
Douluo Dalu: King's journey

Follow Chen Jin's journey to the top, as he tries to change the system, one step at a time, no matter how long it may take him to accomplish his goals...

ChenXian · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 7 Martial soul and New skill

Chen Jin was nearly vibrating with anticipation, he might have gotten his martial soul yesterday, but it was now that he was going to actually use and test it.

He knew that he needn't be so exited, after all, his martial spirit was his whole body, even thinking with his feet he could guess what it did after all. It didn't change the fact that it was something totally new, therefore the excitement.

He walked to the center of the small clearing, a smile tugging at his lips, and willed is spirit to come out (which he thought a bit weird, it was is body, shouldn't it always be there? Thoughts for another time).

The difference was instantaneous. The first thing that came to mind was that it enhanced all his senses, he ignored it right away, he already knew that after all. So he closed his eyes and focused.

He wanted to do a small test, he knew that it enhanced all his physical senses, sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste (he was tasting his breakfast for the second time today), even his perception of the world around him improved, where before he could only get a vague sense of things around him, as if his mind was telling him, yes, that's there, now he could practically see all around himself.

But there were more senses. The sense of balance, of space (also known as spatial awareness), of time, even instincts could be considered a sense, were those boosted too?

Besides that, whitout goind into the more raw parts of it, like strength and speed, he also didn't know by how much it improved his coordination and flexibility.

He knew that his perception of spiritual energy was improved, he could feel it all around him better than when he was meditating after all, so there should be no reason for those to not be increased after all.

How to ascertain that was the problem. Sense of space could be ignored, now that he thought about it, he can feel everything around him, that should be a manifestation of that one.

Chen Jin doesn't really know how to test the others though, but he doesn't mind, he has time.

He decided to skip them, sooner or later he will know.

Around sixty percent. That was how great of an improvement his spirit gave him. At least in the things he could easily make an approximation, he figured that the others were the same.

Chen Jin was rather surprised, he was expecting something around twenty or so percent, it was an all around boost after all. He's not certain that this is normal, it seems a fair bit higher than what he thought it would be at first. Or maybe he was just underestimating spirit masters, that was also a possibility, even if unlikely.

Another thing that he noticed during these short test was that his spirit also rased the rate at which he improved, he noticed that when he was testing his reflexes, the difference was nearly negligible from the beginning of the test to the end, almost non-existent, but the fact that it was there at all said everything that was needed.

Chen Jin was extasic, a bit shocked too, improved growth rate was an amazing thing, no matter how small, and he was determined to make the most of it.

His goal to be able to do whatever he wanted, be it travelling around, or settling down somewhere, he wanted to be able to peacefully do as he liked.

Strength was necessary for that with what the Spirit Hall had planned for the future.

This was going to help tremendously.

Even hungry as he was, he had skipped lunch after all, Chen Jin couldn't stop smiling as he went home for the day.

A month went by, and Chen Jin had changed training places, he was a bit deeper in the forest now, his training had become a lot noisier and he didn't want anybody to notice.

A week and a half before he had stumbled upon what if you squinted your eyes and turned your head just right, could be called a self created spirit skill. He had felt satisfied with the speed with which he could move his spirit power inside his body for now, and decided to change it up a bit, just sitting still and moving it from one place to another, dantian to hand or legs and switching it up randomly, was getting rather dry.

He decided to try to make his spirit power come outside his body.

But he didn't go about it how anyone with the smallest shred of sanity would, slowly. Chen Jin decided to burst it out as hard and as fast as he possibly could from his right palm.

He would rather not have confirmed that yes, his regeneration speed was also boosted.

After he stopped rolling around on the ground and the pain passed he did admit that that might not have been the brightest of ideas. Not all were bad news though.

As one of his objectives was to see what would happen, he had thought it a good idea to have his palm touching a tree as he did it, one of the two very obvious reasons why he was injured, now, as he looked up, he could see that he wasn't the only one hurt.

Bai Huo had not been very happy, and looking back, 'I tripped' hadn't been the best of excuses.

Fortunately he wasn't that injured, he was just unused to pain. And enhanced senses weren't all good things, one of his recent discoveries. He was a bit more picky with food, and his clothes were a murder on his skin, something that he unfortunately had to get used to.

After his (minor) wound healed, he decided to change training places, what he hoped would become his new skill made a rather loud sound, and he didn't want anybody to hear it.

Now he just needed to figure out how not to hurt himself.

It was harder than I thought to get this one out, I have a great part of the story planned, but it seems the words sometimes elude me.

This skill was based, (read copied), on one from a rather popular work, I wonder if anyone can guess it?

ChenXiancreators' thoughts