
Douluo Dalu: Serpent's Legacy

Li Xin, a modern-day enthusiast of fantasy novels and martial arts, meets an unexpected end, however in a twist of fate, his soul is reborn as Dugu Xin, the young son of Dugu Bo, within the Douluo Continent. The story is inspired from "Douluo's poison is supreme". Here is the link if you wish to read it: https://www.wuxiahub.com/novel/douluos-poison-is-supreme.html I write this for fun so I don't have any specific day I release chapters. I will try to post 2 chapters per week, maybe more if I have the time for it.

Night_Builder · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Ch.29: Haotian Grand Battle Academy VS Star Luo Imperial Academy Part 2

The Nether White Tiger let out a deafening roar that echoed through the arena, its deep growl vibrating through the spectators' chests. Its massive body, covered in ghostly white fur, was a fearsome sight. "I dare you to use the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer!" The challenge rang out as it lunged toward Tang Hao.

Tang Hao, his eyes unwavering, gripped the Clear Sky Hammer with unyielding determination. He stood his ground, bracing for the imminent clash. The anticipation in the air was palpable, and the audience held their collective breath. As the two formidable entities closed in on each other, a sly grin played on Dai Minghao. With a mocking sneer, he taunted, "Let's see how you handle this one, Nether White Tiger Roar." His soul power surged like a tidal wave, and from his very being, an earth-shattering tiger's roar erupted. It expanded outward, creating a rolling wave of sound that sent Tang Hao tumbling backward.

But Tang Hao was not one to surrender easily. He clung to his Haotian Hammer, his unwavering determination shining through the dizziness induced by the Nether White Tiger's deafening roar. A faint trickle of blood seeped from his ears due to the intense pressure he endured. Yet, Tang Hao persevered. He had integrated the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer into his very instincts, and with each swing of the Haotian Hammer, he summoned the power of the wind. Each blow, though difficult, added to the building momentum. The fierce wind generated by the hammer's motion gradually began to take on the form of a small tornado, intensifying with every strike.

Nether White Tiger realized that Tang Hao's momentum was reaching its zenith, and the only way to stop him was to confront him head-on. The Nether White Tiger halted its attack on Tang Hao and focused its soul power into a single, concentrated point. Its back arched high, and it issued a challenge with a menacing glint in its eyes. "Tang Hao, do you dare face me in a decisive blow?"

Tang Hao, never one to back down from a challenge, responded with a hearty laugh. "Why wouldn't I dare? Come on! Let's see if it's your Nether White Tiger that's strong or my Haotian Hammer!" His voice rang out with unshakable confidence as he readied himself for what lay ahead.

With that, the Nether White Tiger let out a defiant roar. "Arrogant! White Tiger Breaks Gold and Kills!" Its massive form charged at Tang Hao, claws aglow with a brilliant golden light.

Tang Hao, now on his 79th hammer strike, had nearly reached the pinnacle of his momentum. With a powerful cleave through the air, he roared, "Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer!" The two formidable forces clashed, sending shockwaves rippling through the arena. The sheer intensity of their energy left the spectators trembling with excitement.

The battle raged on, both sides pushing themselves to the limits of their power. The Nether White Tiger sneered; its voice laced with frustration. "If you reached the 81st strike, I would have been forced to admit defeat. But it's a pity... a pity."

Tang Hao, battered and bloodied, maintained his unwavering resolve. With a defiant smile, he retorted, "Is that so?"

The Nether White Tiger chuckled darkly. "You're quite the stubborn one."

Just as it prepared to launch its final, devastating attack against Tang Hao, an unexpected twist of fate unfolded. Cracks began to appear on the Nether White Tiger's body, and it emitted a pained cry. In the blink of an eye, the fearsome beast disintegrated into a burst of blinding white light. In its place stood Dai Minghao and Zhu Yuqi, with Zhu Yuqi unconscious and Dai Minghao struggling to remain conscious. Dai Minghao, bewildered and infuriated, spat out a mouthful of blood before succumbing to unconsciousness. The tide had shifted.

Meanwhile, Tuoba Qi found himself in a dire situation, besieged by the relentless assault of the four single-attribute fighters. Wang Wudi, in particular, thrust his soul-breaking spear at Tuoba Qi with triumphant fervor. "You've lost! Third Spirit Skill: Explosion!" The spear pierced Tuoba Qi's chest, eliciting a grimace of pain.

Unexpectedly, despite the injury, Tuoba Qi charged forward, the third Spirit Ring beneath his feet igniting with a fiery glow. With unwavering determination, he declared, "Don't underestimate the White Armored Dragon Clan!" His White-Armored Dragon Claw Spirit Skill struck Wang Wudi's chest with tremendous force, sending him crashing into the ground and coughing up blood.

However, Tai Tan intervened, his immense strength overwhelming Tuoba Qi. Niu Gao joined the fray with a rhinoceros charge, and together, they sent Tuoba Qi soaring into the air. In a flash, Bai He descended from above, executing his second Spirit Skill, Swift Return. His kick landed squarely on Tuoba Qi's chest, driving him to the ground once more. Tuoba Qi struggled to rise, but ultimately, he was defeated and lost consciousness on the battlefield.

The remaining combatants faced a similar fate against Tai Tan and his companions. Despite his injuries, Tang Hao fought valiantly, raising the Clear Sky Hammer high above his head. The audience watched with bated breath as he proclaimed Haotian Grand Battle Academy's victory. The crowd erupted into deafening cheers, chanting, "Clear Sky! Clear Sky! Haotian Grand Battle Academy! Haotian Grand Battle Academy!"

Dugu Xin observed the unfolding events on the stage, a satisfied smile gracing his features. He muttered to himself, "Tang Hao has exceeded my expectations, but it matters not. The victory belongs to the Hollow Beast Academy." With that, he gracefully exited the arena and made his way back to the lounge.

Within the confines of his private chamber, Dugu Xin was startled when Xiao Cai, his loyal spirit beast, emerged from his Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse. The once-small white snake had undergone a remarkable transformation, now measuring an impressive five meters in length and adorned with elegant purple accents. It hissed joyfully upon seeing Dugu Xin and coiled affectionately around his form, its scaly head nuzzling against his right cheek.

Dugu Xin couldn't help but express his surprise. "Little Cai, when did you grow so significantly? You've aged 500 years, haven't you? Did devouring that Crocodile King truly enhance your cultivation to such an extent? Your energy feels purer and denser than that of a typical 1,000-year-old beast."

Delighted by the praise, Xiao Cai hissed once more, this time using its small tongue to affectionately lick Dugu Xin's face. Dugu Xin chuckled and said, "Alright, alright, that's enough. Uncoil yourself now." The serpent obediently unwound itself from around him, fixing him with round, inquisitive eyes. "What's the matter? I don't have any other spirit beast bodies with me."

Xiao Cai hissed in apparent disappointment and retreated back into the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse to rest. Dugu Xin shook his head, amused. "This little one... It's as if he's expecting a grand feast. Shameless..." 

Dugu Xin found himself with a rare two-day respite as only three matches were scheduled for each day. He took advantage of this time by sitting cross-legged on his bed, his gaze fixed on his outstretched hand. With a subtle command of his soul power, a peculiar green flame with gray wisps, created from the essence of his soul power, enveloped his hand. He watched it intently, the wheels of his mind turning. "Hmm… it seems that even these flames have also been affected," he mused aloud, his voice a soft whisper in the room. "Their temperature has also increased, but it's still useless for combat." 

The flame in Dugu Xin's hand was no ordinary fire; it was a specialized creation for alchemy. Normal flames couldn't be used in alchemical processes due to the delicate nature of spiritual and immortal herbs. Thus, Dugu Xin had devised his own unique spirit technique, one that would generate a controlled flame from his soul power. This technique involved directing soul power to form a swirling vortex, which spun at a rapid pace, steadily compressing the soul power until the vortex dissipated, leaving behind a concentrated, controlled flame. While it sounded straightforward in theory, in practice, it was an intricate and demanding process, requiring a formidable mastery of spiritual power to execute effectively.

"Alright, let's refine some pills," he decided, his determination evident in his expression. For the next two days, he diligently refined multiple pills. In between his alchemical pursuits, he also spared some time to engage in playful interactions with Xiao Cai, his loyal spirit beast.

The two days flew by swiftly, marked by several exciting matches. Heaven Dou Imperial Academy had secured victory against Skywater Academy, while Blazing Academy had triumphed over Godwind Academy. Star Luo Imperial Academy had also emerged victorious in their clash against Botanic Academy. And now, the time had come once more for the Hollow Beast Academy to take the stage.

The elegant host, as captivating as ever, announced with enthusiasm, "Today, let's usher in another thrilling competition – Heaven Dou Empire's Hollow Beast Academy versus Thunderclap Academy. Whether the Hollow Beast Academy can secure victory in this bout or if Thunderclap Academy, representing the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan and backed by the world's first beast martial soul, will continue to carve its name into the annals of legend."

Amidst the anticipation and excitement, the Thunderclap Academy team, led by Yu Tianxiang, entered the arena. Dugu Xin and his comrades from the Hollow Beast Academy had already positioned themselves on the battleground. Yu Tianxiang regarded Dugu Xin with a cautious expression and posed a question, "Do you want me to call you Viper or Dugu Xin?"

Dugu Xin responded with a serene smile, "Long time no see, Yu Tianxiang."

Yu Tianxiang mirrored his smile and quipped, "This time, I will definitely defeat your Viper…, no—Dugu Xin."

Dugu Xin's smile deepened as he replied, "I doubt it."

Observing that both teams were ready for battle, the radiant host flew to the center of the arena and declared, "It appears that both sides are ready. Let the clash of dragons and snakes commence!" The audience erupted in a deafening roar of excitement, eager to witness the showdown between these formidable academies.

In the electric atmosphere of the arena, Yu Tianxiang and Dugu Xin couldn't help but share a smile. The clash of the dragon and snake seemed to evoke a sense of nostalgia within them. They both knew that this moment was a rematch of sorts, a chance to see how far each had come since their last encounter.

Yu Tianxiang, her eyes burning with determination, spoke with a mischievous grin, "Let's see just how much you've improved, Viper."

Dugu Xin's own smile was equally confident as he replied, "I would be more worried about your progress than mine."

Yu Tianxiang playfully added, "I don't disappoint."

The tension in the air was palpable as their teammates filed into the ring. Thunder and lightning crackled around Yu Tianxiang, and a majestic dark blue dragon materialized behind her, letting out a thunderous roar. Her pupils transformed into a matching shade of dark blue, and four spirit rings beneath her feet lit up in the standard yellow, yellow, purple, purple configuration. She announced her identity with unwavering confidence, "Yu Tianxiang, level 48 power attack system, martial soul Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon."

Dugu Xin, shrouded in an icy aura that mirrored that of a snake, exuded an even greater air of danger. With a low, serpentine hiss, a colossal gray snake manifested behind him, fixating its eerie, slitted eyes on Yu Tianxiang. Dugu Xin's own eyes shifted to a captivating blend of golden with hints of blue and red. Five spirit rings beneath him gleamed in yellow, purple, purple, black, and black. He raised his hand, his expression growing serious, as he declared, "Dugu Xin, level 55 control system, Martial Soul Monochrome Phosphor Serpent Emperor.

The remaining members of the Thunderclap Academy team introduced themselves one by one, their spirit rings lighting up in standard configurations. Shi Jian, a brawny youth, revealed a blue giant tortoise spirit behind him, with three spirit rings beneath him, yellow, yellow, and purple. He announced himself as "Shi Jian, level 31 defense system, martial soul Black Tortoise."

Shi Lie, a muscular young man with a slightly smaller frame, summoned a turquoise giant tortoise spirit, boasting two spirit rings yellow, and yellow beneath him. He confidently stated, "Shi Lie, level 29 defense system, martial soul Black Tortoise."

A girl with thunder wings on her back, Qing Tianyu, displayed three spirit rings. standard configuration, under her feet and a bright smile. She declared, "Qing Tianyu, level 34 agility attack system, martial soul Thunder Cloud Bird."

A quieter youth, with three spirit rings glowing beneath him, summoned purple vines behind him. He introduced himself, "Wang Jia, level 38 control system, martial soul Purple Thunder Vine."

Then, a playful girl appeared, clutching the Seven Treasure Glazed Pagoda. Two spirit rings shone beneath her feet as she cheerfully introduced herself, "Ning Lele, level 24 auxiliary system, Martial Soul Seven Treasure Glazed Pagoda."

Finally, Meng Shu and the others introduced themselves one by one. With formalities out of the way, the battle commenced. Yu Tianxiang swiftly underwent her martial soul's possession, her body enveloped in brilliant thunder and lightning. She extended her hand, which transformed into a formidable dragon claw, this time with dragon scales not just on her palm but also cascading up her arms. Even her face bore traces of dragon scales, and her eyes crackled with the energy of thunder and lightning. Dugu Xin thoughts raced as he contemplated the differences between Yu Tianxiang's dragonization and that of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan. It was clear that her dragonization had reached an advanced level, evolving with her cultivation. 

He couldn't help but think, "It seems that her dragonization is unlike anything I've seen in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan. If these differences are any indication, when she reaches Spirit Saint or Spirit Douluo, she might transform into a true-Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon, she even has the potential to become a Titled Douluo. Having her on my side in the Hall of Souls would be a tremendous asset."

Dugu Xin, not one to be outdone, unleashed his full soul power. Gray scales surged up his arms, forming a formidable gray and black armor - his signature "Martial Soul Integration: Real Guard." It enhanced his physical strength, attack, and defense by a staggering 150%.

Witnessing these incredible transformations, Yu Tianxiang couldn't help but express her admiration, "You've truly surprised me, Dugu Xin."

Dugu Xin, his newfound armor gleaming ominously, feeling the killing intent mixed with the fighting spirit of hers, retorted with a grin, "It seems the little lizard has finally learned the might of a dragon."

In the spectator stands, the escort teacher from Haotian Grand Battle Academy couldn't conceal his amazement. "Yao Yuan, it's clear that your Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan's secret technique, dragonization, has been mastered here. But what's truly remarkable is that this young fighter has taken it a step further, creating an armor that engulfs his entire body."

On the other hand, the Thunder Academy's escort teacher remained fixated on Dugu Xin, his expression stoic. He released a relieved sigh and commented with a wry smile, "It may seem similar at first glance, but it's an entirely different technique. Our Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan's dragon transformation is fundamentally distinct from this young man's technique. We meld with our martial soul, becoming one with it, akin to transforming a part of our bodies into a spirit beast, not to mention that its limited to a single limb, Yu Tianxiang is a special case, her dragonification progresses as her cultivation increases. But the kid, the kid covers his body in his martial soul, making it an armor that covers his body. Nevertheless, I must admit, for this young prodigy to develop such a technique... What an extraordinary talent. If not for his ties to the Dugu Family, I'd seriously consider recruiting him."

Understanding the depths of Dugu Xin's abilities, Tang Peng, the Thunder Academy's escort teacher, felt a growing unease. He wiped sweat from his brow as he muttered to himself, "I see..." but his gaze became colder. 'This kid possesses more talent than even Young Master Tang Hao and Tang Xiao. Achieving the rank of Spirit King at the tender age of 14, sporting two black spirit rings, and wielding a technique that rivals the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan... I must deal with him after this tournament to preempt any potential complications for the young masters." 

As he contemplated this, his hidden intent to neutralize the threat subtly emanated. However, in the very next moment, he was engulfed by an overwhelming pressure, causing him to panic. "This pressure... Impossible. A Titled Douluo?! Since when did the Dugu Family have a Titled Douluo guarding their young master?" 

His panic intensified as the weight of this revelation bore down upon him. Yao Yuan, noticing his friend's distress, placed a comforting hand on Tang Peng's shoulder and asked with genuine concern, "Lao Peng, are you alright? You're soaked in sweat." 

Tang Peng, still shaken by the unexpected pressure, mumbled in a trembling voice, "Yeah, I'm... I'm fine."