
douluo dalu : system of god

this is not my original fan fic

surya12san · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 69 Spear Art Great Accomplishment, Gravity Domain!

On the first day, Wang Kai fired thousands of shots, corrected hundreds of irregular movements and spirit power paths, and finally went one step further, breaking through the thirty-seventh style!

third day, type 38, breakthrough!

The fifth day, the thirty-ninth style, breakthrough!


one month later!

"The Promise Blood Spear Technique, I've figured it out!"

I don't know how many times of practice, Wang Kai finally succeeded in combining the power of the seven, seven, forty-nine spears. as one!

The last shot was fired, and a blood-colored spear glow condensed the majestic momentum of the seven, seven, forty-nine shots, total annihilation, running through 100 meters!

The spear glow dissipated, and a crack with a depth of tens of centimeters was drawn on the ground on the spear path. The trees on both sides collapsed one after another, and the ground was covered with leaves!

"Too powerful!"

Looking at his shot, Wang Kai's eyes showed excitement!

The power of this gun, even if the Spirit Sage powerhouse wants to block it, it takes a lot of work!

Now, he has cultivated the Infinite Blood Spear Technique to the realm of the Great Accomplishment! However, he still has a long section of the road to go from the cultivation of the gun to Perfection!

Even if no one interferes, he cannot guarantee that every time he performs, he can fuse together the seven, seven and forty-nine shots of the Promise Blood Fiend Spear Technique. In battle!

He must continue to train, turning every first form of action into muscle memory, to the point where it is undisturbed no matter what the occasion is, and this is the Cultivation Technique to the Perfection Realm!

However, he has one more important thing to do before continuing to train the Wuji Blood Fiend Spear Technique!

During the month-long cultivation, Wang Kai has also successfully accumulated experience and advanced to Level 17 Spirit Ancestor. At the same time, his points have once again broken through one million points!

Now, it's time to take Gravity Space to the next level!

After refining the spirit ring of Gravity Space to 200,000 years, Wang Kai has fully confirmed that he only needs to increase the age of the second spirit ring to 100,000 years, and his Gravity Space can Successful promotion to Domain!

In hours, Sanctuary!

"system, exchange for 'Ten 10,000 Year Spirit Ring Sublimation Stone'!"

"It takes 1,000,000 points to exchange this item. You now have 1,031,000 points, do you want to exchange it?"


With Wang Kai's voice, his points dropped by one million points, and at the same time, a colorful spirit ring sublimation stone also appeared in the In the hands of Wang Kai!

"Gravity Space, let's evolve!" Wang Kai sit cross-legged on the slate on the ground of the reserve with a peaceful mind, keeping dantian, and crushing the spirit ring sublimation stone in his hand!

With a crisp cracking sound, one after another colorful mist diffused from the spirit ring sublimation stone, completely covering Wang Kai's body!

Wang Kai's body was completely enveloped by a terrifying pressure as the spirit ring began to ascend!

Compared to the situation of refining the spirit ring of 100,000 years to 200,000 years, the pressure that Wang Kai needs to endure is almost overwhelming if he wants to refine the spirit ring that is 200,000 years old again. Doubled!

At the same time, the time he needs to persevere has also increased from two hours to a full three hours!

An hour later, Wang Kai's whole body was soaked with beaded sweat, and his body began to tremble slightly!

Two hours later, Wang Kai had already entered the state of Asura Sovereign possession, but the terrifying pressure was still slowly squeezing his bones!

Two and a half hours have passed, at this time, Wang Kai has already summed up the Primal Chaos Mountain River Ding, but even under the shelter of the Primal Chaos Mountain River Ding, Wang Kai's capillary blood vessels are still due to The pressure burst open, and the body almost turned into a blood man!

Biting his lip fiercely, sucking in a breath of cold air from time to time, although he was on the verge of collapse, Wang Kai has always maintained a clear consciousness!

Asura, the warrior who bears the name of the strongest, if he can't bear this pain, he will be called Asura in vain!

As a Sovereign of the Asura family, the Asura Sovereign Spirit brought Wang Kai not only a powerful physique, spirit power and spirit skill, but also an unimaginable terrifying willpower of ordinary people!

In the sound of Wang Kai's rapid panting, the pressure that enveloped his body finally began to slowly subside, and the scarlet on his body began to gradually fade and disappear. At the same time, the colorful mist began to fade away. Crazy poured into Wang Kai's body through the pores, and immediately transformed into one after another incomparably pure spirit power and life energy!

Under the nourishment of this energy, Wang Kai's body that was damaged by the stress quickly recovered as before. Compared with the past, these new bodies were stronger in both strength and flexibility. !

Similarly, Wang Kai's tendons are constantly absorbing the new spirit power, constantly repairing and expanding, and countless blocked small branches are also smashed away in the majestic spirit power, and the splendid spirit power of Wang Kai's veins is swept away. Slowly expanding, greatly increasing the total amount of spirit power that Wang Kai can carry in his body!

Ten minutes passed, the colored fog surrounding Wang Kai had been completely absorbed by him, and at the same time, the second round red spirit ring corresponding to Gravity Space behind him, the third circle The intricate and delicate patterns have grown!

No, it shouldn't be called Gravity Space anymore, because Wang Kai Primal Chaos Mountain's second spirit skill has been successfully promoted to Gravity Domain!

Yes, Domain, the ultimate skill pursued by countless Spirit Masters on Douluo Continent, and the ultimate means that many Titled Douluo do not have, just appeared on Wang Kai, a Spirit Ancestor!

After evolving into Domain, the power of Wang Kai's Gravity Space has been greatly improved once again!

Now, as long as the enemy enters the Domain, no matter how strong his spirit power is, he will be suppressed to a certain extent! Even the Titled Douluo-level powerhouse, although they have the ability to smash Wang Kai's gravity Domain, but they can't completely ignore the influence of the gravity Domain! For a normal Spirit Ancestor powerhouse, in Gravity Domain, they will even be completely incapacitated!

What makes Wang Kai even more excited is that after being promoted to Domain, the consumption of Gravity Space has not increased too much!

Compared with ordinary spirit skills, Domain has a self-contained effect. Wang Kai's gravity Domain can also absorb Power of Earth to supplement itself. As long as there is Earth Element, it is not affected by several times. Stronger than the devastating destruction of Wang Kai's enemies, maintaining the gravity Domain basically does not require Wang Kai's additional consumption of spirit power!

"Great, I finally got my own Domain!" Feeling the amazing Domain surrounding him, the corners of Wang Kai's mouth could not help but twitch!

"Now, it's time to continue training the Wuji Blood Fiend Spear Technique! On the occasion of the Wuji Blood Fiend Spear Technique Perfection, I can try to challenge the 10,000 Year Spirit Beast!" Thoughts move, Wang Kai stood up , continue to run towards the Forest of Azure!