
Douluo Dalu: Legend of the Cat Douluo

Mao Xingyun has been a loner since he's a kid and it's not because he wants it but because people who got close to him suffers from bad luck, even his parents don't like him and tries to stay as far away as possible from him the closest he got to them was when he's still a newborn. Everyone who knew his complications tries to stay as far away from him, except for his cat Blacky who since the time he got him, never left his side. He never had a friend or even a girlfriend, basically he's alone so when his cat died of old age he also followed him to the afterlife.

dreammyyy · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 17 - Poor Mao Li and Finally Entered Shrek

Flender who is currently watching Zhao Wuji right now is actually pretty amazed by the teamwork of the two kids and their cat, they seemed like they've practiced their teamwork for a long time now enough for them to have a mutual understanding with each other, they never talked with each other since the start of the fight! Yet they never had a mishap in their strategy, their teamwork just developed to the point that they didn't even need to look at each other for them to know what they needed to do for Zhao Wuji to never recover from their encirclement.

Flender saw only one important flaw in their teamwork, and that is their lack of experience in battling people who wouldn't hold back any of their strength just to be played with by the three. In Flender's opinion, this is very important because if the trio used the tactic they are using now, which is angering someone to death while exhausting them to slowly kill them, they might be in deep shit, and it's because spirit masters are very prideful people and they wouldn't tolerate someone who would step on their pride and disregard their strength.

So they would do everything to kill the siblings in their power before the siblings even get to utilize their strategy, unlike Zhao Wuji right now who even though he's so mad of all the taunts Xingyun threw at him, he still forced himself to hold back his strength to not injure the two youngsters.

Flender sees potential in the two sibling's strategy but he also knew that if he didn't fix it, it wouldn't be impossible for them to offend someone who they don't wanna offend and end their life. He decided that, the moment the siblings entered his academy this is one of the things he will first point out and fix.

While Flender is already planning on what he wanna do to the twins once they entered the school, Zhao Wuji finally snapped and used his third spirit ring to increase the gravity around him, which immediately made Xingyun and Blacky stop in their tracks, as if they couldn't take the pressure that Zhao Wuji released, while Bao'er who was outside of the range, felt pity on Zhao Wuji because she can already anticipate what will happen next.

"HAHAHA! What now kid? I dare you to say I'm weak again", Zhao Wuji felt good that he can finally retaliate and taunt Xingyun too because, well.. because he can, like who wouldn't take the opportunity to taunt someone who they felt infuriated with, so he took his time closing in on Xingyun while his face literally showed arrogance, and when he finally reached Xingyun he is smirking at Xingyun while his fist is already aiming for Xingyun's face, but before he could hit him, Xingyun vanished and he felt a poke on his back, which dumbfounded him, but before he could react further, another scratch landed on his face again and he was sent flying a couple meters by a very hot fiery punch to his stomach.

"HAHAHAHA! Old man if you really think this weak gravity can restrict our movements, your wrong! We've treated gravity increase as only training our whole lives! And this weak gravity cannot even matchup to how much gravity pressure we can endure as of now", Xingyun mocked Zhao Wuji's control of gravity, which made Zhao Wuji's anger flare up again.

Actually, one of the reasons the siblings' physique improved rapidly is because their uncle, Mao Li and their grandpa, Mao Chen also have gravity related spirit skills and the siblings utilized this for their training to progress more rapidlt. They totally didn't blackmail their uncle to use his spirit skills all day every day and treated him as a gravity field training device, ehem, their uncle TOTALLY agreed to help his nephew and niece to improve their training regimen and is not against it at all.

Back to the fight, Zhao Wuji who was infuriated beyond belief threatened the two, "If I were you, I'd totally stop angering me more, because you would feel my wrath, and I wouldn't stop until I beat you so much that you wouldn't get up of your bed for a month".

"Ooh, scaryyyy... coming from the old man who we've played with this entire fight, yeah I'm totally scared...", Xingyun didn't fear whatever the consequences of his taunting was, he was sure that he could dodge all of it, whatever Zhao Wuji might have up his sleeves.

This blatant disrespect finally broke Zhao Wuji's patience and he used his 5th and 7th spirit skills, the two siblings heard a very pressuring sound wave hit them and this slightly dumbfounded them, because this pressure already reached their uncle's capabilities, fortunately they've long been able to endure pressure as strong as this, this fact actually made their uncle wept in joy, he is finally freed from the two's exploitation.

While the siblings were still shocked, Zhao Wuji already transformed to a majestic bear and he reached a height of 5 meters. When Xingyun saw this, his expression became solemn, even though he knew that he can still dodge all of Zhao Wuji's attacks easily, he never felt malice as much as Zhao Wuji's glare is giving him right now, and this actually frightened him a bit, in their clan, no matter how infuriated he made his sparring partners there, they never dared to look at Xingyun with eyes that is literally showing endless anger. Bao'er however as always still have the guts to directly stare at Zhao Wuji's anger and her intent to battle skyrocketed, she felt excited that she got to fight someone who she can't beat right now, fighting people stronger than her always excites Bao'er.

At this moment however, Bao'er's excitement was cut short, Flender got between Zhao Wuji and the two kid's fight and stopped it, "One minute has long passed, congratulations Xingyun and Bao'er, I welcome you to Shrek!", this statement from Flender actually didn't excite Bao'er, but made her disappointed, 'the real fight is just starting why did he have to cut it short?', she thought then stared at Flender, as if he took away something important from her and she wanted to get it back no matter what.

Bao'er's stare actually made Flender sweat, 'Did this kid actually want to get beaten by Zhao Wuji?' is what he thought. Zhao Wuji is also a bit angry that Flender cut the fight short when he's just about to get his revenge, but when he realized how petty he was being, he soon calmed down.

"Kids, welcome to Shrek I will make sure that your time here will be really GREAT", Zhao Wuji said while looking intently at Xingyun, which made Xingyun shiver.

"C'mon I'll bring you two to meet your seniors", Flender cut in at this moment and brought the siblings away and led them back to where the residences were.


(author's note: I miscalculated how long this chapter is, I actually intended to add the scene where the siblings met Dai Mubai, Oscar and Ma Hongjun here but the chapter is just too long(for me) at this point that adding it would exceed my usual word count, which is 1000-1500 words per chapter, so I guess the revealing of the reason why mc fears Bao'er when she's angry will be pushed to next or the next next chapter. Anyways, thanks for all your continuous support on me and my story)