
Chapter 6:

Lin Tian quickly returned to his house, closing the doors and window finally he sits down to start to relax his body, his back is drenched with cold sweat and his arm is sore from swinging the hammer.

"Luckily Uncle Tang Hao doesn't seem to care when he saw me using the Chaotic cloak hammer technique" stealing the Chaotic cloak hammer is a bet of death and life for Lin Tian.

After all, he just stole the technique of the Clear sky clan and if Tang Hao doesn't allow it he could be directly killed with a snap. With his current power against a titled douluo, he will not even able to take a stand for a second before he dies.

"Also why is it that I was able to copy this technique so easily ?"

After calming himself Lin Tian starts to analyze his condition, although he has a pretty good head after reincarnation Lin Tian still can't believe that he can steal the technique so easily. This technique has been around for hundreds of years and no one was able to copy it but now he has done it.

After thinking a while he knows what's different compared to usual.

"Could it be the drink from my martial spirit?"

after drinking from his Gourd previously he could feel that his head become clearer, it might be possible that the reason he could feel the 2 types of energy and easily take it because his drink increases his spiritual power or senses.

"I'll name my Martial Spirit 'Life Nurturing Gourd' for now, let's try using it again later when I challenge Tang San it might be possible to get some harvest from this."


Three days later.

In the morning Lin Tian has come to Tang San's house again to take his requested sword. As he expected Tang Hao is sleeping again just like normal.

"Brother Tian this is the Sword my father has made based on your request. He is sleeping right now so you should keep your voice down." Tang San took out the iron sword that Lin Tian requested.

The iron swords are double-edged with pitch-black color, not so glamorous, but it gave people a sharp feeling. Lin Tian liked it very much, and played with it in his hand, causing some whirring wind because of the strength he uses to swing it.

"Xiao San please say Thank You to Uncle Hao. I will definitely pay him Back in the future."

"I will convey it." Tang San said.

Lin Tian takes the iron sword with its sheath and left. When he finally left Tang Hao in the back room opened his eyes looking at the running back of Lin Tian, a flash of light flashed in his eyes and then he went back to sleep.

Lin Tian who was running suddenly feel like some beast was watching him but only for a moment. After the feeling is gone he didn't think too much of it and keep running, Lin Tian did not go back to his home but came to the mountain area near the village he is going to start training on how to use his sword.

His training method is very simple, that is to do the basic swords move of sword drawing, Piercing, Slicing, and Hacking, repeating these simple moves by hitting a tree to control his strength better, and of course to increase the familiarity with the iron sword.

Slash Clang Bang--

The sword keeps hitting the tree trunk, and the force of the rebound shook his arm making it numb. But He persevered hard, training until he could not hold the iron sword firmly before stopping to recover using his gourd and increasing his body strength once more.

Lin Tian is doing this training based on a novel he read in his previous life, it mentioned that to start becoming a swordsman you must be able to use all basic swords move fluently until you can feel that the sword is an extension of your body and can be moved as you will it.

Currently, Lin Tian didn't have any exquisite martial arts for learning sword other than this basic move, after all the novel in his previous world doesn't exactly explain how to use a powerful move or energy training method.

So Lin Tian can only filter up information he has in his head and got exactly these basic swords moves that he could use, although a bit too basic if he's able to keep training it to the highest level he should be able to reach the realm of man and sword as one with these simple moves.


Days pass by and finally, another 3 months have passed.

In addition to challenging Tang San in the morning, Lin Tian continued to do his sword training afterward.

When he started using his sword at first his movement is soo bad that he could miss swinging against a non-moving tree after being tired of swinging it for a while, but now after 3 months of training with the sword, Lin Tian could use the sword fluidly without missing hit even after hundreds of swinging and slashing.

In these 3 months, he is also exploiting his Life Nurturing Gourd to train his body and to try to steal Tang San's technique. The result is pretty good as of now Lin Tian able to copy and use the Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track.

When Tang San saw first saw Lin Tian use the Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track he was almost shocked to death and think that Lin Tian comes from the Tang sect as well. But in the end, Lin Tian just explains that he tried to copy his movement and simply use it.

Of course at first Tang San still didn't believe it after all Tang Sect moves are quite hidden and difficult to understand without guidance, then he tried testing by showing one of the basic moves of throwing hidden weapons. Of course, Lin Tian was able to copy it within 3 tries, the spiritual boost of Life Nurturing gourd was not a joke after all.

After seeing this Tang San finally believe Lin Tian able to copy move from seeing it, But Lin Tian is also incapable of using the technique to its full capacity because every Tang Sect technique must be used using Xuan Tian Gong as its core, so Tang just let it be after all he couldn't just kill Lin Tian because of his monstrous learning capability to learn Tang Sect's technique.

Lin Tian is very satisfied being able to use 70-80% capacity of Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, this technique is one of the best techniques to increase movement speed and could be used for a long time.

Soon Notting College enrollment is going to start and it is now time for Lin Tian to go for the enrollment.

It is worth mentioning that in the past three months, Lin Tian's body has rapid growth once again with the help of his Gourd, and now his body was almost comparable to a three-ringed Spirit Elder. This is a terrifying thing, after all, he hasn't got his first spirit ring yet. when Lin Tian was able to get the first spirit ring later he definitely will have a body comparable to a three-ringed Spirit Elder.

Village Chief Jack came to call Lin Tian and Tang San early in the morning to send them both to Notting College.

"Well Xiao San, Xiao Tian Let's go."

Bringing his iron sword in his back Lin Tian answered, "Ok grandpa."

Tang San was silent while looking back at his home.

"Well Xiao San let's go, we can still go back later when the college has its holiday later." Lin Tian consoled Tang San.

Hearing this Tang San finally nodded, Without further ado, the three of them start walking towards Notting City.

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