
Douluo Dalu: King's journey

Follow Chen Jin's journey to the top, as he tries to change the system, one step at a time, no matter how long it may take him to accomplish his goals...

ChenXian · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 0 A new start


That was all he could perceive, he was fairly certain that he currently lacked the necessary equipment to actually see after all.

He had thought about death and what comes after before, he did have his fair share of neet tendencies, despite not actually being one, and unfortunately, this one option was the one which scared him the most.

Perhaps that was the reason for which he was actually rather thankful for his newfound lack of emotions, not panicking about waking up dead (wouldn't that be rather amusing if he could actually feel something, waking up dead) was another.

He could start overthinking and play 21 questions with himself, but the white dot that suddenly appeared would suggest that his doubts would (probably) be answered soon.

"Welcome, to the void between worlds young soul"

"... Nice to be here, I guess" huh, it seems that the blockage on is emotions wasn't as thorough as he thought at first, he was feeling rather uncertain at the moment.

"It is normal to be uncertain under your circumstances, so, before you start to ask, I will answer some of the more common doubts you might have, and then we will talk"

That... Seemed that it might help actually, a better option than interrupting the unknown, probably all-powerful entity, no matter how much it sounds like a kind (but strong) old man ( stereotypical as that may be), for certain.

"Firstly, as you already know, you are unfortunately dead, you passed peacefully in your sleep" the voice paused, probably to let any stray thoughts get out of the way before continuing.

Not much different from what he was already expecting, it was either sudden death in the middle of the night or somekind of accident, he would probably remember if his own death had been violent.

"Secondly, it is quite common for souls to find themselves here, it shouldn't happen, no, it shouldn't, out of the normal, yes, it is, special, no, it isn't. The only thing different is that the majority pass through here while asleep. It is my job to see if I can send you back to your own cycle, to your own world, or if I need to send you to another, for whichever reason it may be. The vast majority of souls, around 99.98% go back to their own world, of course, with the sheer amount that find their way here, there are still quite a few that end up having no way to return, you yourself are one of them".

Did that meant that he was going to be re...

"You get no wishes, you get no choice, you do get a minor boon and a minor request. For the same reason that I cannot send you back, I cannot erase your memories. When you freed yourself from the cycle your soul changed, it is not more powerful, just different, and extremely resistant to outside negative changes or scrying, I am not a god, neither am I all powerful, just a kind of instinct that seeks to send you to somewhere you can belong, even the boon you will receive is a gift from whichever world you end up joining, something like a welcome gift"

The voice seemed a bit... Tired? In this part, he could see why actually, that cut quite a few of the questions that he had, so he? had probably been interrupted quite a few times and heard more that a few entitled idiots asking unreasonable things, at the beginning too, now that he thought about it.

The being? (he still did not know what to call him/it) did not seem as if he had much more to say.

"Lastly, as I already said, you get no choice, you cannot choose where you are going, your destination will be something that resonates with you, whether that be someplace that particularly agrees with you, or somewhere you think of with a certain degree of fondness, you will find yourself in a womb, half awake half asleep, working more on instinct than thoughts, you will not be conscious for your birth, and it will be your life, not someone else's, you will not be possessing or taking over a child. You might choose your boon, and ask any reasonable questions if you still have them"

He only really had two questions now besides the boon and the request, that was probably what happened after doing something an uncountable number of times, you get rather good at it.

"My family, how are they? And my emotions, will they remain like this or will they go back to normal"

"They grieved, but eventually they moved on, you were always remembered, you might have been largely unmotivated, and wasted a great part of your potential as a result, you also had difficulties putting your emotions to words, or being in large groups, but you weren't rude, and you were kind, they always remembered."

" You're emotions will go back to normal after you leave, but even if you broke free the cycle still did leave its mark, you will find that you're emotions of your past life are toned down, they happened, they made you, but they are also the past, do not think wrongly of yourself for not grieving, you just won't find yourself capable of getting lost in it, even if you wanted it"

'The past is the past huh... That seemed like a nice way to start a new life...

Farewell... I would like to say goodbye in person, and say I love you one last time, but such is life...' the sadness did come, but it was light, it was mixed with the excitement for is new life in a bittersweet feeling.

He waited a for the feeling to go before asking for his boon.' Now that I think about it I do not actually know what exactly counts as a 'minor boon'. It seemed that he had more than two questions after all

"What counts as a minor boon, exactly"

"Any kind of enhancement, do pay attention to what you say, there are no second chances"

'It seems like there's a story there' he thought amused' he could somewhat guess some reactions.

"My comprehension, that's my choice"

"And the request? You only have one, and it might be denied" The voice seemed calm, but also amused, as if it were remembering something.

"I take that like the boon, it is something minor, like with appearance and such?" It was probably a good ideia to ask first, he only had one after all

"It is" There was definetly amusement there.

"I always wanted golden eyes. And white hair, two of my favorite colours, I don't know if that counts as one request though"

"Farewell, and good luck in your new life young one"

It didn't look like he would know if it counted as one request without seeing for himself, but it didn't matter, it wasn't important.

This was the start to a new chapter in his life.

Hello there

Thank you all for reading

As y'all might have seen I haven't said the MCs previous name, that's because it wasn't relevant

I also didn't say is age or described is personality. That was somewhat more important, but there are less holes this way, and it won't be (as) creepy if for some reason I try my hand at romance


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