drowsy, it can also buff allies mind while removing mental debuffs.

[Dragon Roar]: A roar which has a suppression effect on those who hear it, especially on beasts. It can also damage the opponent mentally.

Self - Condensed Spirit Ring (1,000,000 years):

[Seven Coloured Emperor Golden Spear]: A golden spear which stuns the opponent while making them have a slight paralysis.

[Seven Coloured Emperor Silver Spear]: A silver spear which makes one's spirit power ineffective along with their spirit.

Beautiful Silk Tulip (1,000,000 years):

[Devouring Heaven and Earth]: In the surrounding area, all heaven and earth elementary forces and elements are absorbed into the user's body, increasing overall combat power appropriate to users rank.

Golden Tree King (1,000,000 years):

[Seven Coloured Emperor Avatar]

All abilities +300% effective.

Any strand of grass or plant can become the user's body.

Enhances all domains.


[Clear Sky Hammer]:

Asura Domain

Golden Crystal (1,000,000 years):

[Synchronize]: Can synchronize with Seven Coloured Emperor Grass allowing the use of both spirits and borrowing innate abilities. Passive ability.

[Crystal Hammer]: Makes the hammer harder than diamond, indestructible.

[Contact Absorb]: Can absorb anything it comes in contact with, amount and level of absorption depend on the user.

Six-Winged Devil Tiger (100,000 years):

[Tri-Elemental Hammer]: Allows hammer to have three elemental attributes.

[Flying Hammer]: Allows the hammer to fly, the flight can be controlled by the user.

Fifteen Ton Ant Emperor (100,000 years):

[Ant Emperor Slash]: A straight forward slash attack similar to an ant using its mandates to crack soil and move forward, it can be used to borrow through the ground.

Fifteen Ton Ant Emperor (100,000 years):

[Fifteen Ton Barrier]: A pure defensive ability which gives the user an armor similar to an ant's exoskeleton.

Fifteen Ton Ant Emperor (100,000 years):

[Ant Queen Spiritual Hammer]: Makes the hammer carry on a spiritual strike, it can be used together with [Ant Emperor Slash] to increase effectiveness.

Dark Golden Terror Claw Bear (460,000 years):

[Dark Golden Terror Strike]: A wide area strike which decimates everything nearby to fine dust.

[Sky Tear Strike]: A single strike attack that can even tear through the sky.

Slaughter Core (1,000,000 years):

[Clear Sky Avatar]

All abilities boosted

Enhances Asura Domain

Increases hammers weight


[Samsara Eye]:

Devour, Store, Refine, Absorb

Daydreaming Ice worm (1,000,000 years):

[Spiritual Detection]: Enhanced Vision (including slowing the perception of time), 360-degree stereoscopic view, Telescopic View.

[Spiritual Sharing]: Can share thoughts and what the user sees with others.

[Spiritual Shock]: A mental stun attack, if the user's spiritual power is less there will be a backlash.

[Spiritual Interference]: Disrupts the opponent's mental state and senses, no backlash.

Ice Silkworm (1,000,000 years):

[Imitation]: Changes the appearance of anything in form and aura.

[Camouflage]: Can make anything mimic the surrounding aura, making it seem almost invisible.

[Mind Read]: Can be used to read the mental state and thoughts of the opponent, if used with concentration can even read the opponent's memory.

[Memory Alteration]: Can be used to alter the opponent's state of mind and thought's, if used deeply enough can even alter their memories.

Three-Eyed Golden Empress (1,000,000 years):

[Divination]: Can be used to know the future, though not very clear.

[Spiritual Dominance]: Can be used to assert dominance on the opponent's mind.

[Spiritual Link]: Can form a link with anyone, multipurpose.

[Worship]: Can make anyone worship or trust you, cannot obtain faith using this ability.

Silver Brave Emperor (1,000,000 years):

[Spiritual Duplication]: Can be used to copy opponents' abilities, though the user may not necessarily be able to use them.

[Chaos]: Causes a wide area disruption on an opponent's mental state to make them go berserk.

Wailing Banshee Queen (1,000,000 years):

[Banshee's Cry]: A spiritual and physical attack that can break the opponent's mind and body, it is said that hearing a banshee's cry means death in the near future.

[Shadow]: Can manipulate shadows to even form clones or mindless shadow creatures who obey the users every command.

[Spiritual Clone]: Can create a clone of oneself using mental power. Duration lasts as long as there is spiritual power present in the area.

No Life King (1,000,000 years):

[Decay]: Decay's anything the user touches, eventually killing it.

[Silent Heart]: Make's the user's thought's extremely rational while removing any mental influences. It also boosts users' spiritual power greatly.

[Soul King]: Can command and control any form of a soul.

[Enchant]: Can enchant items, temporarily or permanently.

God Bestowed (800,000 years):

[Samsara Avatar]

Increases all abilities.

Can use all spirits in this state.

[Magical Space]

A world that has a high density of energies where time flow is extremely fast. It can be upgraded as the user's cultivation increases.


[Ice Jade Empress Phoenix]:

Ultimate Ice & Snow, Perpetual Ice Domain, Ice Assist

Ice Jade Empress Scorpion (1,000,000 years):

[Ice Empress Claws]: A claw attack using the Phoenix claws.

[Ice Empress Armor]: Forms a layer of Ice Jade over the user's body similar to a phoenix.

[Ice Empress Drill]: A piercing attack that mutated from the Ice scorpions sting.

[Ice Empress Roar]: A phoenix cry which freezes and slows down everything nearby.

Heavenly Snow Queen (1,000,000 years):

[Empress Palm]: Concentrates all ice and snow into the palm, instantly freezing anything struck by it, including soul and spirit power.

[Empress Chill]: A domain type ability that creates a blizzard blocking all senses. If used with Perpetual Ice Domain, it greatly increases capabilities and the domain gains attacking capabilities.

[Empress Sword]: It creates a deep blue sword entirely made up of ice crystals. The sword light freezes everything in its path.

[Pride of Ice and Snow]: A fusion of Ice and Snow, giving a boost to all ice abilities making them capable of freezing anything and everything.

Ice Bear King (1,000,000 years):

[Ice Meteor Strike]: Creates a huge meteor made of Ice Jade obliterating everything in its path.

[Snowstorm Destruction]: Creates a blizzard which attacks everything indiscriminately.

[Air Claws]: A claw attack that can travel through the air to reach the opponent and has a freezing effect.

Ice Devil Titan King (1,000,000 years):

[Devils Ice]: Gives attacks a negative effect, those struck by the ice are influenced by negative thoughts and are corrupted.

[Absolute Zero]: Gives all attacks the absolute zero temperature, freezing all creation.

[Ice Titan Fist]: A fist attack with the power of an Ice Titan, it can also affect a wide area.

[Gravity Control]: Can control gravity, increasing or decreasing it.

Octagonal Ice Grass (1,000,000 years):

[Ultimate Ice Enhancement]: Greatly increases the strength of ultimate ice.

[Ice Support]: Can be used to enchant other's attack with ultimate ice and support other ice abilities.

Golden Essence Seed (1,000,000 years):

[Ice Coffin]: Traps opponent in an everlasting ice coffin, freezing even the time inside it.

[Widen Heal]: A wide area heal using ice.

Sacrifice Ring (1,000,000 years):

[Ice Jade Empress Phoenix Avatar]

Increases all abilities.

Can use all ice domains together as one, creating Jade Domain.





Three-Eyed Golden Empress (1,000,000 years)

[Improved Intelligence]: Greatly improves intelligence.

[Eye of All]: An ability to affect the laws of the universe, if used recklessly can even destroy it.

[Dragon of Fate]: Creates a golden dragon which changes the fate depending on the user.

[Parallel Thought]: Can thing multiple things simultaneously.

[Enhanced Memory]: Greatly improves memory.


Right Arm:

Dark Gold Terror Claw Bear (460,000 years)

[Dark Gold Bear Strike]: A strike that contains the figure of a Dark Gold Bear while obliterated everything it passes through.

[Sky-Tear Claw]: A claw attack that can tear through the sky, it has a high attack power.


Left Leg:

Leviathan (1,000,000 years)

[Accelerate]: Increases the user's speed based on the amount of Spirit Power, it works better in water.

[Leviathan's Spirit Blade]: Stores energy inside the leg and can release an energy blade from the leg, this blade is 1nanometer thin and can lock onto the target. Strength depends on the energy stored up.

[Sea Dragon Bite]: Releases a ball of energy which destroys anything it comes in contact with which returns as energy to the user.

[Sea Ruler's Pride]: A double-edged move which increases all attacks while decreasing one's defenses, it also boosts speed in the water while attacking.


Right Leg:

Seven Coloured Emperor (1,000,000 years)

[Extreme Regeneration]: Can regenerate one's body from even a drop of blood.

[Flight]: Gives the user the ability to fly.

[Ultra Purification]: Purifies the user's spirit power, spiritual power, and blood. Passive ability.

[Immortal]: Makes the user immortal, unless the soul is destroyed can live and regenerate from a drop of blood.


External Bone:

Golden Sea Trident Crown (1,000,000 years)

[Soul Absorb]: Can absorb souls to improve the weapon.

[Spiritual Form]: Can take on a spiritual form.

[Avatar Form]: Can change its capabilities according to the domain used.

[Elemental Form]: Can enchant it with the attributes with all elements.

Twelve Spider Lances (500,000 years)

[Drain and Eject]: Can poison anyone with a scratch and absorb all poison to improve itself.

[Immortal Poison]: The poison produced is refined from immortal herbs making it dangerous to even Titled Douluo.

[Spirit Bone Fusion]: Can help with the fusion of spirit bones in the body.

[Avatar Form]: Can change its capabilities according to the domain used.

[Elemental Form]: Can enchant it with the attributes with all elements.

[Ultimate Attribute]: Can let all attacks have the ultimate attribute.




Daydream - Tian Meng

Ice Empress - Bing Bing

Snow Empress - Xue Nu

Golden Empress - Tang Jinshi

Jade Empress - Feng Hua

Golden Tree King

Bear King


ITEMS (In systems inventory)


[Various Spirit Tool Designing Materials]

[Various Blacksmithing materials]

[Various Hidden Weapons]

[Various Alchemy materials]

[Various Alchemy Pills]

[Various Medical Pills]

[Various Alchemy Products]

[Various Herbs]

[Medical Manuals]

[Tang Sect Techniques]

[Tang Sect Hidden Weapon Making Manuals]

[Blacksmithing Manuals]

[Alchemy Manuals]

[Spirit Designing Manuals]




Dai Mubai

Spirit: Golden White Tiger - 70

White Tiger Body Barrier, White Tiger Light Wave, White Tiger Vajra Transformation, White Tiger Meteor Shower, White Tiger Devil God Transformation, White Tiger Annihilation Kill, Golden White Tiger Avatar

Right Arm Dark Devil God Tiger Spirit Bone - Darkness Domain - 30,000 years

Mind Condensing Wisdom Skull Bone - Improved Intelligence - 50,000 years


Spirit: Sausage - 70

Big Recovery Sausage, Small Detoxifying Sausage, Flight Mushroom Sausage, Pink Sausage, Limit Surpassing Sausage, Clone Mirror Extra Large Sausage, Golden Fly

Mirror Skull Bone - Mirror Doppelganger - 50,000 years

Tang San

Spirit: Seven Coloured Emperor Grass, Clear Sky Hammer, Samsara Eye, Ice Jade Empress Phoenix - 78

---Check Status---

Ma Hongjin

Spirit: Fire Phoenix - 70

Phoenix Fire Wave, Bathing Fire Phoenix, Phoenix Wing Ascension, Phoenix Infernal Ring, Phoenix Asteroid Shower, Phoenix Heaven Piercing Strike, Nine-Headed Fire Phoenix

Immolation Flame Right Arm Bone - Phoenix Burst Strike - 30,000 years

Xiao Wu

Spirit: Soft Bone Rabbit Queen - 70

Waist Bow, Charm, Teleportation, Invincible Golden Body, Soft Bones Lock, Nothingness, Rabbit Queen Avatar

Ning Rongrong

Spirit: Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda - 69

Strength Amplification, Agility Amplification, Spirit Power Amplification, Defence Amplification, Attack Power Amplification, Attribute Amplification

Skull Bone - Fantasy Space - 95,000 years

Right Arm Bone - Three elements Bomb, Six Wing's Flight – 150,000 years

Zhu Zhuqing

Spirit: Hell Moon Civet - 70

Hell Moon Rush Stab, Hell Moon Hundred Claws, Hell Moon Decapitation, Hell Moon Shadow Doppelganger, Hell Moon Connecting Shadows, Hell Heaven Body, Hell Moon Civet Avatar

Wind Chasing Left Leg Bone - 30,000 years




Qian Renxue: Golden hair

Xiao Wu: Brown and Pink hair

Ning Rongrong: Pink and Rainbow Hair

Zhu Zhuqing: White Hair

Xie Lingling: Blue hair

Dugu Yan: Green hair

Huo Wu: Black Hair

Hu Liena: Purple Hair


Updated at:

Volume 5

Removed extreme spoilers, so some information might be missing.

The_Virgincreators' thoughts