
Douluo Dalu II: Transmigrated as Huo Yuhao, Apprenticed to Yao Lao

Transcending into the era of the Peerless Tang Sect, Huo Yuhao emerges with unexpected advantages. Armed with the legendary Yao Lao's ring from the world of "Battle Through The Heavens," he initiates his journey by mastering the Flame Jue Technique. With his unique ability to cultivate both ice and fire elements, Huo Yuhao sets out to reshape the entire landscape of the Douluo Continent. Determined to break free from the shackles of the Tang Family's tyranny, he vows to rewrite the continent's history and defy the gods themselve! ... This is a Translation. Original Book: 斗罗:穿越霍雨浩,开局拜师药老 I don't own anything in this book; I'm just translating it for fun. All rights belong to their respective owners.

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Chapter 5: Secondary Awakening of the Main Body Martial Soul, Flame God's Eye!

"Kid, did you misunderstand something? The Yellow Rank Low-Level is the lowest level of martial arts. Why are you so happy?" Yao Lao said with a puzzled expression.

"Um," Huo Yuhao suddenly stiffened, realizing something very important.

"Um, teacher, what's strange about that martial art?" Huo Yuhao suddenly became quiet, frowning as he asked.

"It can evolve!" After a moment of silence, Elder Medicine smiled and said.

"Really?" Seeing Yao Lao's serious expression, Huo Yuhao asked again.

"Absolutely!" Yao Lao nodded firmly. "At least that's what it says in the introduction to the martial art."

"How does it evolve?" Huo Yuhao asked again.

In fact, he had an answer in his heart. The evolution of the Burning Technique relies on the fusion of different fires. But he wasn't on the Dou Qi Continent now; he was on the Douluo Continent. So where would he find different fires?

"The Burning Technique can indeed evolve, but its premise is the need for different fires as raw materials. Each evolution requires the consumption of a different fire!" Yao Lao's voice was slightly hoarse.

"What is a different fire?" Huo Yuhao asked. "As far as I know, no one in this world has seen so-called different fires."

Hearing Huo Yuhao's words, Elder Medicine nodded and slowly began to explain.

"In this vast world, there exist some heavenly fires, perhaps the flames carried by meteorites falling from the sky, or the magma deep in volcanoes that has been burning for thousands of years. These different fires are more powerful than flames catalyzed by one's own cultivation, but they are also extremely violent. It's rare to encounter them on ordinary days, and even if you do, it's extremely difficult to make them your own."

"And some powerful alchemists will also use these different fires to refine medicine. By using these different fires for alchemy, not only is the success rate much higher, but the medicines produced are also more potent than those refined with ordinary Dou Qi flames."

"I know what you're thinking. Although different fires are rare, if my guess is correct, every world should have different fires condensed from the origin of the world itself. In other words, this so-called Douluo Continent should also have its own unique different fires, but they have never been discovered or used by people."

At this moment, the Ice Silkworm, who had been a bystander in Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea, couldn't help but speak up.

"Yuhao, what he said is correct. I have indeed seen these so-called different fires."

"What? Brother Tianmeng, you've seen different fires?" Huo Yuhao asked in astonishment.

"That's right. When I was absorbing the Thousand Year Cold Marrow in that ice cave, I once saw a strange white flame. But at that time, I instinctively felt that the white flame was very dangerous, so I avoided it and went elsewhere to absorb the marrow."

"And during these years when I was trapped by those savage beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest, I also overheard some of their conversations. There is a fire attribute savage beast called the Crimson King in the Star Dou Great Forest. Its lair is a cave deep in the earth's core, and there is a core fire within the cave."

Huo Yuhao's heart was filled with joy at once. What he feared most was that there were no different fires in this world, which would make his cultivation of the Burning Technique completely meaningless.

But now, Brother Tianmeng easily provided him with the locations of two different fires, directly solving this problem for him.

He relayed everything Brother Tianmeng had said to Elder Medicine, causing Yao Lao to also show a pleased expression.

Knowing the locations of different fires, the next step would be to prepare the materials and fuse the different fires, saving a lot of time.

"But Yuhao, many alchemists have spent their entire lives searching for different fires, only to end up empty-handed. After all, to control different fires, you need to introduce the flames into your own body. And different fires are all violent and destructive substances. Even if it's Hundred Refinements Divine Iron, it can't withstand the burning of different fires, let alone the fragile human body."

"The most terrifying thing is that this technique requires devouring various different fires. Just one kind of different fire can torment a peerless expert to the brink of death, let alone if a person has two or even more different fires in their body. I can't even imagine what kind of scene that would be."

"This technique indeed has the ability to evolve, I absolutely didn't lie to you about that. However, the danger level is extremely high! According to my calculations, the success rate is less than twenty percent."

"But teacher, don't you have other cultivation techniques?" Huo Yuhao asked with a smile.

"Hehe..." Yao Lao touched his withered face, smiling awkwardly and somewhat embarrassedly, "Alright, I admit that I did encourage you a bit, but from my perspective, I really hope you can cultivate this Burning Technique."

"You should know that I am just a soul in my current state, right?" Yao Lao spread his hands and asked.

Huo Yuhao nodded at his words.

"My state, according to common sense, should be considered dead. However, due to the fact that my soul power is much stronger than an ordinary person's, I have managed to survive in this strange manner..." Yao Lao smiled self-deprecatingly, with a hint of bitterness in his smile.

"I don't like this illusory life, so I need to break free from this soul state."

"According to some obscure descriptions in the Burning Technique, if successfully cultivated, it seems that one can forge a body capable of housing a soul by using several mutually compatible different fires. By then, with the new body, I can also be considered reborn."

"I've endured so many years in the darkness of the ring, hoping that one day I could meet someone whose soul power meets the requirements. I'm lucky to have met you in the end."

Yao Lao looked at Huo Yuhao in front of him, smiled bitterly, and said, "Consider these words as the ramblings of an old man like me. Sigh, even though I said I wouldn't interfere with your choice, I still can't help but say more. It seems that I really am..."

Stretching out his withered palm, Yao Lao's hands shook slightly, and two somewhat illusory scrolls, one black and one red, appeared on his palm.

"The red scroll is a fire attribute Yellow Rank Low-Level martial art, and the black scroll is the Burning Technique..." Yao Lao smiled, raised his hand, and the slightly softened dry face had a hint of gentleness as he said softly, "You choose for yourself. Consider your own factors. Just remember, no matter how you choose, you're still my disciple, and I won't blame you for it."

Looking at the kind old man in front of him, a mist appeared in Huo Yuhao's eyes.

He could have deceived himself. He could have told himself that he only had the Burning Technique in his hands.

Although Huo Yuhao's ultimate choice would be the same, Yao Lao did give him the opportunity to choose.

From this moment on, Huo Yuhao truly acknowledged his teacher.

"To cultivate a path is to fight against the heavens. The heavens have unforeseen changes, and people have fortunes and misfortunes from day to day. No one can predict what will happen in the next second." Huo Yuhao spoke seriously at this moment.

"Rather die loudly than live in silence. My fate is controlled by me, not by the heavens! Teacher, I choose to cultivate the Burning Technique!"

"If I succeed in my future cultivation, I will bring you back to the world where you belong and help you make up for all your regrets."

A brilliant smile appeared on Huo Yuhao's still somewhat immature face as he reached out his hand. In Yao Lao's slightly reddened and moistened old eyes, he grabbed the black scroll.

As his palm touched the scroll, it turned into a stream of information that flowed straight into Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea.

"Good! My fate is controlled by me, not by the heavens!" Yao Lao couldn't help but dance with joy upon hearing these words, a look of joy appearing on his face.

Rubbing his reddened old eyes, he knew in his heart that Huo Yuhao would choose this dangerous technique, and there were several reasons for it.

Warmth surged in his heart, which was filled with years of vicissitudes. Sighing lowly to the sky, Yao Lao muttered, "Rest assured, I will definitely cultivate you into the most outstanding alchemist."

Huo Yuhao sat cross-legged on the ground, cultivating the Burning Technique and transforming his soul power. Meanwhile, Yao Lao sensed the burial place of the soul master who had fought against the hundred thousand-year soul beast with his keen soul perception.

For the Ice Silkworm, who had a lifespan of hundreds of thousands of years, what he referred to as "recently" was actually three thousand years ago.

If Huo Yuhao were to find the burial place of that expert by himself, he would probably not be able to find it even if he dug three feet into the ground.

But Yao Lao casually shattered the layer of soil above and found a purple crystal ring and a set of eerie white bones in the deep pit.

At this moment, Huo Yuhao also woke up. After cultivating the Burning Technique, Huo Yuhao seemed to be more energetic than before. On his delicate face, there was a slight radiance, making him look exceptionally handsome.

The colorless soul power in his meridians had now all transformed into a light yellow color. At this moment, the light yellow soul power seemed to be converging towards his eyes, causing a strange itching sensation in his eyes.

"Hey, Yuhao, the cultivation of this technique seems to have affected your Spirit Eyes Martial Soul. What's going on?" In his spiritual sea, the Ice Silkworm exclaimed in surprise.

Yao Lao also came to Huo Yuhao's side at this time. He stopped Huo Yuhao from trying to forcibly open his eyes and used his own soul perception to explore for a while, revealing a look of surprise.

"It seems that your martial soul has undergone some changes."

At this moment, Huo Yuhao only felt that the meridians all over his body were as hot as fire, and the hot flow converged at one point, rushing towards his eyes.

Finally, his eyes opened uncontrollably, and two blazing flames burst out of Huo Yuhao's eyes, extending more than a foot long. And his originally pitch-black eyes had turned into a fiery red color.

"Secondary awakening of the main body martial soul?" Huo Yuhao muttered to himself somewhat strangely. "The Spirit Eyes Martial Soul of the former owner, stimulated by the cultivation of the Burning Technique, has unexpectedly evolved again."

"In that case, let's call you the Flame God's Eye!"