
Douluo Dalu: Serpent's Legacy

Li Xin, a modern-day enthusiast of fantasy novels and martial arts, meets an unexpected end, however in a twist of fate, his soul is reborn as Dugu Xin, the young son of Dugu Bo, within the Douluo Continent. The story is inspired from "Douluo's poison is supreme". Here is the link if you wish to read it: https://www.wuxiahub.com/novel/douluos-poison-is-supreme.html I write this for fun so I don't have any specific day I release chapters. I will try to post 2 chapters per week, maybe more if I have the time for it.

Night_Builder · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Ch37: Parting Gift

Unfortunately school sucks. All teachers decided to go full test mode for the past weeks, and together with robotics, my free time hit rock bottom, so from now on, I will be writing every time I have enough free time do so, and I will try to post once per week, or even rarer, depending on how it goes. But for now, envoy the next chapter.


As Ma Jun's crocodile tears flowed, even Dugu Xin couldn't stifle a chuckle. Regaining his composure quickly, he pondered for a moment, determined to utilize the immortal herbs in his Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse to aid everyone in their breakthroughs, ensuring they could graduate together.

"Old man, I think I have a way for all of us to graduate together. I have something that everyone can use to aid their cultivation," Dugu Xin announced.

"Eh?" Everyone was taken aback, including Luo Tian, who couldn't help but display his curiosity. Realization dawned on him soon after. "Do you perhaps have more immortal herbs?"

"Indeed," Dugu Xin confirmed.

Ma Jun, always inquisitive, interjected, "What are immortal herbs? I've heard you mention them before, but I never quite grasped the concept."

Luo Tian sighed before launching into an explanation. "Immortal herbs are rare botanicals categorized as heavenly treasures. They thrive in special places where the essence of heaven and earth condenses. Ordinary plants can't grow in these locations. The growth cycle of these herbs is ten times faster than normal, making them highly sought after for their potency in concocting poisons, antidotes, and medicinal remedies. However, excessive consumption can lead to irreversible side effects. They are considered the prime ingredients for the finest elixirs, granting unparalleled benefits to spirit masters or those who consume them. Furthermore, for an herb to evolve into a true immortal herb or a plant-type spirit beast, it must endure a trial or lightning calamity."

As the group absorbed this information, Dugu Xin interjected, "We need a secluded place for the ingestion of these herbs. Let's head to the waterfall."

Agreeing, Luo Tian led the group to a serene waterfall nestled behind the mountain, far from prying eyes. Once they arrived, Dugu Xin retrieved six unique-looking herbs from his Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse. Each herb bore a distinct aura, resonating with the individual spirit of its destined recipient.

"These are the herbs I've chosen for each of you, including you, teacher," Dugu Xin announced, addressing the group.

"You kid," Luo Tian teased, before watching as Dugu Xin approached Chao Tianxiang first. He handed her a jade box containing an Eight Petal Immortal Orchid. The delicate petals quivered, emanating a pure white glow that instilled a sense of nobility and virtue. The orchid's fragrance permeated the air, invigorating everyone's spirits.

"This is the Eight Petal Immortal Orchid. It fortifies foundations and expels impurities, with effects lasting until one reaches the seventieth rank. Chew it and swallow, then use your soul power to assimilate it," Dugu Xin instructed Chao Tianxiang.

Chao Tianxiang nodded gratefully, retreating to a nearby rock to absorb the herb. Dugu Xin then turned to Ma Jun, presenting him with a nourishing and purifying yang medicinal herb. It appeared as a deep red, silky soft immortal herb, seemingly crafted from crimson grass leaves with golden veins.

"This is the Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower. Swallow it without chewing. You must concentrate your spirit power and endure, no matter the pain. Impatience will diminish its effects," Dugu Xin advised Ma Jun.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Ma Jun embraced Dugu Xin's leg before rushing to a corner to begin the absorption process. Next, it was Li Jingling's turn. Dugu Xin handed her an immortal herb with wisteria drapes cascading below the stalk and leaves, crowned with a resplendent golden tulip emitting a majestic aroma.

"The Beautiful Silk Tulip. Breathe in its scent from the stalk. Its antidotal properties are perfect for an auxiliary spirit master. Inhale the stamen, then let the medicinal effects circulate through your limbs," Dugu Xin instructed Li Jingling.

Expressing her gratitude with a nod, Li Jingling took her place alongside Chao Tianxiang, beginning her absorption process. Dugu Xin then approached Yao Chen, offering him a white plant topped with a large white flower exuding an icy aura, despite the absence of any fragrance. The flower's stamen twinkled like ice crystals, casting a dark and ominous aura. "The Devil's Smile. It enhances your affinity with darkness, potentially awakening a second attribute. It may even trigger a second awakening of your martial soul," Dugu Xin informed Yao Chen, Meng Shu, and Luo Tian, leaving them astonished.

"Thank you, Boss Dugu. I'll definitely repay this favor in the future," Yao Chen vowed with determination. Dugu Xin then turned to Meng Shu, presenting him with what appeared to be a common white flower, slightly larger than a palm's size. It resembled a tree peony without leaves, connected to a large, pitch-black rock. Faint scarlet flecks adorned the white petals, presenting a striking contrast.

"This is the Yearning Heartbroken Red, a treasure that chooses its master. It requires absolute devotion to pluck, with the beloved in mind. Only with a sincere, blood-spilled oath can it be acquired," Dugu Xin explained to Meng Shu. Following the instructions, Meng Shu pricked his finger with a needle, allowing a droplet of blood to fall on the flower as he thought of Chao Tianxiang. As expected, the flower separated from its rock.

"Even at level 40, absorbing it now will increase your physical strength, enabling the absorption of a more mature spirit ring," Dugu Xin added, watching as Meng Shu absorbed the Yearning Heartbroken Red beside Chao Tianxiang.

"Now, for you, old man, I have something special as well," Dugu Xin stated, reaching into the purse and retrieving a one-chi-long ginseng. Its blood-red appearance bore a human shape, glistening like crystalline rubies. The ginseng's slender roots resembled the design of a five-clawed dragon soaring to the heavens.

"The Ginseng King is the most prized among ginseng varieties, possessing potent medicinal effects that can reshape one's body and potentially lead to a breakthrough to the level of Titled Douluo," Dugu Xin explained, handing it to Luo Tian.

Luo Tian couldn't help but smile at Dugu Xin's gesture. "You smelly brat..."

With a mischievous grin, Dugu Xin replied, "Isn't having you as my student the greatest treasure?"

Playfully, Luo Tian swatted Dugu Xin's head, causing him to protest, "Stop hitting me in the head, didn't I tell you that already?"

Luo Tian laughed heartily. "Don't push your luck, brat."

Minutes passed quickly and soon 6 hours passed as the effects of the immortal herbs were absorbed. Near Dugu Xin, who stood near them to make sure there won't be any kind of problems, everyone, including Luo Tian suffered different degrees of change. Dugu Xin patiently watched as each member of the group absorbed their respective plants, taking in the unique properties of the herbs with a focused intensity. Meanwhile, he meticulously tended to the alchemical flames, tending to the delicate process with a skilled hand. Moments later, a vibrant green pill, about the size of a human eye, materialized before him, emanating a refreshing scent that permeated the entire area. With a sense of relief, he softly murmured to himself, "Phew, finally. I will call you the Spirit Gathering Pill. This should facilitate a breakthrough for anyone below the spirit saint rank. Unfortunately, it took more effort than I had anticipated, and now I have depleted my stock of herbs."

Gently placing the pill in a Jade box, he meticulously documented the intricate process of its refinement, meticulously listing the required ingredients and their proportions. As he meticulously penned down the final steps, a gentle, ethereal aura unexpectedly caught his attention, drawing his focus towards Li Jingling. Intrigued, he approached her, only to be utterly bewildered by the sight that unfolded before him. Jingling's martial soul, The War Flag, stood before her, undergoing a profound transformation. The once pristine white flag with a spearhead atop it now glimmered with a radiant golden aura. The golden dragon head embroidered at its center faded away, replaced by the figure of a six-winged angel in armor, exuding an undeniable aura of holiness.

"This... Her martial soul has undergone a second awakening? I remember in the original narrative, the herb I provided had evolved Ning Rongrong's martial soul. I never expected it to have a similar effect on Jingling as well," Dugu Xin murmured, grappling with the implications of this unforeseen development.

Simultaneously, in the revered precincts of the Spirit Hall, a handsome man of apparent age between thirty and forty, clothed in a dignified gray robe, knelt before a statue depicting a magnificent six-winged angel. With an air of serenity, he was one of the rare individuals to have reached the coveted level 99, known as Qian Daoliu. As he knelt in silent reverence, the statue of the Angel began to radiate a resplendent golden light, enveloping Qian Daoliu in a luminous embrace that transformed his surroundings into a realm of gilded brilliance. In this ethereal ambiance, a celestial figure akin to the statue materialized before him, evoking a sense of divine grace and majesty.

"My lady, what honor do I owe this unexpected visit?" Qian Daoliu spoke with a deep reverence, tinged with a palpable excitement at the divine apparition before him. The presence of his god, even in the form of her consciousness, was a profound and sacred event.

"Rise, Qian Daoliu. I bring you good news. A martial soul with a profound affinity to my being has surfaced. I implore you to locate this individual and take her under your wing, preparing her to inherit your mantle when you can no longer shoulder your responsibilities," the celestial voice resonated with a gentle but unwavering authority.

"My lady, if I have erred in any way, I humbly beseech your forgiveness and guidance," Qian Daoliu responded with deep humility, his mind racing to comprehend the implications of the divine summons. To be chosen as the instrument of the divine will was both an honor and a weighty responsibility.

"Calm yourself, Daoliu. I am not seeking to replace you, but you must understand that even with my power sustaining you, your mortal body will inevitably wane once a suitable successor to my god position emerges, or your time on this plane concludes," the Angel God's voice resonated with a blend of compassion and unwavering resolve, soothing the apprehensions that tugged at Qian Daoliu's heart.

While her words brought a measure of solace, Qian Daoliu remained perplexed, unable to fully fathom the motivations behind the divine decree. "I fail to comprehend. My son is yet in his youth, and his aptitude is not lacking. He is suitable to inherit my mantle when the time comes."

"You and I both know that he lacks the temperament and purity required to serve as my Priest. His heart is tainted by dark thoughts, rendering him unfit for the sacred role that I entrust to you. Therefore, I urge you to seek out this girl and guide her on the path to becoming your disciple," the celestial entity responded with a clarity that brooked no dissent, underscoring the gravity of the charge she had bestowed upon her devoted servant.

"Very well, my lady. May I inquire, what is the name of this chosen individual?" Qian Daoliu inquired, his voice tinged with a sense of solemn duty and resolve.

"Li Jingling," the celestial voice intoned.

"I will undertake this task with utmost diligence and devotion," Qian Daoliu pledged, his words infused with a steadfast determination to honor the divine will.

"Excellent. I anticipate favorable news from you in due time. However, remember that while her martial soul may be aligned with my essence, the final judgment of her character and worthiness shall rest solely with you," the Angel God's final decree resounded with a note of reassurance and expectation.

As the divine presence receded, returning Qian Daoliu to the familiar surroundings of the Hall, he grappled with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, acutely aware of the weight of the divine charge entrusted to him. "Why do I feel as though the Angel God herself has intervened in this affair?" he mused, his mind still reeling from the encounter.

Meanwhile, within the area where the group had gathered, Li Jingling slowly opened her eyes, a radiant smile gracing her lips as she beheld the world with newfound clarity. With a surge of excitement, she sprang to her feet, rushing to embrace Dugu Xin in a gesture of heartfelt gratitude. "Thank you," she murmured.

"It was my pleasure. Now, tell me, what changes have taken place within your martial soul?" Dugu Xin inquired, his curiosity piqued by the sudden evolution of her martial soul.

"Well, it is now known as the Holy Angel's War Flag. The most significant alteration is that within the range of my spirit skills, I can now nullify negative energies such as death and malevolent auras. I have also broken through to level 30" Li Jingling recounted, her voice laced with a sense of wonder.

"Impressive. Take this time to familiarize yourself with your evolved martial soul while we await the others to finish refining their herbs," Dugu Xin advised, his tone imbued with a sense of encouragement and guidance.

Li Jingling nodded in acknowledgment, settling into a meditation with her martial soul cradled in her hands, seeking to deepen her understanding of her newly evolved flag. Before long, Meng Shu and Tianxiang roused from their own meditative states, their expressions a blend of astonishment and awe upon learning of Jingling's remarkable martial soul evolution.