
wind core, past

Yan took a couple of days stabilizing himself and also about the core. The third day bibi dong visited him while yan asked," Teacher do yoh believe in me? ", bibi dong gulped what absurd idea this little devil came up with now.

Yan looked at bibi dong and knelt before asking," In order for my martial soul to evolve I need a crucial step now. But it needs absurd amount of energy everytime I absorbed a ring to form it. Teacher, you're the only one who can help me".

Bibi dong thought for a few moments and nodded. Yan then told her about his new theory of soul core which made bibi dong feel more terrifief. Soul gore formation, did this even know about the inheritance of God's and their soul cores.

She looked at her monstrous disciple. But something say it'll good if she can do it. Bibi dong accepted his request and started pouring her soul power into Yan. Lu Yan gripped his sword and released the ring. His ring emitted purple light while the wind energy from it along with the wind dragon bloodline is poured into his dantian.

Bibi dong didn't stop him while he is doubt that. She wants to see what her disciple can do. She saw the energy is all gathered in his dantian while Yan started sweating. He gritted his teeth in pain while the energy started condensing into a vortex.

Bibi dong is shocked when Yan's body started shaking a few wind cuts appeared here and there. Yet he gritted his teeth and didn't stop the process. Yan gritted his teeth in pain and screamed loudly.

A wind dragon core is successfully formed in his dantian. Yan's sword started changing and became green slender sword that looks very sharp and easy flowing. There are dragon patterns on the sword and it's giving out fluctuations of wind energy and dragon's coercion.

Bibi dong is shocked by the change while Lu Yan fainted in her arms, his body has many cuts at the front and he is bleeding Bibi ding called healers and healed him before taking him into her room.

She placed him on her bed before caressing his cheeks and said," You reminds of so much of my old lover, Are you really him Lin Tian? Are you his rebirth? Like you, this boy is also thinking quite absurdly and succeded. You brought me out of those two hipocrits clucthes and died in my hands as a price. Are we not destined? ".

She asked before looking at Lu Yan who is similar to the person's appearance. She kissed his forehead and hugged him, she cried for sometime before touching his face gently scared that like last time she will harm the person in her heart again with a misunderstanding.

Her hands trembled as she remembered the memory and she quickly left the room with tears glacing at the sky she roared in pain and tears. Why? Why? Why? Why do you have to care so much about me and leave me Lin Tian?

The sky thundered and rain poured, Bibi dong looked at her disciple shivering and covered him with a quilt. She grabbed his arm and kissed it and before rubbing the plan against her cheek.

She looked at Lu Yan with nostalgia. A person with similar appearance and martial souls once became a part of her life and she shunned away him with the false infatuation on another person. The man seen through the two person's she trsuted and gave her an advice.

But she just beat him up and left him. Until she found her teacher's deeds and saw how he is planning take over her body. But it's too late, she is trapped in the room and was forced by her own teacher. The man she thought she is in love with called her dirty and abandoned her for his self esteem and even said he only approached her with the motive to gather his thoery and evolve his martial soul.

She wanted to be free from her bounds. That's when a chance appeared her teacher is injured and she tried to fight him. When she is going to lose he came and burned his cultivation he painstakingly raised for all the years for her.

But she under her martial soul influence soul devouring spider stabbed her teacher along with the man. That's when she realised whi she really lived. Since childhood she is with the man and the affection on yu xiaogang is just an infatuation.

When he is dying in her arms, her dress is filled with his blood dripping from the large hole she made in his chest. He caressed her cheek and rubbed her tears away before telling her to be happy. She hugged him and before they can share their first love he died in her arms, reduced to ashes by her second Martial soul's evil power.

She didn't come out of it even in the next few weeks. Fearing she'll go mad they locked some of her memories until the lock broke when she met Lu Yan. The picture of her bloodied hands and clothes hy her beloved man is still playing in her mind. Tears streamed down her face. She glanced at Lu Yan and hugged him dearly.