
first spirit ring

The journey continued with Bibi dong occasionally teasing him as Yan sometimes can't help but look at Bibi dong and blush at her teasing smile. She is the most beautiful woman he saw in both lives. Maybe due to being a child his mentality is somewhat affected by his age too.

Bibi dong on the other hand has her mind raced in a road of big up and downs in this journey. She don't know why but she felt more attached to Yan, because he resembles her lover or maybe due to his words that made her realise something.

Her bastard teacher or not, this world in any place would've used her as a breeding tool. And spirit hall isn't the fault here. It's the mentality of people. She decided to make a decision to help woman like that from now on and also abandon her plans to eliminate the seraphim family in this journey after much thought.

It's only Qian Xunji who is responsible and she killed him. Though she found it very difficult accept Qian Renxue. Her thoughts are in a turmoil and she also slept while thinking about her daughter.

Unknowingly she leaned on Yan's lap which made him flinch again. But he didn't disturb her and let her sleep. He is looking at her with a dazed expression. Such a magnificent beauty struck down by the protagonist Tang San. He don't want her to die like that.

Yan touched smooth hair and the skin is very soft. He retracted his hands feeling it's a sin to disturb such a beautiful woman in sleep. Yan shook his head to get the messy thoughts away.

He kept looking at her until the cardaige stopped after a few hours and a voice appeared outside," Your majesty we're arrived at the star dou forest", Bibi dong woke up and looked at the place she is in.

She blushed for a second before looking at Yan. The little boy also looked after her dazed and snapped out of it when she giggled. Yan looked away while Bibi dong said," Sorry Lu Yan. It's been days since slept peacefully. Are you okay? ".

Yan just nodded while emitting soul power on his knees and legs to lessen the pain and slowly recovered in a few seconds. He didn't even feel pain when looking at her. Bibi dong and Yan get out of the carraige.

Ghost and chrysanthemum are following her to make sure nothing unexpected happens. Bibi dong looked at him and asked," What kind of soul beast do you want and what age? ", Lu Yan looked at her and asked," Teacher, I want to hunt a wind type beast for my first soul ring and I want a thousand year soul beast".

Bibi dong is shocked and looked at him then said with loud voice," You guy, do you know what you're talking about? Thousand years as first ring? Do you want to die? ", she yelled at him until Yan said," Teacher please trust me. I have a way to temporarily increase my physical strength using medicine and acupuncture. Please let me do it. If there anything wrong you can take action and i promise if I fail I'll never disobey your words".

Lu Yan knew this method through the system that assisted him in creating this after mang failed simulations. Almost he died 2000 times in simulation to create a method like this. He needs to block few meridians and stimulate a few them open the pores on his upper body only in order for him to successfully deviate the extra energy into the closed meridians in order strengthen his body and the meridians too.

This is a very risky process but a 100% success rate if you can endure the pain. Bibi dong held her head. Her new disciple is really a headache for her. In carraige he made her mind race and now made her heart tense.

Bibi dong glared at him and spoke," Fine, if you can't absorb the soul ring not only will you apologize to me later but you also need to obey my every order no matter what it is. Do you wanna bet now after knowing the conditions? ".