
Douluo Dalu: legend of Evil Phoenix

Tags: Netori, Anti-hero, No-licking, Power hungry Joey a young retired army officer due an injury. After that he became a nerd daily watching anime, playing video games and reading novels. But he unexpectedly reincarnated in Soul land that he read the novel. Note: Sorry if this triggers some Tang San Fans, I am warning don't read then if there is any suggestions and grammatical mistakes comment it.

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9 Chs

Chapter 6- An unexpected invitation

Heaven Dou Empire,

In Heaven Dou city a beautiful cart was moving in the rustling street road and it has the logo of Blue Tyrant Academy.

Inside the cart, Ma Hongjun and his charming Master were sitting together. But an unexpected situation happened that his master asked him to sit in her lap, at first he was dumbfounded by her sudden words. But he didn't hesitate, sat on her soft thighs, and stayed silent while enjoying the sensation.

"What happened Hongjun, why are you silent that's not like you" asked Liu Erlong with concern.

"I am alright Master, just shocked that I am sitting in this Divine Lap of my beautiful master" said he as she flickered his forehead with an annoying look.

"Ouch!" he slightly rubbed his forehead, then lean his head on her soft breasts. The soft sensation was wonderful as he directly went to heaven paradise.

"Master I still wonder why didn't you ask about the second spirit I deliberately showed you my second spirit when we met the first time at Starling Academy" asked Ma Hongjun suddenly as he wanted to know why she didn't ask him.

"Oh!" Liu Erlong said as she stroked his crimson hair, "You are saying about your second spirit- Spirit Eyes because It's not my department where I love to solve problems with my fists so it's not suitable for me to teach you with Spirit Eyes however first, you focus on Phoenix spirit then we will discuss it later".

"And don't dare to attach a spirit ring to your Spirit Eyes" she said with a serious tone as he nodded his head.

Now the cart was moving in the direction of Northeast Heaven Dou City where the place was the Market center to all the Heaven Dou Empire as every business took place here.

The cart stopped at an old blacksmith shop, when Ma Hongjun got down from the cart he heard metal beating sounds in rhythm, and felt the heat of the flames on his face when he reached the door of the shop. He saw a group of strong muscle builders beating the red-hotted metal with hammers.

"Don't tell me Master you gonna join me here" said Ma Hongjun while looking at his master suspiciously.

"Stop talking, I understood you are lacking a weapon and my special gift is the essence tool" said Liu Erlong as she held his hand and went inside the shop.

"You came!" said an old man as he stopped hammering the hot metal. He then pointed his finger to a wooden box at a table, Liu Erlong took that box and handed it over to her disciple.

"Open it"

He opened the box and saw a bracelet with four purple diamond-shaped Crystals embedded in it. He wore it to his left hand and he could feel four cubic spaces when he used his spirit power on the bracelet where any non-living things could be stored.

"Thank You master" said Ma Hongjun as he hugged her thighs. Liu Erlong smiled but her smile was a little strange as she gently patted his back.

'What was that now maybe I am working too much' thought The old man when he saw Liu Erlong's smiling face which changed in seconds to a normal smile face.

"Ok boy what type of weapon do you want" asked the old man.

"I want two blades and for their design, I will show you another day, Master can I come here in my free time" said Ma Hongjun as she thought for a while and allowed him to visit this blacksmith shop.

Both returned academy, Ma Hongjun went to his room and took out two thick books which he borrowed from the owner of the Blacksmith as it has detailed history of ores in Douluo Continent.

"Many ores are scarce and low in quantity available especially space-type ores are rare and I have to draw the design for my weapon" said as he started a sketch model for his weapon.

A few months later,

At the top of a certain mountain Ma Hongjun cross-legged facing the sunrise and absorbed the Purple Qi.

"Purple Demon Eyes still in the Detailed stage, for a breakthrough, it will be difficult but only if I use Full moon wearing autumn dew immortal herd, and this will help me a breakthrough to spirit Abyss realm spiritual power," said Ma Hongjun while frowning as he felt his process was slow but he couldn't do anything but wait for a chance as he just imagining if he absorbed the Neidan as his second spirit ring would be wonderful but it was a dream.

"Clam down, don't be in hurry there is still time I have to make a plan and slowly get everything into my grasp" said Ma Hongjun as he remembered Feng Goddess who knew everything about him which made his heart uneasy, next time he wouldn't let this happen and be prepared for countermeasures.

At the same time at the Principle office, Liu Erlong sat on a chair while looking at the man who wore a flowing flower robe in front of her. There was killing intent in her eyes that she couldn't wait to kill him but was restrained herself because he was a Super Douluo.

"I think Spirit Hall is crossing the line using their powers but never bother about the consequences when messing with me" said Liu Erlong with a smile as there was huge anger in it that could burst at any time.

"Ara~Why so angry miss Liu Erlong, but do you think you face our Supreme Pontiff" he said playfully in a feminine voice as if he didn't even care about her which irritated Liu Erlong and his voice was more pleasant than hers making it even worse.

"But why does Supreme Pontiff want my disciple to Spirit Hall?" asked Liu Erlong as he gave her a letter where there was a logo that represents Supreme Pontiff's letter.

She took and read the matter on the paper as she understood that they found out his disciple's talent because Spirit Hall took the details of children when they awaken the spirits. Fell into the thought to accept the invitation from Spirit Hall.

'What I should do, she is the only person who has twin spirits and if I tell her about Hongjun's twin spirits this will also lead Hongjun into a dangerous situation but I can't waste my disciple talent' thought Liu Erlong as Yue Guan was frowning with dissatisfaction.

'Why Lord wants to take time in this matter as we just take that brat who will stop our Spirit Hall and we also give many benefits to him if he proves his strength' thought Yue Guan as he was sent by Supreme Pontiff which made him dumbfounded because there was no need for a Super Douluo to do this and didn't understand the Supreme Pontiff.

"Can you wait for a few days I want to ask my Hon...Disciple in this matter and I am also coming to Spirit Hall as I can't let my disciple go there in a single" said Liu Erlong as she wrote a letter and put a stamp of the Blue Lighting Tyrant Dragon clan logo.

He was in shock to see that Logo and he couldn't underestimate the power of the Blue Lighting Tyrant Dragon clan as he took it with a solemn look.

He stood up while looking at Liu Erlong deeply and she looked at him calmly with no fear and get out from the Academy.


Ma Hongjun -

Spirit power: Level 12

Spiritual power: Spirit origin realm spiritual power

Mystic Purple Skill: 200 times

Physical level: level 2