
Douluo Dalu: Serpent's Legacy

Li Xin, a modern-day enthusiast of fantasy novels and martial arts, meets an unexpected end, however in a twist of fate, his soul is reborn as Dugu Xin, the young son of Dugu Bo, within the Douluo Continent. The story is inspired from "Douluo's poison is supreme". Here is the link if you wish to read it: https://www.wuxiahub.com/novel/douluos-poison-is-supreme.html I write this for fun so I don't have any specific day I release chapters. I will try to post 2 chapters per week, maybe more if I have the time for it.

Night_Builder · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Ch.20: Team Reunion

Dugu Xin's swift and precise movements attacked Ma Jun, Chao Tianxiang. Chao Tianxiang took the initiative to attack, unleashing her Serpent Cane's first spirit skill, Tongue Blade, which shot out with a venomous edge. However, each of her attacks was easily dodged by Dugu Xin effortlessly. As Dugu Xin closed in for a counterattack, Chao Tianxiang employed her Serpent Body spirit skill, rendering her body slippery and allowing her to evade Dugu Xin's initial claw attack. She then attempted to immobilize him by wrapping her body around his limbs.

Dugu Xin commended her effort but swiftly countered by releasing his venomous soul power, creating a poisonous atmosphere that forced Chao Tianxiang to retreat to avoid being severely poisoned. She felt the effects of the venom coursing through her body, causing her blood to boil and her soul power to be consumed in the process. Dugu Xin, however, didn't stay and waited. He unleashed his soul power and launched an attack, but Ma Jun intervened using his 1st Spirit Skill Agni Fire Seal. Flames engulfed his body, granting a 30% increase in the power of all his spirit skills. His attack pushed Dugu Xin back a couple of steps.

Dugu Xin countered by activating his first spirit skill, Cursed Shroud, which covered his arms with green-jade scales and elongated his nails, turning them golden and imbuing them with the venom of his martial spirit. He launched a series of venomous slashes at Ma Jun, who fell unconscious under the influence of the poison. With Ma Jun incapacitated, Dugu Xin shifted his attention back to Chao Tianxiang, who, despite her hesitation, had no choice but to confront him.

Dugu Xin continued his attack causing Chao Tianxiang to be pushed back near Li Jingying, who activated her 1st spirit skill: Flag of Freedom. Stabbing her flag into the ground and the injuries on Chao Tianxiang recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, then she once again fought with Dugu xin.

"It should be about time..." Dugu Xin's cryptic statement left both Chao Tianxiang and Li Jingying bewildered. Suddenly, a powerful wave of vertigo washed over them, and they collapsed, unconscious. Dugu Xin acted swiftly, using his Heaven Snake Poison Pill Technique to neutralize the lingering poison in the surroundings and within his fallen comrades. It took approximately an hour for everyone to regain consciousness. Dugu Xin proceeded to explain, "It seems that you've all forgotten. What I excel at most is poison. You were affected by the soul power I've been subtly releasing in small quantities, enough to make you faint without causing permanent harm.As you used your soul techniques, you consumed a significant amount of soul power, allowing my poison to infiltrate further."

"During our battle, your toxins continued to accumulate. As you expended your soul power, it erupted under my control. With just a moment's notice, I could have killed you."

Ma Jun, his voice weakened by the recent ordeal, expressed, "Dugu, we thought the gap had closed, but we never anticipated your tremendous growth."

Dugu Xin smiled, extending a hand to help Li Jingying up. She had been more severely affected by his poison and needed his direct assistance. Although he had been careful with the poison's dosage, the auxiliary soul master's constitution was not as robust as the others, necessitating his aid. Li Jingying slowly regained consciousness, sensing the transmission of Dugu Xin's soul power as it mended her injuries. With Dugu Xin's support, she began to recover from the poisoning. Dugu Xin withdrew his soul power, offering an elixir to Li Jingying. He spoke lightly, "Your 1st spirit skill is indeed impressive, but regrettably, it proved insufficient to counter my poison." Then, without further ado, he turned to leave.

At that moment, Dean Lin Mo applauded and grinned. He commented, "Impressive, truly impressive. Everyone has made remarkable progress, and Dugu Xin, you've grown immensely."

Turning his attention to Dugu Xin, Lin Mo continued, "The reward I'm offering you is the position of Captain of the Hollow Beast Academy. I expect you to lead the academy to victory in the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament."

Dugu Xin nodded solemnly in response to Dean Lin Mo's words. The dean, with a faint smile, left them to reminisce about their battle. As Ma Jun and the others began to feel a bit dejected, Dean Lin Mo's voice rang out faintly, "Today's performance was acceptable. Go and rest for two days."

Ma Jun and the rest erupted in cheers, and Dugu Xin smiled approvingly. The next two days were filled with joyful celebrations. Following this respite, Dugu Xin resumed their rigorous training for a full two months, with Ma Jun being the focus of his personal attention.

After an additional week of intense training, Meng Shu and Yao Chen finally returned to the Hollow Beast Academy. Meng Shu, looking disheveled and like a homeless man, couldn't help but exclaim, "I'm finally back!" Meanwhile, Yao Chen, in a better condition, sat in silence, though the gleam in his eyes hinted at his relief at being back.

As the familiar voice resounded across the field, before Dugu Xin and the others could react, Chao Tianxiang sprinted toward Meng Shu with tears in her eyes. She embraced Meng Shu tightly, and he responded warmly, "Tianxiang, I'm back." This touching reunion left Dugu Xin and the others both amused. Dugu Xin chuckled at the sight and playfully excused the two, saying, "Hahaha, Old Meng is having a good time."

Afterwards, Dugu Xin saluted Yao Chen, who, though more reserved, was also visibly pleased to be back. Meng Shu and Yao Chen began to express their grievances, well, mostly Meng Shu but Yao Chen was nodding at each sentence. "It's been an absolute nightmare!"

The two were complaining animatedly when suddenly they felt the familiar and formidable surge of a soul power attack. Their expressions shifted dramatically. The memory of this soul power master was etched deeply into their minds, and both wore bitter expressions as they uttered in unison, "Teacher Luo Tian~"

Indeed, Teacher Luo Tian had appeared behind them, and with condensed soul power, he aimed two mock punches at the duo. They rolled away hastily to avoid the mock attack. Teacher Luo Tian couldn't help but smile approvingly, saying, "Seems like you two haven't gotten rusty." His devilish grin appeared as he playfully patted their shoulders. He inquired, "What were you saying about me just now?"

Dugu Xin, Yao Chen, and Meng Shu felt a chilling threat, and they quickly replied in unison, "Oh, nothing serious, just talking casually." Meng Shu vigorously nodded in agreement.

Luo Tian chuckled heartily, "Hahaha, you two mischievous brats. Let's see how much you've improved. Dugu, you don't need to participate. I already know your strength."

Yao Chen and Meng Shu exchanged glances, sharing a smile of camaraderie, and then they dived into their friendly duel. Yao Chen grinned, saying, "Let's do this, Old Meng."

With a light-hearted expression, Yao Chen introduced himself, "Yao Chen, Level 37 Agility Attack System Spirit Elder, martial soul Black Lined Ghost Leopard."

Meng Shu was genuinely surprised and chuckled, "Well, well, Yao Chen, you've truly made impressive progress. You've even surpassed me!" He shook his head with an amused smile.

However, Meng Shu's demeanor quickly changed. His tone turned serious, and he declared, "Meng Shu, Level 36 Attack Power System Spirit Elder, martial soul Dragon Staff." Meng Shu's soul power surged, causing the three soul rings beneath his feet to shine. His body was enveloped in a blend of soul power and a distinctive crimson aura, which carried the scent of blood. The Dragon Staff materialized in his grasp, and his dragon-like eyes took on a subtle, bloody hue.

Dugu Xin observed Meng Shu's transformation closely. He understood that this was a manifestation of murderous intent. Failing to address it could not only affect Meng Shu's mental state but also hinder his cultivation and potentially drive him to madness. Dugu Xin intended to monitor the battle closely and intervene if it became too dangerous.

The two locked eyes as a gust of wind swept through, the battle commenced in an instant. Yao Chen initiated his second spirit skill, "Shadow Vajra Enhancement," which boosted his physical strength, attack, and defense by 100%. His muscles compacted, transitioning from gray to a blackish-blue hue and a King character appeared on his forehead. He lunged towards Meng Shu.

Meng Shu countered Yao Chen's advance by activating his first spirit skill, Dragon Strike as he clashed with Yao Chen. eng Shu found himself being pushed back a few meters by Yao Chen's formidable assault. Yao Chen, seizing the opportunity, activated his first spirit skill, Hell Decapitation, fusing his fingers into a blade and doubling his speed to strike at Meng Shu with incredible swiftness.

However, Meng Shu managed to barely block Yao Chen's lightning-fast strike. In response, Yao Chen remarked, "Fight seriously, Shu, or the old man will kick your ass."

Meng Shu remained silent, but a crimson tint started to creep into his eyes. Observing this, Dugu Xin frowned and issued a warning to Yao Chen, "Chen, be careful! His mind is clouded with a murderous intent."

Yao Chen was slightly surprised by the warning but nodded solemnly. Immediately, Meng Shu's dragon staff transformed into a silver, snake-like dragon, emanating a thunderous roar. Meng Shu unleashed his soul power to the fullest extent and activated his third spirit skill, Gravity Great Defense, doubling his body's defense while increasing gravity within a 10-meter radius up to threefold. This negated Yao Chen's speed enhancements, rendering him normal once more, albeit under the oppressive weight of increased gravity.

As Yao Chen initiated his third spirit skill, Shadow Connected Clones, he lunged toward Meng Shu. Sensing the imminent danger, Meng Shu hastily halted his own spirit skill and summoned the silver-armored dragon to shield himself. However, Yao Chen's attack, combined with the shadow clones, overwhelmed Meng Shu. Multiple strikes hit him, sending him tumbling to the ground before he staggered to his feet. The crimson hue in Meng Shu's eyes intensified, nearly filling them entirely. Observing his condition, Yao Chen concluded, "Indeed, the intrusion of murderous intent has compromised his combat judgment."

The battle between Yao Chen and the enraged Meng Shu grew increasingly intense. Yao Chen's hit-and-run tactics continued to agitate Meng Shu, who became more furious with each passing moment. The red murderous aura within his soul power overtook the white and in a surge of anger, Meng Shu roared, and the 3rd spirit ring beneath his feet lit up. With a burst of lifeless soul power, Meng Shu reactivated his 3rd spirit skill. This time, the gravitational force was even stronger, causing Yao Chen to stagger for a moment. Seizing the opportunity, Meng Shu employed his 2nd spirit skill, Thorn Dragon Rush, doubling his movement speed. The dragon staff, once again transformed into a wooden-armored dragon under Meng Shu's control, its dragon pupils gleaming blood-red as it roared and lunged at Yao Chen.

Both Dugu Xin and Yao Chen understood that Meng Shu had fallen into a state of madness, where every attack was infused with the intent to kill. In this violent state, Meng Shu needed to be restrained so that his murderous aura could be purged. He also had to be subdued before his soul power was depleted, preventing any harm to himself and his foundation. Outside the ring, Dean Lin Mo was on the verge of intervening to halt the fight. However, Teacher Luo Tian stretched out his hand and uttered coldly, "Wait."

Dean Lin Mo protested, "Luo Tian, do you want to see Meng Shu go to waste, like our other junior brothers before him?"

Luo Tian's expression remained grim. "I have faith in both Dugu Xin and Yao Chen. If it doesn't work out, I will intervene. If it continues like this, then I'll join the fight, even if it means I'll go down with them."

Dean Lin Mo wore a similarly somber expression. He didn't respond but kept his eyes locked on the two combatants. Should anything go awry, he was prepared to step in immediately.

Dugu Xin's black spirit ring emerged beneath his feet, and everything around him became gray, as though the world had turned into solid stone. It was as if time itself had ground to a halt, freezing Yao Chen and Meng Shu in place, along with Meng Shu's dragon staff, which hung midair.

Dean Lin Mo and Teacher Luo Tian were astounded by this phenomenon. Dean Mo, visibly shocked, turned to Teacher Luo Tian with a baffled expression. "Holy... is this real? What kind of 10,000-year-old spirit ring must this kid have to stop time like this?"

Luo Tian, after carefully observing the surroundings, took a moment to think before replying, "Dugu Xin mentioned that his 4th spirit ring came from a 20,000-year-old Medusa. I assumed the ability granted was to petrify targets and attacks with a gaze. I never anticipated that it could transform the entire world into this 'stone' state, thus time stopped."

He looked quite serious as he spoke. "I believe we can still move because Dugu's spiritual and soul power aren't yet strong enough to petrify us completely, but it did exert some influence on us, even if only slightly. This is an incredibly monstrous ability."

As they discussed, Dugu Xin made a swift move, sneaking up on Meng Shu and delivering a powerful strike from behind. And he also cancelled his ability. As he did so, the world around them returned to its usual state. Meng Shu, on the receiving end of the attack, was sent sprawling and promptly lost consciousness.

Everyone was surprised to suddenly see Dugu Xin next to a fainted Meng Shu. Just as they thought the battle was over and Chao Tianxiang was helping Meng Shu to take him to the infirmary, Dugu Xin, who had breathed a sigh of relief, noticed something amiss. The dragon staff, which had fallen to the ground, began to stir. In an instant, Dugu Xin's voice rang out urgently, "It's not over! This is the last backlash of his murderous aura."

Acting swiftly, Dugu Xin attempted to activate his 4th spirit ring once more. However, the dragon staff had already returned to Meng Shu's grasp. With immense force, he raised the staff, creating a gust of wind that threatened to strike down upon Chao Tianxiang's head. Dugu Xin's soul power surged as he desperately tried to reactivate his spirit skill in time, but it seemed like he might not make it in time. The staff hung menacingly over Chao Tianxiang's head. Everyone held their breath as Meng Shu's attack stopped right above Chao Tianxiang's head. Meng Shu struggled to say, "Tian... Xiang..." and then, just as abruptly as his attack, his strength drained away. The dragon staff slipped from his grasp, and he collapsed, completely unconscious.

Chao Tianxiang, her heart racing, reached out and gently kissed the top of Meng Shu's head. With a serene smile, she softly murmured, "I knew you'd never harm me."

With Meng Shu now unconscious and safely in the care of his friends, Meng Shu was carefully transported to the infirmary with the help of everyone, while Chao Tianxiang remained behind to care for him.