
Douluo Dalu: King's journey

Follow Chen Jin's journey to the top, as he tries to change the system, one step at a time, no matter how long it may take him to accomplish his goals...

ChenXian · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 1 New beginning

Being in the womb was weird, not in a bad way, but weird all the same.

He (he sure hoped that was still the right pronoun, otherwise he wouldn't know how to feel) was too comfortable, especially since he couldn't feel or hear anything, he thought it was the sixth time he was awake, but he was probably wrong, he wasn't even certain when he feel asleep sometimes.

He was in a weird state between 'i will never leave this place' and 'I'm bored, take me out' he hoped the second happened, otherwise the weird state would never stop, and...

He could feel something.

It was on the end of is awareness, which was weird, senses don't quite work like that, you don't just suddenly feel something outside your body.

It looked (and wasn't that weird, how do you feel something and know how it looks?) like a ginormous light, like reaaaally big, so big that if you used your eyes you would have to walk quite a while backwards to see it fully. It was moving slowly.

He fell asleep.

He was a bit annoyed about that, amused too, but mostly annoyed, he couldn't feel the dot anymore, maybe he would feel (see?) it again.

There it was, two now, actually, they were a bit smaller. What was that?

Maybe he was in a magic or cultivation world and that is somekind of energy?

The being did say 'void between worlds', if different worlds exist, and as his mere existence right now proves that reincarnation is a thing, fantasy worlds aren't too much of a stretch. Never thought that energy would be bigger than a skyscraper though.

Six lights now. They were definetly smaller.

Maybe he could, he didn't know, will them closer or something?

He didn't manage to will them closer. He did manage to will himself to sleep though, so props for that.

The lights were still there, eight now, smaller still, he had nothing better to do, so might as well try again.

There were a lot more now. He didn't know how much time had passed, he fell asleep quite a few times and didn't know for how long each time, but safe to say that at least a few days.

The number of lights (should he be calling them lights? Suns?) had been steadily rising as time passed, getting smaller too. He didn't know if that was because there were more of if he was simply starting to feel them better. If he had money he would put his on the second option, it just seemed more likely.

He thought he had managed to will one closer, but he wasn't sure, they moved rather erratically after all, and when he lost focus it still moved in his direction for a bit before changing. But well, it seemed like he made progress? It Had happened more than once after all.

He thought he could feel something now.

Not like that weird awareness thing, but truly feel something. It felt... Wet, kind of. And he couldn't count the number of lights now, there were too many and they were always moving. They were a lot closer now too, a few swirled around were he was. The weren't big before, he discovered a while ago, he was just having a stupid moment. He was the small one, they were now a fair bit smaller than he was, or he was a fair bit bigger than they were.

Now that he knows that, he could guess that he still had quite a while before being born. At least he had something to do now.

He had good news and bad news.

The good news as that he found a different kind of light, dot now, they are rather small, it felt... Freer? and he could actually attract that one, he fell asleep before it could reach him though.

The bad news are that he wasn't actually using his new body to feel, before, he wasn't fully in sync, the body being a bunch of cells. He was now, and he is sleeping a lot longer, and is falling asleep way more easily, especially if he tried to will a dot closer, it tired him out. It was not instant, but it wasn't that far. That meant that he had a lot less time to try to attract dots, which was horrible since he had the feeling that he Had to attract as many as he possibly could. It seemed important.

He found another 'free' dot. This one was close enough that he should be able to make it touch him before falling asleep from exhaustion. It touched him.

A while had passed, he wasn't sure how much but probably more than two months, maybe more three.

It seemed that merging with the dots helped his growth, it did not make it faster, just better.

He tired a more slowly, could feel better be it touch or the awareness thing, he was fairly certain that he could hear something and it was easier to attract dots, its a pity that free dots were so few.

He definetly heard voices now, he couldn't understand them, but he could hear them.

He could kick now. Neat.

He could now feel his mother, like, with his awareness ( more like sense? Yes, sense) she was just... there, his senses seem to have graduated from just energy to things and beings now, not that he can sense much, he was certain that he could only sense her because she is all around him (he could say that it was because he was inside her, but that felt weird... And just... No), but it was a great improvement.

Sometimes he also got a weird feeling when he heard someone talk, he didn't understand it, but he just knew if they were talking to him.

He was big now. Well. Baby big. Still a hell of a lot bigger than he was before, probably not much more time until he was born.

It occurred to him now, but the less free energy his probably his mother's.

It was to day, he knew it.

He did his best to absorb the dots (particles now), and it showed, he was almost certain that no matter the world he was in it wasn't normal to sense everything around him for about two meters. He did his best, and that is enough.

As he fell asleep he wondered if he would like is new family just as much as he liked his first.

Hello there.

It was a slow chapter, the MC wasn't even born yet, but it was important, being conscious in the womb was just as important if not more than the increase in his comprehensive ability. It heavily increased his talent.

Even in canon, soul masters developed a lot faster physically and almost definitely mentally, he has been absorbing spiritual energy as he grew, and that changed him, how exactly, will be said in the next chapter.


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