
Douluo Dalu : Son of Death

It is a fan fiction written for the Douluo Dalu series. Our main character is Tang Yin. He himself will be a main character who uses a spear and a scythe. Tang Yin has an evil character and an arrogant personality. However, the main feature that makes him scary is his wild-demonic fighting style. He can even tear out a person's throat with his teeth if necessary!!

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Chapter 7 : Tang Yin's Anger

After discussing the plans with Tang San, Zhou Wuji said with the expiration of time, "The time is up." he shouted.

Everyone came forward and introduced themselves.

"Tang San, instrument spirit Blue Silver Grass, twenty-ninth grade control system battle spirit master."

"Xiao Wu, monstrous spirit Rabbit, twenty-ninth grade attack system battle spirit master."

"Ning Rongrong, instrument spirit Seven Treasure Glazed Tiled Pagoda, twenty-sixth grade auxiliary martial spirit master."

"Zhu Zhuqing, monster spirit Hell Civet Cat, twenty-seventh degree agility attack system battle master."

"Tang Yin, instrument spirit Death Scythe, thirty-eighth degree attack system spirit expert."

After everyone introduced, Zhou Wuji looked at Tang Yin in shock. What a monster! Zhou Wuji immediately had a strategy formed in his mind. He lit the incense and, after placing it in a remote place, raised his hand and signaled for them to start.

Ning Rongrong activated his spirit abilities as soon as he started. Everyone's attack and agility characteristics had increased by 20%. Tang San immediately released his blue silver grass from the ground and surrounded Zhou Wuji to trap him. Tuesday, Tang San immediately released his blue silver grass from the ground and surrounded him.

Zhou Wuji immediately ran and advanced towards Tang San, but at the last second, he changed his momentum and attacked Ning Rongrong. In a battle, the auxiliary spirit system should have been destroyed first! Tang San immediately recovered from the momentary shock and wrapped Ning Rongrong's waist with his blue silver grass, pulling him towards him. Zhou Wuji didn't care about the girl who was taken from in front of him, and immediately grabbed the blue silver grass with his hand, drawing Tang San to him.

Tang San's feet were cut off from the ground with a strong pull, and he flew defenselessly towards Zhou Wuji. Ning Rongrong, on the other hand, was dragged to the opposite side.

Zhou Wuji's lip curled and the second spirit ring burned, "Mighty Vajra Palm!" As soon as he hit Tang San's chest hard, he then saw Xiao Wu jump on his head and grabbed him by the leg, and after hitting the floor, knocking Zhu Zhuqing down comfortably, he suddenly shivered.

Zhou Wuji looked towards the place where the aura was spreading. This is the place where Tang San was flying just now. An aura of darkness visible to the naked eye was spreading. Zhou Wuji immediately looked around, and his inability to see Tang Yin increased his alertness. He took possession of the first spirit ring "Motionless Brilliant King Trunk!" at this time, the dust caused by the battle dispersed, and Tang Yin's face was fully visible.

He had crimson eyes and a cloak that covered his whole body. The cloak was releasing a crazy dark aura.Tue. The killing intent that developed in the spirit arena made its appearance for the first time. Dark clouds appeared in the sky, and terrible thunderbolts struck the battlefield.

Tang Yin wiped the blood flowing from Tang San's mouth, and after patting his head, he slowly stood up and turned his face to Zhou Wuji. At this time, Tang San slowly opened his eyes. The strong wind that had arisen had shaken him and awakened him. Tang San said one word, "Brother..." said. His voice was extremely hoarse and it seemed that he was speaking forcefully.

When Tang Yin heard this sound, his intention to kill increased several times. Dragon scales appeared on his neck, while his second spirit strengthened his entire body. A chaotic and ancient aura was released again and again. Tuesday.

At this time, Tang Yin's voice was heard saying, "How dare you touch my brother?!" it resembled the voice of a demon that had crawled out of hell. He was speaking forcefully out of anger and it was gram left for him to lose his mind.

Three black soul rings appeared from under his feet. The first soul ring and the second soul ring Decayed in succession. The terrible scene repeated itself in front of everyone's eyes. Many living beings sacrificed their blood and formed a lake of blood. Zhou Wuji was in pain with blood coming to his arm. He immediately took over the spirit avatar. When his strength increased a few more times, the talent was no longer of any use to him, but at this time, Tang Yin spoke once more, "The third spirit ability, the Call of Death!" skeletons of people and monsters appeared from the floor. While digging the ground, the aura of death spread.

Zhou Wuji saw that Tang Yin was about to lose his mind, and immediately the sixth spirit ring burned out, "Vajra Bear Roar!" a deafening roar was heard and everyone on the field was deafened for a moment. Tang Yin's expression hadn't changed at all as blood was flowing out of his ear. On the contrary, the pain exacerbated his psyche even more.

Zhou Wuji was able to say 'scary' when he looked at Tang Yin at that moment. Tang San, who was half awake, felt his heart tighten when he saw his brother in this state. On the one hand, he felt protected and felt good, but on the other hand, when he saw this demon-like state of his brother, he was extremely upset.

Zhou Wuji had just killed the skeletons that appeared with his roar. When Tang Yin saw this, he shook the hand holding the Death Scythe, and when he raised his left hand in the air, his second soul appeared for the first time. Then, three more soul rings appeared. These were three black ones, like the first soul ring!

Everyone experienced a second shock at that moment. The second battle spirit! And besides, is it all a black ring?! Zhou Wuji didn't know why, but for the first time, he involuntarily took a few steps back.

Tang Yin's face could be seen fading. His soul power had run out and he was using the vitality of the monsters he was absorbing right now.

Tang Yin raised his spear and the third spirit ring lit up "Half-Dragon Transformation! (All features are multiplied tenfold.)" his aura increased several more times, and two wings appeared behind him. He rose into the air and looked at Zhou Wuji with bloodshot eyes, "Die." he whispered, and just as he was about to move forward, a man in a cloak appeared in front of him, and as soon as he grabbed him, he disappeared again.

Zhou Wuji had only seen the nine rings of the person who took Tang Yin away. Douluo Title!

Thanks for reading (: